Tried and failed: Chinese road opens to fatalities

An excavator repairs a collapsed road that had been in trial operation for less than two days in Xinping Yi and Dai autonomous county, Southwest China’s Yunnan province, July 8, 2011. Two people died and two others were injured after the road, dubbed online the “shortest-lived road”, collapsed. Xinhua News Agency said the road was constructed in haste and put into trial operation without a final check, while a team of experts from the province investigating the incident said heavy rain was to blame. [Photo/Xinhua]


A man checks a collapsed road that had been in trial operation for less than two days in Xinping Yi and Dai autonomous county, Southwest China’s Yunnan province, July 8, 2011. [Photo/Xinhua]

A man checks a collapsed road that had been in trial operation for less than two days in Xinping Yi and Dai autonomous county, Southwest China’s Yunnan province, July 8, 2011. [Photo/Xinhua]

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