The Army of Islam: Saudi Arabia’s Greatest Export

Recent developments regarding “rebel” groups inside Syria have shed further light on the ideologies and political aims of the militants waging war upon the Syrian state. On the 24th September, under the moniker of the…

Obama’s Failed Syria Strategy In One Sentence

  REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque   U.S. President Barack Obama pauses while speaking to reporters about Syria during a meeting with Baltic leaders in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington August 30, 2013. The…

Human Rights Watch: A “NGO” for “War, Regime Change” in Syria and Elsewhere?

Mother Agnes Mariam Attacked…By Human Rights Watch! Since when does a human rights organization take to arguing the case for a military attack that will kill scores of innocent civilians? If you are Human Rights Watch, it’s all in a day’s work. The US regime’s favorite “human rights ” organization, which once praised the Obama Administration’s continuation of its predecessor’s torturous CIA “extraordinary rendition” program, pulled out all stops to bolster Obama’s claims that the Syrian government was responsible for the August 21st chemical attack near Damascus. As Obama was ready to teach Syria a lesson via Tomahawk cruise missiles, Human Rights Watch stood virtually alone in the world on the president’s side. The human rights group was not busy trying to help the victims or promote international diplomatic efforts to end the crisis.

The Real Crisis Is Not The Government Shutdown

The inability of the media and politicians to focus on the real issues never ceases to amaze. The real crisis is not the “debt ceiling crisis.” The government shutdown is merely a result of the…

US NSA Director Admits to Misleading, i.e., LYING To Public on TERROR Plots

The administration has been amping up stats about foiled plots to bolster support for mass surveillance In so many words, NSA director Keith Alexander admitted Wednesday that the Obama administration had issued misleading information about terror plots and their foiling to bolster support for the government’s vast surveillance apparatus. During Wednesday’s hearing, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy pushed Alexander to admit that plot numbers had been fudged in a revealing interchange: “There is no evidence that [bulk] phone records collection helped to thwart dozens or even several terrorist plots,” said Leahy.

Vicious Beyond Imagination: US Endless Wars, Debt, Lies

vi·cious [vish-uhs] adjective. 1. addicted to or characterized by vice; grossly immoral; depraved; profligate. 2. given or readily disposed to evil. 3. reprehensible; blameworthy; wrong: a vicious deception. 4. spiteful; malicious: a vicious attack. 1% “leaders” in government, economics, and…