Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons?

The initially stated aim of this bombing was to diminish Libyan civilian casualties. But many, senior figures in Washington, including President Obama, have indicated that the US is gearing up for a quite different war for regime change, one that may well be protracted and could also easily expand beyond Libya.1 If it does expand, the hope for a nonviolent transition to civilian government in Tunisia and Egypt and other Middle East nations experiencing political unrest, may be lost to a hard-edged militarization of government, especially in Egypt. All of us, not just Egyptians, have a major stake in seeing that that does not happen

G-20: Membership crisis may rock organization

Several countries whose economies either surpass or equal that of G-20 members have blasted the organization, challenging its legitimacy and accusing it for trying to divide the world into blocs that best fit the interests of the members, by unjustly excluding some major economies from gaining membership into the organization.

The women presidents of Latin America

Dilma Rousseff has just been elected President of Brazil, making her the country’s first female president. She is the latest woman in Latin America to take up the top job. Here is a profile of…

Shame to Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee

Awarding the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize to a person who is guilty of inciting subversion for constituted authority is nothing less than a deliberate attempt to destabilize the same authority to which Liu Xiaobo is guilty of working against.

Sons of Africa make America proud

“In our own unique way we are trying to give back to Africa, to our own continent — that’s what it’s all about, making a difference and making an impact.” Relayed by Manzie Vincent Doh…