NATO Will Defend Turkey in Conflict with Syria, Says Chief

Syrian jets and helicopters attacked a rebel-held town just feet from the Turkish border, sending scores of civilians fleeing into Turkey.’s Dara Brown reports.   NATO will defend alliance member Turkey, which struck back…

Argentina Unrest: Brought to you by Goldman Sachs

The US-engineered “Arab Spring” brought us the “April 6 Youth Movement” in Egypt, run by Wall Street-backed Mohammed ElBaradei in coordination with the Muslim Brotherhood, the “February 17 Revolution,” consisting of Al Qaeda terrorists of the Libyan Islamic Fighting…

Under US Order, the NATO’s Multinational Terrorist Body, so-called the “FREE SYRIAN ARMY” Posit Itself to Replace the Assad Govt

Free Syrian Army declares major shuffle ‘for better morale and control’ The Free Syrian Army – Syria’s largest armed opposition group – has declared it is relocating its leadership to Syria. The move comes as opposition groups meet in Qatar for talks on forming a new body to replace the Assad government if it falls. The announcement comes just after the US called for a “shakeup” of the opposition. Mustafa Sheikh, who heads the military council that presides over the Free Syrian Army (FSA), said that Saudi Arabia had promised more support on the condition that the group becomes better organized. And now, he says the FSA is doing just that. According to Sheikh, the group has started to restructure itself into five divisions over the past ten days – north, south, east, west, and coastal. He also said the group plans to elect new leaders.

Obama Reelection Expands Syrian Civil War Involvement

  the real winner of the presidential election image by william banzai … The reelection of President Barrack Hussein Obama may coincide with an escalation fromcovert to open warfare by the United States and its NATO allies…