Bioterrorism and New World Order: US Biological Warfare Programs: “Earth Unable to Sustain High Rates of Population Growth”

Part I

An outbreak of an obscure and fast-spreading decease – a pulmonary syndrome caused by hantavirus – was reported in the US Yosemite National Park. No specific cure for hantavirus being on record up to date, three people are already dead and around 8,000 guests are thought to be at risk of having contracted it during their stays in the park’s tent cabins in June-August.

According to USA Today and other sources, the threat actually hangs over 22,000 tourists including 2,500 foreign nationals from 40 countries, who visited the Yosemite National Park last summer. The disease is known to be rodent-born and, supposedly, can be passed from human to human.

The US health authorities estimate lethality due to hantavirus at 36%, which is considerably higher than the 2-3% for Spanish flue in the early XX century and marginally comparable to the 30-60% for plague absent any medical treatment…

Due to the long incubation period – two to four weeks after exposure – hantavirus tends to evade timely diagnosing, with the initial signs of illness being mostly flu-like and no specifically-targeted vaccine available. 

It may seem strange that the park administration neither closed the grounds following the September 1 fatality reports nor issued any warnings to alert potential visitors. In fact, at the moment the park is open and hosts thousands of travelers.

Questions arise in the context such as where the infected rodents could be from, whether there was any chance that hantavirus escaped from the US armed forces’ secret laboratories, and was the timing of the outbreak – shortly ahead of the US presidential elections – attributable to a mere coincidence.

While the origin of most viruses may be hard to track, quite a few are, by credible accounts, human-made. “Outbreak”, a 1995 American disaster film starring Dustin Hoffman, was based on a fictional story of a lethal virus originally discovered overseas and, much later, surfacing in the US, where, as it transpires, a design exists to use it in biological warfare.

The US army quarantines the town affected and ultimately intends to bomb it to cover up the weapons plan. The virus is then found to be passed around by a monkey illegally brought to the US from Africa, and the movie starts to inch towards a happy end.

In reality, the US used biological warfare for the first time in 1763 when British officers at the besieged Fort Pitt attempted to infect Native Americans with smallpox by giving Delawares’ representatives two blankets and a handkerchief from the smallpox ward “out of regard to them” after the Delawares pledged to renew their friendship.

An epidemic swept through Ohio as a result, killing numbers of unsuspecting natives.

The US took to serious research into biological warfare in 1943 at the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. In 1945, following the defeat of the Kwantung Army, the US got hold of Gen. Shiro Ishii and his notorious Unit 731, a biological and chemical warfare research facility which tested its deadly inventions on Soviet prisoners of war and others at a site near Harbin.

The war criminal was thus allowed to hide from the justice he deserved. Later, the Fort Detrick installation located in Frederick, Maryland, and run by the U.S. Army Medical Command, became the key center where the Pentagon polished its biological warfare capabilities. The same Shiro Ishii contributed seriously to its creation.

The US Army and the CIA cut a secret deal in May, 1952, obliging the Pentagon to share expertise in biological warfare with the spy agency and the latter – to assist in upgrading and testing the potential.

It became clear from the US Army documents which eventually saw the light of day that in February, 1956 the US intelligence community and the Special Operations Division (SOD) quartered in Fort Detrick pulled off an experiment code-named “Operation Big City” aimed at studying the impact of biological warfare in real-life urban settings.

Americans were exposed to harmful substances in the process without being notified of what was happening. 

In 1955, the CIA conducted a secret bacteriological experiment in Florida, spreading pertussis germs from containers disguised as bags and suitcases, the outcome being a whole epidemic.

In 1964-1965, Bacillus Subtilis, a substance from the biological warfare arsenal, was released in Chicago, San Francisco, and Washington at top-crowded locations like bus terminals and airports with the goal of exploring the patterns of disease spread across the US.

Similar experiments involving smallpox were performed later, but the information on them came into the spotlight as a result of the 1975 Congressional probe.

In 1970ies, the scope of biological warfare research in the US widened to include a Naval laboratory in Oakland, the Breeze Chemical Corp. with facilities in Pennsylvania, and a Pentagon laboratory near Baltimore.

Starting in the 1950ies, a large part of Fort Detrick’s experimentation on humans unfolded in South Africa, at the Louis Trichard chemical research and development facility.

