NATO’s Unconventional War Against Russia

NATO Suspends Cooperation with Russia over Ukraine and Crimea. The New NATO Doctrine: Conventional Strategic Pressure as Cover for Unconventional War.  NATO foreign ministers on Tuesday, agreed to suspend coöperation between Russia and NATO, and…

President Marudo: Venezuela, A Call for Peace

    CARACAS, Venezuela — THE recent protests in Venezuela have made international headlines. Much of the foreign media coverage has distorted the reality of my country and the facts surrounding the events. Venezuelans are…

The Federal Reserve Has No Integrity

As we documented in previous articles, the gold price is driven down in the paper futures market by naked short selling by the Fed’s dependent bullion banks. Some people have a hard time accepting this…

Fighting the Militarized State

The Barack Obama administration, determined to thwart the attempt by other plaintiffs and myself to have the courts void a law that permits the military to arrest U.S. citizens, strip them of due process and…