Der Spiegel: A British, Head of Emirates Airline, Critical of MH 370 Investigation

Despite months spent searching for Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370, not a trace has been found. Why is there still no trace of flight MH 370? In an interview, Sir Tim Clark, head of Emirates Airline, is sharply critical of the investigation thus far. He believes someone took control of the plane and maintained it until the very end. Tim Clark has been a senior manager at the airline Emirates since 1985 and has been instrumental in developing it into one of the world’s largest airlines. Today, the 64-year-old is seen as a knowledgeable expert and critic of the aviation industry. His view of the vanished Malaysian Airlines flight MH 370 is a provocative one. The plane that disappeared was a Boeing 777 and Emirates operates 127 such aircraft, more than any other airline in the world. SPIEGEL ONLINE: It’s now October, seven months after the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH 370, and we still don’t know what happened. What can still be done to gain some degree of clarity?

The 2200 Architects/Engineers Demolish The ‘OFFICIAL’ 9/11 Commission Report

Unprecedented 9/11 C-SPAN VIDEO: 9/11 TRUTH Finally Appears In The Mainstream Media THE DAM IS ABOUT TO BREAK: 9/11 TRUTH Saturates The Internet If you haven’t already watched the following video of Richard Gage from ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS For 9/11 TRUTH shown on C-SPAN, then only seeing is believing. This unparalleled breakthrough of 9/11 truth into the mainstream media is as consequential as it is explosive for both the real perpetrators and the entire nation. This irrefutable presentation on the collapse of Building #7 of the World Trade Center Complex is particularly damning because of the authoritative science offered as proof that the 9/11 Commission Report is a fraud. The ramifications are so far-reaching and profound that the entire world will undoubtedly change with the dissemination of these stunning, yet self-evident, revelations!

MH17: An Internationally Sanctioned Cover-Up Orchestrated by US and UK

The downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 is a heinous crime – a crime of deliberate mass murder. Most, if not all global mass media as well as the Alternate media expressed similar sentiments and demanded that the perpetrators be brought to justice. Six weeks have passed since July 17, 2014 when the dastardly crime was committed and we are no nearer from the truth in so far as official pronouncements are concerned. In fact, lies and propaganda were intensified to mislead and divert public attention from the glaring irrefutable fact that the US and UK are ultimately responsible for the mass murder. This, we will show in due course below. First, we must expose the elaborate cover-up starting with the release of the Preliminary Report in Malaysia on the 10th of September, 2014. Why do I say that there is an internationally sanctioned cover-up? Let’s recap what the world leaders, with blood on their hands had to say on the 18th July, 2014. This is how The Independent (a UK newspaper) reported and we quote:

Was MH17 Sabotaged By Israeli Security Team At Amsterdam Schiphol Airport?

As the only non-European journalist to cover The Hague inquiry into the Amsterdam crash of El Al flight 1862 (October 1992), which destroyed a Biljmeer district apartment complex, I discovered many aspects of the Israeli security set-up at Schipol International Airport and the role of the Mossad intelligence agency in secret operations there, one of Europe’s business transport hubs. This same airport spy network is very likely involved in the recent crash of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 over the Ukraine. Covering the Biljmeer crash for Japan Playboy, I uncovered the sordid facts of how the official investigation back then was undone by a large network of Israeli intelligence agents who paid hush money to victims’ families, pressured injured firefighters from filing lawsuits over radiation exposure, and suppressed data from the hangar where the wreckage was stored.