It routinely emerged as the epicenter of cholera, typhoid, poliomyelitis, and bubonic plague outbreaks. Testing on humans also took place at the Oshakati concentration camp in north Namibia, where South Africa’s military exposed prisoners of war to viruses. 

The US Army reportedly used biological warfare against the North Korean forces and Chinese volunteers during the Korean war, but its own servicemen were occasionally affected – around 3,000 US soldiers were killed by the hantavirus alone over the three years of the conflict.

US Defense Secretary and business executive Robert Strange McNamara is seen as the chief ideologist behind the US biological warfare programs, his staple being that the Earth is unable to sustain the high rates of population growth.

University of California professor Antony Cyril Sutton claimed in his book “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones” that AIDS had been engineered in the US Army laboratories in the framework of a programmed backed financially by the US Congress, the objective being to implement the fanatical elite’s dream to eliminate a large part of the global population.

According to Sutton, the creation of the virus responsible for AIDS had been personally approved by McNamara. McNamara said in October, 1970 that the only two options to prevent the global population from reaching the 10 billion mark were to reduce the birth rate or to increase the mortality rate. It is explainable in this light why Africa and Haiti, two economically destitute regions, were the first to be hit by the AIDS epidemic.

In July, 1969, Dr. Donald MacArthur, a high-level Defense Department biological research administrator, told a group of US Congressmen that “within 5 to 10 years it would be possible to create a synthetic biological agent that would disable the human immune system”.

A record of the hearings was published in the late 1980ies and carried shocking revelations about the development of artificial pathogens in secret laboratories. 

The concept of trimming the world’s population with the help of lethal viruses is still popular in the ranks of the “global elite” these days. From time to time, its members bluntly reissue statements to the effect that only around 500 million people on Earth should survive, hinting at what may await the unsuccessful others.

No doubt, the policy is going to materialize in the form of armed conflicts, famine, and epidemic outbreaks. There are indications that the cultivation of novel viruses continues.

Two groups of researchers – one led by Ron Fouchier in Amsterdam and the other – by Yoshihiro Kawaoka from the University of Wisconsin–Madison – had synthesizes brands of the bird flu virus capable of getting transmitted via droplet contact.

The corresponding experiments being performed with rodents, the groups submitted papers to Science and Nature respectively, but the US National Security Board for Biosecurity asked the journals and the authors to refrain from having the research published.

The board’s head Paul Keim told the media that the potential of the H5N1 virus is too threatening to air the findings, says Reuters.

Keim warns that the lethality of the virus is around 50%, higher than in the case of the Spanish flu which took 40 million lives in 1918-1919. The board further stresses the peril that bioterrorists might attempt to gain access to the above two modifications of the bird flu virus.

Normally, the creation of a vaccine is coupled to the cultivation of a virus as biological warfare, but Keim mentioned no vaccine in the context, likely because the treatment is not supposed to be available to commoners.


Part II

In February 2009, Baxter, a pharmaceutical company headquartered in Austria, distributed among 16 laboratories in 4 countries some 62 kg of substance to be converted into seasonal flu vaccine.

A technician in a Czech lab discovered that the material carried two live viruses of flu, one – a fairly ordinary seasonal brand which is highly contagious but is known to have the lethality under 1%, the other – a flu which has a limited potential to spread but proves lethal in around 60% of the cases.

The combination could produce a virus both extremely transmissible and deadly, and we owe it to the clever technician that no epidemic erupted, considering that 62 kg of the substance could translate into thousands of dozes of tinted vaccine.

Jane Burgermeister, an Austrian journalist, published her own investigation into the above case and, based on the findings, filed criminal charges against the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN, and the government officials of a number of countries.

She accused Baxter of bioterrorism, but, even though the company admitted that the frightening report concerning the vaccine was true, the corresponding probe stalled within the WHO and Baxter was entrusted with the task of developing the vaccine against the Influenza A virus.

The current ecological situation in the Gulf of Mexico, another shocking example, is best described as state-supported bioterrorism. Ian Crane, former oil industry executive turned human rights activist, expressed a view in a 2010 conversation broadcast by the Voice of America that the objective behind the Gulf of Mexico developments is to exterminate the region’s population, where, according to local activists’ accounts, over 100,000 people already had the BP flu also known as the Blue Plague.

Millions are yet to be affected, and BP spends enormous amounts of money to prevent human rights activists from talking on the issue on the nationwide scale.

