Islamic State vs Jewish State

I have read or heard countless of analysts in the last few weeks discussing the war on Islamic State (IS). Unquestionably, putting an end to IS is a step in the right direction. But if…

New Horizon Conference: Meeting of minds in Tehran

The 2nd conference “New Horizon: the International Conference of Independent Thinkers” was held in Tehran, September 29–October 1 2014, including over 30 journalists, writers and academics from around the world presenting papers and arguing issues…

The World Bank and the Philippines

    The 1946 US decision to grant the Philippines its independence inaugurated a period of prosperity in the country. For a number of geo-strategic reasons, in the wake of the Second World War the…

US in Agony on Two Histories

  The United States is seriously agonized by two histories. One is her failure in the Korean War (25.6.1950 – 27.7.1953) and another is North Korea’s manufacture and possession of nuclear. In an attempt to…