Israel Waging Undeclared War on Syria

Israel reflects the worst of rogue state governance. It’s contemptuous of international laws, treaties, conventions, its own statutes, and High Court decisions. It’s out-of-control. It’s unaccountable. It makes its own rules. It maintains lawless militarized occupation harshness. It force-feeds austerity on its own citizens. It suffocates 1.7 million Gazans. It attacks other countries with impunity. It’s waging undeclared war on Syria. It’s partnering with Washington doing so. It supports terrorist fighters. It supplies arms and munitions. It hospitalizes wounded ones. Netanyahu lied saying Israel’s sole interest is preventing Syrian weapons transfers to Hezbollah. At issue is partnering with Washington’s war. It’s about regime change. It’s about ravaging another country doing so. It’s about eliminating a regional rival.

Primary Goal of US Plans to Bolster Missile Defense in Alaska Isn’t about Tackling a North Korean Threat, but

The primary goal of the US plans to bolster missile defense in Alaska isn’t about tackling a North Korean threat, but putting a claim on the natural resources of the Arctic, former MI5 intelligence officer, Annie Machon, explained in an interview RT. The Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, said that development and funding problems have forced the US to give up a key part of its Eastern European missile defense plan. The priority will now be given to efforts aimed at preventing a possible North Korean nuclear attack, which would require adding 14 new interceptors to the 26 already placed in Alaska. Former intelligence officer for MI5, Annie Machon, believes that the North Korean threat is just as unrealistic for the US as the one from Iran, with control over natural resources once again being Washington’s true aim.

KerryBrings Image of Dapper Diplomacy to Ugly Face of Washington Imperialism

Watching American politics is a bit like watching American-style gladiator wrestling on television. Part of you wants to flick on to the next TV channel for something more satisfying, edifying and real, but still you watch the stupefying spectacle with all its bluster and hype. You know it’s contrived, pseudo, hammed-up and downright fake, but ironically because of all these dubious qualities, there is something compelling about the procedures. Can these people be for real?
Take the new US secretary of state John Kerry. He made his first overseas trip this week to various capitals in Europe and the Middle East. Compared with his bullish and vulgar predecessor, Hillary Clinton, the urbane Mr Kerry seems like a breath of fresh air.