Obama Game: Putin Lured Into A Trap?

Russia is not responsible for the crisis in Ukraine. The US State Department engineered the fascist-backed coup that toppled Ukraine’s democratically-elected president Viktor Yanukovych and replaced him with the American puppet Arseniy Yatsenyuk, a former banker. Hacked phone calls reveal the critical role that Washington played in orchestrating the putsch and selecting the coup’s leaders. Moscow was not involved in any of these activities. Vladimir Putin, whatever one may think of him, has not done anything to fuel the violence and chaos that has spread across the country.

European Union Troops Land in the Central African Republic

12,000 others have been authorized by the United Nations Security Council Additional foreign troops are arriving in the troubled Central African Republic (CAR) where 2,000 French soldiers have failed to halt the forced removal and…

The Climate Is Invading the Earth

    If an alien invader with a face were attacking the earth, the difficulties that governments have getting populations to support wars on other humans would be multiplied a thousand fold.  The most common…

After 48 Hours of CIA Director’s Secret Visit to Kiev, Ukrainan Tanks Rolled in to Attack Popular Rebellions in the East

As the tanks roll in, the USA/EU/NATO imperialist axis that has almost destroyed the Ukraine plans ever closer co-operation On Sunday John Brennan, the CIA Director, paid a secret visit to the Ukraine (http://rt.com/usa/white-house-confirms-cia-ukraine-448/) . Within 48 hours, Ukrainian armed services launched a controlled assault against rebel positions in the Eastern Ukraine. Repeated claims by the Ukrainian regime and its sponsors in Brussels and Washington that this is an anti-terrorist operation are distortions of reality. The rebellion in the East has genuine popular support, but the mainstream media, the USA/EU/NATO axis, and its puppet regime in the Ukraine cannot allow this fact to become widely known and understood because then people might start to ask questions, like: ‘Why did the “international community” sponsor and support a violent coup by a nationalist mob against an elected government when it knew all along that half of the population, together with a closely related and powerful neighbour, would NEVER accept the outcome?’

The Economics of Egypt’s Coup

As Egypt inches towards the first anniversary of the July 3 coup, the economy continues to flounder. The military-backed reverting to Mubarak-era policies has been buttressed only by lavish handouts from the Gulf Security Council…

Ukraine’s Secret Recipe: “Brennan Kiev”

Central Intelligence Agency director John O. Brennan has been cooking up a storm in Ukraine and «Brennan Kiev» is the entrée on the menu. Brennan recently paid a secret visit to the Ukrainian capital to…