Media Hate Fest for Venezuela Keeps on Keepin' On

Although Chavez isn’t perfect, his villainisation in Western media is perplexing.   Spanish flagship newspaper El Pais – known to be hostile to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez – retracted its online and print editions after…

Hidden Agenda Behind US War in Africa To Contain China by "Fighting Al-Qaeda"

Harnessing Asia’s growth and dynamism is central to American economic and strategic interests. Hillary Clinton France’s military intervention into Mali may at first glance appear to have little to do with the U.S. “pivot” to Asia. But as a French mission supposedly meant to bolster a U.N. sanctioned and African-led intervention has gone from “a question of weeks” to“the total re-conquest of Mali,” what may have begun as a French affair has now become a Western intervention. And this in turn has drawn wider strategic interests into the conflict. Strategic interests, it is becoming clearer, shaped by the imperatives of the U.S. Asia pivot.

Russia, China Grapple with Mali's Future

There is a saying, “Once bitten, twice shy”. Russia and China claim to have been bitten once: when the West turned the United Nation’s Security Council resolution 1973 on its head and proceeded to invade…