London Mayor’s Remark On Obama Signals SAD ENDING TO AMERICAN UNIPOLARITY

Boris Johnson’s ‘part-Kenyan’ portrait of President Obama [Note 1] may be forgotten soon but, as a widely anticipated successor to David Cameron as the next British prime minister, his slamming rejection to a friendly advice from Washington on ‘Brexit’ (withdrawal from the EU) has delivered a heavy-weight message to the world that the United States’ hegemony is about to end. In his book “Hegemony” which was awarded the Outstanding Academic Title 2005, Prof. John Agnew suggests that hegemony is not merely the capability of possessing unmatched military, economic and political power, but the “enrolment of others in the exercise of your power by convincing, cajoling, and coercing them that they should want what you want (Agnew 2005: p1-2).

Obama Knows 9/11 Was Linked to the Saudi

Saudi Arabia’s million barrel a day output, plus its strategic location in the Middle East, means the West must pay obeisance to the regional head-choppers Poor old Barack. Off he goes to Riyadh to talk to his so-called ally, Saudi Arabia. The Sunni Wahhabi kingdom long ago run out of patience with the US president, who befriended Shiite Iran and who failed to destroy the Alawite (read: Shiite) regime in Syria. So why is Obama even bothering coming to the Gulf? Does he have any friends left among the kings, emirs and princes of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the Emirates and Oman? Obama won’t be entering the Saudi lions’ den. The Saudis were never as brave as lions – which is why they let the decidedly unprincely Osama bin Laden lead the Arab legion in Afghanistan – but the little cubs now trying to run the country are very angry.

Fear and Loathing in the Arabian Nights

US President Barack Obama landed in Saudi Arabia for a GCC petrodollar summit and to proverbially “reassure Gulf allies” amidst the oiliest of storms. The Doha summit this past weekend that was supposed to enshrine…

Live from Damascus: Syrian Election Results

“Syria’s ruling Ba’ath Party and its allies have won the majority of the votes in the recent parliamentary elections in the country, official results show. The Syrian electoral commission announced late Saturday that the National…

Syrian Elections Confirm West’s Worst Fears

Despite Syria’s ongoing conflict, life in many parts of the nation goes on. Syria’s election schedule is no exception. The last parliamentary elections before the latest held this month were in 2012. Since these elections…

The US FAILS To Strangle Syrian Elections

We have heard almost nothing about the Syrian Parliamentary elections last week. It was not just the usual corporate media blackout, but an orgy of hate toward the undefeated Syrian people by the US coalition and an international news service that acts like an extension of Western Intelligence. But that came as no surprise, as this is the same media that has lied to us about the Syrian war from day one, so why would they stop lying at election time. I got a good dose of this back in June of 2014 at the presidential election, along with nine other American observers and three Canadians among the 35 total brought in as monitors to see what was happening on the ground. I was assigned to the group going up to Homs on election day where the jihadis had only recently been pushed out of the city limits. There were areas that looked like Beirut after the big Lebanese war, where buildings on the front lines looked like they had been used for gunnery range practice.