Another False FlagMH17 Exposed Again

Another journalist exposes MH17 false flag There has been much commentary concerning the downing of the MH17 plane in Ukraine. Strangely enough, whenever the US position is presented it is not backed by credible evidence, but presented as fact nonetheless. The opposite view – that it was not the Russians who shot down the plane, as the actual evidence suggests – has not been presented so often, and when it has action has been taken against those who say it – reports are pulled, journalists have their communications intercepted, etcetera. Here William F. Engdahl, political expert, who has taken the effort to study the evidence available, beyond social media accounts. He list what is not, shares his opinion of what happened to the Malaysian Airlines plane and gives insight into possible motivations and why the unsubstantial claims do not hold water. “The mainstream Western media coverage of the MH17 event is totally lacking the sort of serious, cautious investigative journalism which used to exist only a few years ago. Rather than err on the side of caution before rushing to judgment in a situation that could easily trigger a new Cold War or worse, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and most EU media outlets have simply quoted Kiev government officials as if they were the only credible sources.

Russia Sactions: Europe Falling Victim to US Pressure

    It’s evident that the European Union is not ready for this turn of events. Instead of bowing to Western sanctions Russia responds in kind imposing the sanctions of its own. Only now Europeans…

Energy Ballet: Iran, Russia, Pipelineistan

A fascinating nuclear/energy ballet involving Iran, Russia, the US and the EU is bound to determine much of what happens next in the new great game in Eurasia. Let’s start with what’s going on with the Iranian nuclear dossier. Iranian Foreign Ministry legal adviser Jamshid Momtaz has been forced to clarify that the interim nuclear deal signed by Iran and the P-5+1 nations on November 2013 is not an international treaty – yet. As we stand, the gap between the US, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany on one side, and Iran on the other side, remains very wide. Essentially, the gap that really matters is between Washington and Tehran. And that, unfortunately, translates as a few more months for the vast sabotage brigade – from US neo-cons and assorted warmongers to Israel and the House of Saud – to force the deal to collapse. One of Washington’s sabotage mantras is “breakout capability”; a dodgy concept which boils down to total centrifuge capacity/capability to produce enough enriched uranium for a single nuclear bomb. This implies an arbitrary limit on Iran’s capacity to enrich uranium.

What if America loses its Ukraine gamble

The truth about Malaysian Airlines is starting to leak out: No sign of a missile anywhere. No blast damage to the plane, no missile fragments on the ground, no answers to Russia’s 10 questions. What if Europe discovers it’s too integrated with Russia to disengage, and simply drops the sanctions — as three EU countries have already requested. Russia has only scratched the sanction surface. The airline sanctions will either shut European airlines out of Asia, their only profitable, growing market, or cost them billions they can ill afford. Next, the energy sanctions. Exxon has just started production from a field ‘as big as the Gulf of Mexico’. Russia can justly require its EU customers to pay in gold or non-dollar currencies adding a “Ukrainian refugee surcharge” of 1% to every therm they deliver. Meanwhile… The EU and US economies are on life support. Even Germany’s contracted in Q2. Ukraine has run out of money