The 44-year-old sanitation worker Wang Guolan couldn’t eat or sleep well for more than ten days, because she lost her son’s cell phone that there are several sound recording of her son to her.
Wang is in tears all day. The mobile phone is not expensive, but very special for her, which is the spiritual pillar of her later life.
Her son is Dang Liming, died of leukemia on July 12, 2010, which is in the remaining 18 days of his 20th birthday. Son’s death is a fatal blow to her.
On February, 2010, Dang Liming watched TV shopping program advertising a mobile phone called “Hyundai”. Dang had never asked anything for his parents, but put forward to buy this phone.
At that time, his parents have 400,000 debts, but Wang finally meet her son’s meet.
After her son died, Wang found her son’ cell phone to leave several recording for her: “Mom, did you miss me? Hehe, you do. Right?” “Mom, don’t cry, I love you…….” Listening to these recordings, Wang’s heart is breaking.
A lot of netizens help Wang to find her son’s phone, even someone said, “if you give the phone back to the owner, I am willing to pay you to buy iphone4.”
Source: iyaxin.com
Translated and edited by Ma Xin
Ma Xin is an editor of M4.cn and can be reached at tomaxin@163.com.