VIDEO: British MPs: Drunk on power or just drunk?

[anyplayer:url=] British drinking culture is famous worldwide, being successfully exported abroad with countless pubs in seemingly every city. Mixing alcohol with political tradition, though, is something Britain mercifully reserves for internal use. British MPs are…

VIDEO: TSA Nude Scanner Exposed – ‘You Can Sneak Anything Past Them!’

[anyplayer:url=] A blogger has shown that all the Transport Safety Association’s controversial nude body scanners and much-too-personal pat downs are not effective in the least, as more and more people in the US speak out…

US Congress passes authoritarian anti-protest law

A bill passed Monday in the US Congress and Thursday in the Senate would make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by lengthy terms of incarceration—to participate in many forms of protest associated with…

Ron Paul wants an end to the War on Drugs

Republican presidential candidate U.S. Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) addresses supporters at his Maine caucus night rally in Portland, Maine February 11, 2012 (Reuters / Brian Snyder) Texas Congressman Ron Paul took his campaign for the…

VIDEO: Legal Framework Required to Stop CIA Drone Carnage

[anyplayer:url=] СIA drones are attacking funeral processions and civilian and Taliban rescue teams in Pakistan. A staggering report exposing the practice has outraged NGOs and legal experts, who are demanding international laws to govern drone…

Implicit UN-TRUTH of the UNSC Draft Resolution against Syria

Responses from US and European Diplomats and Politicians to the Russian and Chinese Veto to the UNSC Draft Resolution on Syria have elicited responses which can no longer be described as normal diplomatic courtesy and etiquette. Susan Rice, the highest US Diplomat to the United Nations and other used strong language such as “disgusting” and “disgusted”. In private meetings, Russian politicians and diplomats are said to have “warned” France, and other NATO countries from military intervention. This “warning” however, is late. In numerous articles the author has documented that NATO has been operating inside Syria at least since August 2011,