
The globalist establishment has been at war against the people for decades. Centuries of scheming produced the EU centralization monster. The overwhelming deceit and destruction caused by the ruling class has finally received a setback in a plebiscite on the European Union.

The New World Order of collectivists born in satanic ideologies, implemented by international finance, imposed through the carnage of continuous wars and administered under an abusive bureaucracy system of non elected technocratic elites has suffered the repudiation of British men and women, who want to restore England to a sovereign nation under the principles of Magna Carta.

With the immediate jubilation from the counted paper ballots, the long demoralized public of English heritage found optimism for the first time in recent memory. Such enthusiastic satisfaction is entirely understandable with the historic results that clearly rejected the pagan system of foreign domination.

Now it is time to mature from being a submissive serf and reach for the bravery to become a free born Englishman. With the organized and coordinated reaction from the EU globalists that populate the City of London financial juggernaut, it is beyond any debate that a state of war is put into full motion against the common people.

The rigged equity, bond and currency in the international Bourses, used the massive sell off to make immense gains for those positioned for shorting these manipulated markets. As the financial presstitutes and media whores place the blame for this drop on the stupefied Brexit supporters, it is obvious that the divide between the populace and the privileged classes is just as wide as in the era of the East India Company.

Britain leaving the EU is not the root cause for a capital collapse. No, the monetary basis for conducting commerce is at the core of this engineered crisis. In order to correct the long term economic landscape for merchant commerce, the entire banking system must be transformed into a debt free created currency administrator.

The Secretive Bank of England essay of Forbidden History directly focused on the Rothschild scheme to subjugate Christian Europe under the Talmud exalted usury plot of the bankster conquest.

Make no mistake about the actual state of affairs. Europe long ago came under the rule of zealot Zionists, who use multiculturalism as the Judas goat of national annihilation. This enemy of Western Civilization practices the worst of all identity politics with their chosen protocols.


The vote in favor of Brexit is a mere emotional victory without the required and necessary renunciation of the Shylock monetary system of central banking tyranny. Such an assessment is factually correct, but is considered as bigoted by the definite racists, who blame anyone who criticize international finance as an anti-Semitic.

To this anti-intellectual canard, the bold and honest defender of our cultural heritage must step up and speak the truth. Brexit also has this well timed and favorable aspect that most financial and political reports have totally missed.

Keeping the Sterling currency independent and insulated from the perversions of central banking is essential to restore political liberty and national integrity of the UK. If the birth place of parliament is to re-establish the natural rights of human nature, the will of the people must be obeyed.

Yet, the prospects for a rational and moral restoration are remote, when the power of the collectivist establishment is threatened. The numerous other countries that are calling for their own referendum for leaving the EU or outright secession from their own state jurisdictions are emboldened with the success of Brexit.

However, the enthusiasm is most premature. As the war on the citizenry intensifies, the power elites will use every excuse and blame Brexist for their own failures. Creating an intentional economic collapse is highly likely. How the people react will determine if the New World Order can be defeated.

The amount of support to stay within the EU is indication of just how many sycophants exist that want to subsist under the dictates of the technocrats tyrants. For the rest of the lackeys that are actually part of the public administration apparatus, their objective is to protect the pensions and benefits derived from their masters at all cost.

The EU Globalists are still firmly in control of the institutions and coercive machinery that continues to define the popular culture and political enforcement system. This is the time to appreciate the epic triumph of sentiment, but it is far more important to build the regiments of revolt against the actual power centers of despotism.

With the success from a vote, the attitudes of timid bystanders got a wakeup call to join the liberation revolution. It is long overdue to learn the consequences of the true history about Oliver Cromwell as he waged the English Civil War to establish the supremacy of Parliament over the King.

His grave mistake under his Protectorate was his re-admission of the Jews into England. Soon thereafter, the Bank of England was created and the betrayal of Britain began in earnest.

Now note the assessment from historian Michael Hoffman from the last edition of his Hoffman Wire mailing, Britain’s Bulldog Breed Take a Bite Out of the New World Order.

“No people can sustain themselves on repeated defeats. On June 23, 2016 the British gave our people a victory that uplifts morale in America and throughout the western world: they have defied the elites and voted to leave the Brussels-based European Union (EU). This is beautiful for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the British media trotted out a corpus of “expert opinion” ordering the flinty citizens of the island nation to stay in the EU for the sake of consumerism and globalism. Money was held aloft as the supreme motive for remaining, and the ones raising this banner of mammon were from the “financial services industry,” which is a media-euphemism for the usurious gang who dominate almost every western country.

Under the laws of the European Union’s super-state, the tiny island nation had to admit any number of immigrants, no matter how large, from member nations. This includes millions of angry and alienated Muslim youth in EU member countries like France and Germany. Polls repeatedly revealed that this deluge was the driving force behind the vote for a British exit (“Brexit”) from Brussels. The English and Welsh chose their land and their people — national sovereignty and independence — over the Money Power and the EU’s Tower of Babel. Thank God!

