Top CIA Objective: Fracture Eurasian Bloc

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is known for being very crass and rude. However, he also has a way of openly stating what other billionaires are thinking, but are afraid to say out loud. In one of his earliest interviews, Trump stated a concern that is probably on the mind of many foreign policy analysts. He said: “You can’t have everybody hating you. The whole world hates us. One of the things that I heard for years and years, never drive Russia and China together, and Obama has done that.” It’s not only Donald Trump who has this concern. The Council on Foreign Relations, a Wall Street think tank that can otherwise be described as the CIA’s brain, has become obsessed with the issue. The latest issues of the CFR’s publication, Foreign Affairs, speak of the China-Russia alliance at length.

Missing 28 Pages: US Entering PANIC MODE

The missing 28-pages story on Saudi involvement in 9-11 is giving us a chance to rerun our blacked out stories on the Israeli-Saudi involvement with information that VT obtained from the investigators who had them under surveillance in Fort Lee, New Jersey last May 23rd. When we ran this material as part of our nuclear 9-11 series, which included the official Sandia Labs report on the World Trade Center buildings being brought down with mini-nuke mines placed in the basements, we were never challenged, nor did we receive one phone call from any official wanting to know more. They all turned into instant deaf mutes.

The Return of the Coup in Latin America

Venezuela and Brazil are the scenes of a new form of coup d’état that would set the continent’s political calendar back to its worst times. Meanwhile, in Argentina, the brutal model for the demolition of…


Soon after the impeachment motion against President Dilma Rousseff was approved in the Brazilian Congress by what I chose to call Hybrid War hyenas, President-in-Waiting Michel «Brutus» Temer, one of the coup’s articulators, dispatched a senator…