Sovereign Default & Civil War at Home: Any Pretext Will Justify a War in Syria?

The United States steps into the new fiscal year without a budget approved by Congress. According to Government Accountability Office, the national debt has grown to record high $16, 7 trillion or 73% of GDP (it exceeded this level only in the days of WWII). The figure is much higher according to informal sources (independent researchers like, for instance, James Douglas «Jim» Hamilton, an American econometrician currently teaching at University of California, San Diego). If the debt ceiling is not raised urgently, then the US may step into a new financial crisis, as President Obama warned. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew told the congressmen in a letter the country may go bankrupt on October 17, the default may take place by the end of October – the middle of November when the money flows get exhausted as Douglas W. Elmendorf, the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, points out.

The Real Crisis Is Not The Government Shutdown

The inability of the media and politicians to focus on the real issues never ceases to amaze. The real crisis is not the “debt ceiling crisis.” The government shutdown is merely a result of the…

Vicious Beyond Imagination: US Endless Wars, Debt, Lies

vi·cious [vish-uhs] adjective. 1. addicted to or characterized by vice; grossly immoral; depraved; profligate. 2. given or readily disposed to evil. 3. reprehensible; blameworthy; wrong: a vicious deception. 4. spiteful; malicious: a vicious attack. 1% “leaders” in government, economics, and…

They Have No Idea Power Grab at the Fed

Are you ready for a good laugh? The head of the New York Fed wants Congress to grant the Central Bank extraordinary new powers to deal with future financial system emergencies like the bank run…

We Need to Take Back the Power of Issuing Money!

The Federal Reserve© ‘All rights reserved’ as Ben Bernanke would like to say.  **Read entire article inside Freedom Informant Network!**               First off, The Federal Reserve is not ‘federal’ at all, and THERE ARE NO RESERVES…