Lest we conflate a victory in one great battle in Britain with a decisive defeat of Satan’s kingdom in the West, we ought to examine the bigger picture, which entails factoring the Zionists’ plans for Britain and Europe. They have a long memory and forgiveness forms no part of their gestalt. They view Britain and Europe as hereditarily and ineradicably tainted by their former resistance to Judaism. Influential Orthodox rabbis have let the cat out of the bag by smirking at the growing presence of Sunni-Wahhabist Islamic terrorists scourging Britain and Europe. Inevitably these rabbis cite the “ unforgivable” Christian resistance to Judaism in the past, as justification for gloating over the immigration invasion, and self-extinguishing rates of abortion, contraception, suicide and euthanasia in Europe and Britain.

One of the main Zionist outlets for their undying hatred is the controlled media of the West, where Europeans and the British are perpetually targeted with movies, TV shows and publications portraying them as moral lepers, fiendishly sadistic mass murderers and in general possessed of a tainted genetic stock. Judaics alone emerge from this media fever-swamp as angelic bearers of a heritage of saintly goodness.”


If you truly want to understand the globalist cult of corporatism control, you need to have the courage to confront the genesis and nature of the adversary. The loss of national sovereignty for Western countries is a concrete objective for the globalist tribe. Brits expressed their disdain for their oppressors. Nevertheless, the eternal struggle is not yet won.

Brexit is a great beginning, but the establishment is already floating many options to sabotage the voice and determination of the real English population. You will never engage in this discussion in the Zionist owned “PC” media, because urbane gentlemen only profess the cosmopolitan version of conformist assimilation.

European demographics are posed for the extinction of the Renaissance traditional culture. This destruction is not accidental. Even with a successful exit from the EU, the UK is on path for dissolution of regional parts. Scotland, Northern Ireland and even the City of London itself, want to remain as part of the European Union.

A second English civil war is not out of the question. Hopefully, a peaceful method to break up the union can be found. Notwithstanding, if the central banksters remain in charge of the money fractional reserve model, the Shekel remains the coin of the realm.

Resistance to the ruling class of globalists is the unending imperative until the ultimate victory can be won. It will take more than a simple Brexit vote to end the occupation.


By SARTRE, The 4th Media




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A related article by the same author from one of his 2014 articles:


Secession Movements Intensify

All the attention over the epoch vote by Crimean’s to leave the Ukraine makes for a timely review of other separatist factions that are seeking a similar resolution. The List of active separatist movements in Europe is exhaustive. The immediate impression is that a pervasive discontent, shared by legions of subjects, who want independence and self-determination, will be hard to derail. When European autocratic and aristocrats ruled, the only option was revolution. Today the descendants of the old regimes still wheeled power under the guise of democratically elected authorities. However, separatist sentiment does not mean the same to every splinter group.

Examine Europe’s Latest Secession Movement: Venice, for a telling indicator.

“An organization representing a coalition of Venetian nationalist groups, held an unofficial referendum on breaking with Rome. Voters were first asked the main question -“Do you want Veneto to become an independent and sovereign federal republic?” -followed by three sub-questions on membership in the European Union, NATO, and the eurozone . . .

As the referendum’s organizers announced the results: 2,102,969 votes in favor of independence—a whopping 89 percent of all ballots cast—to 257,266 votes against. Venetians also said yes to joining NATO, the EU, and the eurozone.”

Note the significance of wanting to be part of NATO and the EU.

Next, look at the more widely reported effort, in the land of “Braveheart” William Wallace.Scottish secession remains unlikely, but momentum is with the schismatics provides a more stately viewpoint from the Commonwealth.

“After months of comfort for the pro-unionist ‘Better Together’ campaign, the most recent polls point to a tighter race with 40 percent of Scots supporting secession. With six months to go, the momentum appears to be with those seeking an amicable divorce.

Scottish independence would not lead to a republic. Queen Elizabeth II (I of Scotland) would remain head of state, a smart move by the ‘Yes’ campaign to de-radicalize independence and make the electorate feel more comfortable with a vote for change. The debate has therefore become more focused on incrementalism, with plans for an independent Scotland retaining both membership of NATO and the European Union, a common currency with the rest of the UK, and open borders.”

A video from the Carnegie Council gives a spin in Which Separatist Movements Will Succeed, which plays down the urgent motivation for “FREEDOM” for an evolutionary approach.

An essay out of Wharton, Is Secession the Answer? The Case of Catalonia, Flanders and Scotland, points out the obvious, while illustrating the problematic.

“It may seem paradoxical in an age of global communications, but the revival of regionalism “is a global phenomenon,” notes Jacob Funk Kierkegaard, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington, D.C. think tank. Today’s high-speed technologies, including the Internet, “enable people to start a campaign and get out their message” quickly and repeatedly to like-minded people who might have harbored such desires in private.

