Small amount of iodine-131 found in spinach in China

Small amounts of radioactive iodine-131 have been detected in the air in 31 of China’s provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Radioactive cesium has been detected in 21. Iodine has also been found in spinach produced in Beijing, Tianjin and Henan.

The vegetable is susceptible to radiation contamination. But the government says the amount is so small that no protective measures are needed.

”]Authorities’ Voices: 

The contamination level detected is too low to be harmful to public health

According to health experts, radioactive iodine can accumulate in humans once ingested in high concentrations and increases the risk of thyroid cancer. But it decays naturally within weeks. More>>

Radioactive water to pose little danger to China

Chinese authorities said on Tuesday that the country is under no immediate threat from the radioactive pollution that will result from Japan’s plan to release 11,500 tons of radioactive water into the sea. More>>

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