Trump’s Policy on Russia and China?

The original source of this article is Global Research

Next week he’ll become America’s 45th president, an awesome responsibility for anyone, especially having to deal with bipartisan neocons infesting Washington. – hell-bent for endless wars of aggression.  

Whatever Trump said on the stump no longer matters. Once in office, his agenda will speak for itself.

In a Friday Wall Street Journal  interview, he said he’s open to lifting sanctions on Russia if we get along, but not straightaway, saying if Moscow “is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?”

He referred to Russia’s involvement in combating terrorism and cooperating with Washington on other issues without further elaboration.

He’s open to meet with Putin once in office, saying it’s “absolutely fine with” him. Asked about America’s One-China policy, he said everything is under negotiation.

He won’t commit to longstanding policy unless Beijing’s trade and currency practices change, hardly likely. He irresponsibly called China a currency manipulator. He’ll discuss these and other issues with President Xi Jinping before deciding what actions he’ll take.

He’s willing to end what Beijing calls “the cornerstone of the healthy development of (Sino/US) relations…” Its government wants no “interference or destruction of this political foundation.”

China’s Foreign Ministry so far hasn’t commented on Trump’s Journal interview. His views aren’t surprising. His actions remain to be seen.

Getting along with Russia and China are crucial. Adversarial relations with either or both countries risks unthinkable confrontation, possible nuclear war, America as vulnerable to mass destruction as its adversaries.

Nuclear war is madness. Only deranged leaders would launch it. The risk was huge if Hillary emerged triumphant last November.

Trump’s top priority isn’t making America “great again.” It’s fostering world peace, stability and security. Without them, nothing else matters.

French National Assembly defense committee member Nicolas Dhuicq earlier said he believes Trump will move toward cooperation with Russia while focusing on China as a rising world power.

Trump said, if elected, he’d “instruct the US trade representative to bring trade cases against China, both in this country and at the World Trade Organization.”

On Friday, Obama extended earlier imposed sanctions on Russia for another year, beginning in March.

He lied, saying Moscow “continue(s) to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”

He’s going all out to toughen US policy on Russia before leaving office, posing a challenge for Trump on how to undo the immense damage he’s done – especially with Congress wanting adversarial relations maintained.

Most Americans have no idea about the dangers of reckless US foreign policy since Soviet Russia’s dissolution.

Humanity’s survival is threatened without a way found to stop this madness. Is Trump up to the challenge? Is he part of the solution or continuation of reckless policy?

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

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