Syria: US Sponsored Terrorists Commit a New Massacre in Hama

Three women of one family were cold-bloodedly slaughtered by an armed terrorist group who sneaked into their town in the southern countryside of Hama.

The killing, which took place in Taqsis town, came as another horrific massacre lay hours away which terrorists perpetrated against 14 civilians including women and children in Khattab village in northwestern countryside of the province.

SANA reporter quoted a Police Command source as saying that an armed terrorist group infiltrated Taqsis town from al-Rastan side and “slaughtered three women of one family, beheaded them and mutilated their bodies.”

The terrorists also shot another woman, leaving her injured, and kidnapped a fourth member of the family, the source added.

Director of the General Commission of Hama National Hospital Salim Khallouf told SANA that the bodies of three women from Taqsis town arrived in the hospital showing signs of gunshot wounds, mutilation and decapitation.

Another woman was admitted to the hospital sustaining a gunshot wound in the mouth, Khallouf added, noting that the woman is in a coma.

The signs of torture are similar to those shown on the bodies of some of the victims of yesterday’s massacre.

A citizen killed in terrorists’ shell attack in Idleb

In another context, a civilian was killed and two others got injured on Wednesday in a shell attack launched by terrorists on the city of Idleb.

According to a Police Command source, terrorists fired a number of explosive shells on Idleb city, leaving a citizen dead and two others wounded, in addition to causing damage to a number of cars and citizens’ properties in the site.

Terrorists assassinate member of national reconciliation sub-committee in Damascus Countryside

An armed terrorist group on Thursday assassinated member of the national reconciliation sub-committee in Qudsaiya city in Damascus Countryside Mohammad Marwan Hammoudeh.

A source Damascus Countryside police command told SANA that an armed terrorist group broke into Hammoudeh’s house at dawn opened fire on him after trying to kidnap him, causing his immediate death.

Last May, members of the national reconciliation sub-committee in Qudsaiya Isam al-Salihani and Khaled al-Bushi were injured due to attacks by the armed terrorists groups.

In a relevant context, terrorists set fire in the car of Adel Misto, the head the national reconciliation sub-committee in Qudsaiya city.

National reconciliation committee member assassinated along with son and citizen in al-Tal city outside Damascus

Moreover, a member of a local national reconciliation committee was assassinated, along with his son and a third civilian, by terrorists’ gunfire near al-Basha Mosque in al-Tal area, Damascus countryside.

Ammar al-Khatib, member of the National Reconciliation Committee in al-Tal area, was shot dead, along with his son Israa, 14, when terrorists opened fire on them that also mowed down a third citizen who happened to be in the place.

Terrorists have been following a pattern of assassinating heads and members of national reconciliation committees established to bridge communal gaps and heal divisions spawned by the current crisis.


By M. Ismael and H. Said, SANA


Syria: US Sponsored Terrorists Commit a New Massacre in Hama




A related news from USA Today


Reports: Up to 100 Syrians die in new militia attacks



Syrian opposition groups and rights monitors reported that pro-government militia men killed up to 100 villagers in central Hama province. But late tonight the government denied those claims.

Update at 8:11 p.m. ET: The Syrian government is denying any involvement, saying a “terrorist group” killed “nine victims.”

“What a few media have reported on what happened in al-Qubayr, in the Hama region, is completely false,” the government said in a statement on official television, Al Jazeera reports. “A terrorist group committed a heinous crime in the Hama region which claimed nine victims. The reports by the media are contributing to spilling the blood of Syrians.”

Kieran Dwyer, the acting chief of the U.N. Department of Peacekeeping Operations, said his office has not been able to confirm what happened. He told Al Jazeera U.N. monitors would head to the region “as soon as dawn breaks.”

It’s now 3:11 a.m. Thursday local time.

Original post: Syrian opposition groups and rights observers are claiming that government-backed forces have killed up to 100 villagers in Hama province, including 40 women and children.

The Syrian National Council told AFP that 100 civilians died in a “massacre” in Al-Kubeir, including 20 women and 2o children, Al Arabiya News is reporting. Opposition activists and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported a “massacre” in Mazra’at al-Qubeir and Ma’arzaf, saying 87 people were killed.

Citing “reports from the area,” the rights group said “thugs” with the pro-regime Shabiha militia carried out the killings using guns and knives after government troops had shelled the area.

Reuters cites activists as saying that at least 78 people died and that at least a dozen bodies were burned.

The Associated Press says the head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdul-Rahman, reported gathering the names of 23 people killed in shelling and other attacks. But the Local Coordination Committees said at least 86 had died.

Today’s reported killings came less than two weeks after pro-Assad Shabiha militia men killed 108 people in Houla. Most of the dead — half of them children — were either shot at close range or bayoneted, an independent investigation found.

President Bashar Assad blames rebel forces trying to topple the government.

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