In February, 2011 Col. Michael Edward (ret.) published an opinion piece titled «The Gulf Blue Plague is Sanctioned Bio-terrorism», where he stated that «this purposefully engineered biological war will soon become a world war as the horizontally transferred synthetic genes extend their silent tendrils through the water and air.

It’s already begun to abruptly manifest in fish, birds, mammals, and humans». Edward says four genetically altered bacteria originally designed as oil-munching are, at the moment, to be found in the Gulf and «the skin ulcers, boils, rashes, pneumonia, lesions, internal hemorrhaging, along with many more symptomatic results, are directly tied to these synthetically DNA altered bacteria.

They are responsible for new and unknown pathogenic diseases where current antibiotics have very little or no effect». The «horizontally transferred genes», Edwards holds, cause similar problems in all forms of life from plankton to whales and humans.

Last year, a US national ran across a storage area near Atlanta, Georgia, where the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the US Department of Homeland Security stored 500,000-1,000,000 plastic coffins of various sizes, some big enough to contain five corpses. Moreover, FEMA is known to run a huge number of detention camps scattered all over the US.

In the past years, the Halliburton company has constructed over 800 of them in Texas, Virginia, Maryland, Arizona, Alaska, not far from Fairbanks, and the Mojave Desert in California, with roads or railroads connecting the facilities to a wider transit network and aerodromes or copter sites on premises.

No meaningful official explanation as to the purpose of storing coffins in such quantities or building the prisoner camps has ever been supplied. Hints were dropped that preparations for a massive war on drugs could be the reason, but that sounds unconvincing, especially since anti-narcotics activities are not a part of FEMA’s mission.

Information surfaces increasingly often that the US Army is retraining servicemen to operate domestically. The Internet writings by soldiers returning from Iraq leave no doubt that, while in the country, they exercised to launch cleaning raids and firearm seizures in the US.

The Army servicemen have reportedly been offered tests intended to gauge their readiness to shoot, under specific circumstances, their countrymen, including friends and family members.

Washington-based author Rand Clifford published an essay «America! Be Truly Afraid» exposing the US government’s secret plans and warning Americans about the repressions they might face in the foreseeable future.

Once the martial law is imposed, the now-idle camps, with the guards already in place, would be fully operational to start absorbing dissenting US citizens. «Like Nazi extermination camps, many of the FEMA camps have red/Blue lines: «Red List – These are enemies of the New World Order.

Two weeks before martial law they could be taken from their homes and flown to camps for immediate extermination. Generally, these are people in leadership roles or other public positions. Blue List – Also enemies of the New World Order but not necessarily leaders. After martial law these people could be rounded up for “re-programming” in the camps.

Survivors will be used mostly for slave labor». Overall, Clifford projects «the scuttling of the United States as a sovereign nation to make way for the corporate/fascist New World Order» and claims that «Pastors and other religious representatives are being groomed into secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to «obey the government» in the run-up to martial law, property and firearm seizures, mass vaccination programs and forced relocation».

Notably, the coffins storage site and the US Center for Disease Control are located in the same area.

With the US population’s living standards falling, the US Administration braces for anti-government campaigns staged by armed Americans who see no justification for extracting astronomic sums of money to bail out private banks instead of helping the hardworking citizens make ends meet.

For the US elite, the martial law or a state of emergency under which FEMA and similar agencies which have trained for decades to handle ambiguous situations may be an attractive option. Under the scenario, the Readiness Exercise 1984 (REX-84) program would be activated, its elements being the slapping of the military law on the country, forced relocations, and the detention of the defiant.

A biological attack launched by an obscure terrorist group – a false flag operation, in military terms – would serve to throw in a pretext for giving the plan the green light. It is widely held that the August, 1995 Hurricane Katrina presented FEMA with an opportunity to practice relocating masses of the population to camps and establishing military rule in a particular region with the hands of private security contractors.

The notorious Blackwater played a big role in the game. It seems that the only issue unclear so far is at what time and under what pretext a decision in favor of the repressive turn is going to be made…

Speaking of the hantavirus outbreak in the Yosemite National Park, the hypothesis that comes to mind is that M. Romney’s team will be there to draw maximal gains from the situation by charging Obama and his Administration with lack of attention to the national security in general, and to its biological warfare aspect in particular.

Obviously, Romney will announce that the US needs strong-arm policies to beat the incoming threats, saying nothing about the dictatorship which the policies are supposed to bring about.


Igor IGNATCHENKO, Strategic Culture Foundation

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