Two Weaponry Caches, Some US and Israeli Made, of Terrorists’ Remnants Discovered in Daraa

Daraa, SANA-Large amounts of weapons and ammunition, some of which are US and Israeli made, were discovered on Wednesday during the sweeping operations in al-Hara town in Daraa northwestern countryside.

An officer told SANA that members of competent authorities, based on accurate intelligence in cooperation with the locals, found two caches for terrorist organizations in al-Hara town and the area surrounding it about 8 to 12 meters under the ground which were used by terrorists to hide weapons and ammunition.

The seized weapons included: ammunition for automatic rifles and machine guns, tank shells, RPG launchers with their fillings, grenades, mines, 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-tank missiles manufactured in US and Israel.

One of the caches included munitions for the so called “White Helmets”, including gas masks, protective clothes and modern communication devices.


By SANA Press


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