A Nobel Peace Prize for Cultural Self-Hatred

Why Chinese intellectuals shun literary critic Liu Xiaobo By Channa Li (Channa Li is a student in the Chinese Classics department at Renmin University, specializing in Tibetan language and literature.) BEIJING – For most Chinese…

Venezuela, Iran and Russia: a revered alliance

By Anna Varfolomeeva BEIJING— (October 11 —M4relay) — The union between Venezuela, Iran and Russia (VIRus) was created to destabilize the world, an American Scholar Sean H Goforth wrote in a paper published by the…

Toyota recalls and emerging rivals

By: Alfred-Charles Co (许有泉) The auto industry was one of the worst hit during the economic crisis because automobile expenditure was among the first to be cut from most people’s budget. Toyota emerged from the…

Currency Wars: Politicizing the currency

By Anna Varfolomeeva BEIJING— (October 15 –M4relay) – The world monetary earthquake with 23 currency interventions in a one week period has far reaching consequences. “It affected trade policy (America’s flirtation with protectionism), attitudes towards…

Europe Opens Gateway for SMEs in China

Ekaterina Volozova Beijing, October 14, 2010, M4Media— The Enterprise Europe Network has opened 15 contact points in China and South Korea, and plans to open several points in Japan in the future, the European Commission…