Iran’s cash flow to Afghanistan: an old issue

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has acknowledged that his office has received cash from Iran, but insists it was part of a “transparent” process, according to the BBC. Karzai’s comments came following mixed reactions in the…

Wikileaks on Iraq: Who is behind?

Almost 400,000 classified US documents about the war in Iraq were recently released by WikiLeaks, an international organization that publishes anonymous submissions. The “intimate details” of the conflict were made public in an effort to…

Unknown facts about Libya

The Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Democracy Index in March 2005 painted a picture of a “strikingly varied” democratic spectrum in the Middle East. The EIU reported that Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Syria were among the…

New Strategy for Afghanistan War

By Anna Varfolomeeva BEIJING— (October 18–M4relay) – The U.S. is changing its war strategy in Afghanistan. Officials decided to move away from classic counterinsurgency – protecting the population, providing basic services, promoting good government, and…

Afghanistan war victims undergoing stress

By Anna Varfolomeeva BEIJING— (October 14 —M4relay) — Scarred by decades of war, social problems and poverty, more than 60 percent of Afghanistan’s 28 million population suffer from stress disorders and mental health problems, according…

G-20 Protests in South Korea

*Protestors shouted slogans, opposing the upcoming G20 meeting in Seoul. By Ekaterina Volozova Beijing, (October 22, 2010, M4relay)– Protesters shouted slogans, opposing the upcoming G20 summit in Seoul as they gathered on Thursday to denounce…

Venezuela – Iran Alliance

By Anna Varfolomeeva BEIJING— (October 21 —M4relay) – Venezuela and Iran have denounced US imperialism and called for a “new world order”, saying they are united in trying to eliminate western dominance in global affairs,…