Which Israel Will Be Greeting the Pope?

IS it the official diplomatic fanfare and PR machine parading Israel’s religious “tourism,” or the unofficial welcome decorating Palestinian churches in Jerusalem with slogans like “Jesus is garbage” and “Mary is a cow”? Would it…

The King of Deception

Outgoing Israeli president Shimon Peres talked in a recent interview about a peace agreement he reached with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas in 2011. According to Peres, the Israeli prime minister rejected the draft understanding telling…

The Dangerous VIP Palestinian Class

The Palestinian Authority (PA) must stop demeaning its people. One can understand being fooled once or even twice, but being fooled over and again every three to four years for the last 20 years is…

Kosher Theft? Israel MUST Be the QUEEN of THEFT

AT a March 19 UN Security Council discussion, US Ambassador Samantha Powers was quoted as saying, “A thief can steal property, but that does not confer the right of ownership on the thief.” Listening to…

Intimidation of John Kerry

Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon articulated publicly what Israeli leaders say privately: Give us your tax money, weapons and your veto power but “leave us alone.” He called the US peace efforts “not worth the…

The Red-Dead Seas Canal

THE agreement for the two seas Canal connecting the Red and Dead Sea was summed up best by Israeli water minister Silvan Shalam who jubilantly described it following the December 9 signing ceremony at the…

Fast Times in Palestine

Fast Times in Palestine Author: Pamela Olson Review by Jamal Kanj   Whenever I read a biographical book, I make it a point to start with the acknowledgement page to learn a little about the…

(US Threats Syria) Powerful – But Amazing…

The myopic view of the world’s most powerful men in Washington never ceases to amaze me. I am reminded of the 1980s when then American president Ronald Reagan compared the Afghan Mujahideen to America’s founding…