Revolutionary Purity from Trotsky to Baghdadi

The declaration by the Islamic State (IS) leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, of a new Islamic civilization on lands where Islam flourished over a millennium ago is a heady call, and has been welcomed by many…

What if America loses its Ukraine gamble

The truth about Malaysian Airlines is starting to leak out: No sign of a missile anywhere. No blast damage to the plane, no missile fragments on the ground, no answers to Russia’s 10 questions. What if Europe discovers it’s too integrated with Russia to disengage, and simply drops the sanctions — as three EU countries have already requested. Russia has only scratched the sanction surface. The airline sanctions will either shut European airlines out of Asia, their only profitable, growing market, or cost them billions they can ill afford. Next, the energy sanctions. Exxon has just started production from a field ‘as big as the Gulf of Mexico’. Russia can justly require its EU customers to pay in gold or non-dollar currencies adding a “Ukrainian refugee surcharge” of 1% to every therm they deliver. Meanwhile… The EU and US economies are on life support. Even Germany’s contracted in Q2. Ukraine has run out of money