As Europe digests the results of Brexit, one thing can be said with certainty – the fears that the devastating blow to European unity could spark a chain reaction of further referendums appear to be…

An Israeli Media Confirms: Britain Has Been Operating as an Israeli Puppet within the EU

Haaretz Confirms: Britain Has Been Operating As An Israeli Puppet Within The EU With Brexit, Israel Loses a Major Asset in the European Union,” Haaretz reports. “Britain helped moderate and balance EU decisions about the peace process, blunt criticism and even harness the member states against anti-Israel moves at the UN; voices sympathetic to the Palestinian cause could now become more dominant.” The Israelis have started to recognize that the Jewish State: “has lost a significant asset in the European Union…, Britain leaving would not serve Israeli interests, especially on the Palestinian issue.” But why was Britain an Israeli asset? How was Britain reduced to act as an Israeli colony? Simple. British foreign affairs are dominated by the Jewish Lobby.

A Different Democracy, A Different Future

Brexit: A Different Democracy, A Different Future The historic Brexit vote marks a victory of the working people over the capitalist elites who have used the European Union as a means of extending their exploitation…


ONCE AGAIN, EUROPEAN BIGOTRY EXPOSED! Oh that poor old United Kingdom! Armies of political commentators based on all continents are now feverishly trying to define to what extent the Brits got fooled, or how severely…

China-Russia Alliance for the United Eurasia

… In a nutshell; the option to a united Eurasia is chaos. And there’s no question the Empire of Chaos will stop trying to sow chaos. … President Vladimir Putin stresses Russia’s «all-embracing and strategic partnership» with China, one can hear the proverbial howls of anger emanating from the neocon/neoliberalcon axis in the Beltway. As he met Chinese president Xi Jinping in Beijng this past Saturday, Putin even allowed himself an understatement; «To say we have a strategic cooperation is not enough anymore. This is why we have started talking about a comprehensive partnership and strategic collaboration. Comprehensive means that we work virtually on all major avenues; strategic means that we attach enormous inter-government importance to this work». Why understatement? Because this really ventures way beyond a stream of business deals.

Europeans Contest US Anti-Russian Hype

Besides the Brexit rejection of U.S.-style neoliberal economics, some European voices are protesting, finally, the U.S.-led, anti-Russian propaganda campaign that has justified an expensive new Cold War. A significant crack has been unexpectedly opened in the wall of Europe’s disciplined obedience to the United States. I’m not only referring to the possible long-term consequences for U.S.-European relations in the wake of Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, but the unlikely blow against Washington’s information war on Moscow delivered by Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who a week ago shockingly accused the North Atlantic Treaty Organization of “war-mongering” against Russia.


  How Western Military Interventions Shaped the Brexit Vote, TRNN, June 25, 2016. Michael Hudson argues that military interventions in the Middle East created refugee streams to Europe that were in turn used by the…

Africa Along With the World Responds to Brexit

British government, European Union, world capitalist markets in disarray after vote A referendum on the future of the United Kingdom (UK) within the European Union (EU) divided both the ruling Conservative Party (CP) and its…


The globalist establishment has been at war against the people for decades. Centuries of scheming produced the EU centralization monster. The overwhelming deceit and destruction caused by the ruling class has finally received a setback in a plebiscite on the European Union. The New World Order of collectivists born in satanic ideologies, implemented by international finance, imposed through the carnage of continuous wars and administered under an abusive bureaucracy system of non elected technocratic elites has suffered the repudiation of British men and women, who want to restore England to a sovereign nation under the principles of Magna Carta.