Beyond its unique constitutional challenges, Catalonia faces another hurdle: The eurozone has a de facto veto over its independence. “If Catalonia becomes independent, will they [still] be part of the eurozone?” Kierkegaard asks, adding that, if Catalonia votes to secede, the EU response could be that “you will have to issue your own currency, and your banks will have no access to the European Central Bank. You won’t automatically have a seat on the ECB governing council.”

The Spanish situation, by contrast, the establishment would have you believe the militant Basques ETA nationalists harbor violent resolve. The YouTube Thousands March In Spain In Support Of ETA, reports that the EU labels this movement as terrorists. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the Catalan Sovereignty Claim Blocked by Spain Constitutional Court is but a spillover effort to discredit the Catalonia’s claim. “Sovereignty is “not contemplated in our constitution for nationalities and regions that make up the state” and no one can break the principle of the “indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation,” the ruling said.

Such illustrations, all exhibit unique local concerns and grievances, while sharing a basic distrust of national authority. What stands out is an anserine eagerness to remain part of the EU and NATO. This factor may be a distinctively European trait, which seems to be lacking in the proper understanding that the surrender of national authority to a body of central banksters, social technocrats and empire military mercenaries, is the fundamental cause of popular dissatisfaction.

Pat Buchanan in the article, Is Red State America Seceding?, provides numerous other European examples of discontent, then goes on to cite secession initiatives in the United States. It is striking that our countries unique experience has a shape difference from the blue-blooded patricians’ clashes that mark the history of Europe. Because of this difference, the indigenous cultures on the continent have never developed the same passion of individual liberty, which is inborn in the American revolutionary spirit.

Applying the same principles defended in the View from the Mount essay, Secession Movement Ready to Take Hold would serve our European cousins well, in breaking up the EU and their NWO oppression.

“Governments fall, while a consensual nation state can still survive. With the destruction of an accepted traditionalistic national identity, time-honored heritage becomes the target of dictatorial “do gooders” who facilitate subjugation of independent self-governing states.

Blowing out the candles of federal absolutism is the imperative of our age. Secession is not a dirty word, but is an indispensable solution. Dissolving the union of the suppressed, under the auspices of the subverted elite, is the path to social freedom and human liberty.”

Libertarian and author L. Neil Smith argues, “What happened in America in the 1860s was a war of secession, a war of independence, no different in principle from what happened in America in the 1770s and 1780s.” Compare most of the secession movements in the 21th century as half measure efforts that are not willing to take on the yoke of the globalist central banking financial system. The lessons presented in the Radical Reactionary article, Representation, Secession and Taxation should be applied and adopted by the European secession movements.

“As discontent rises and practical solutions evaporate, that dirty historic sentiment begins to bubble to the surface, SECESSION. Russell D. Longcore provides a standard, when secession is a vital and justified option that many would accept.

“Secession should be solemnly deliberated by the elected representatives and the state citizens. Secession should be initiated at the moment that any state reaches the point at which it will no longer accept the despotic tyranny and laws coming from the US Federal Government in Washington, DC. Or, secession should be initiated upon a collapse of the Dollar, or the imposition by Washington DC of martial law in the event of social upheaval.”

Discontent is not enough to overthrow the tyrants, who have definitively proven, that a European Union based upon top down authoritarianism is a lawful substitute for locally ruled government based upon common ethics and cultural heritage.

The dramatic rise in opposition to the ruling elites is most encouraging in the eternal struggle against despotism. However, the European socialist welfare model has produced generations of soft stock and irresponsible subjects. Surrendering national sovereignty was the monumental failure of the post war era. Open borders to a confederation of dissimilar ethnic groups, attracts the disparate and incongruent, which builds even more pressure for secession.

As it stands today, the prospects for successful secession movements to attain their independence and autonomy are slim because each are fragmented. The correct and necessary element for separation, must be based upon, the dissolution of the European Union and the elimination of the central banking system, under the control of the international banksters.

Countries need to exercise their proper authority to coin their own currencies and maintain low taxation levels that fund minimum governmental functions.

While such a goal and objective is justified, the globalist controllers will not allow a serene exit from the monolith that they created. Marginal regional self-rule may eventually be reluctantly recognized, only if the basic leviathan structure remain intact and accepted by disgruntle camps. Notwithstanding, that approach can and will never bring about a restoration of national self-determination.

It is time for secession movements to unit and coalesce around a few fundamental principles, which they all share. The regional concerns are issues for local administration. Taking on the monster of globalist governance is a universal task.

Consequently, the undertaking domestically is to build ground swell defiance that moves past a modest grassroots opposition to incorporate the bulk of the rapidly declining middle class. This genuine moral majority must be willing to marginalize the federal government and restore the rightful authority of individual state jurisdiction.

If timid and docile Europeans are engaging in secession movements in such significant numbers, what is the excuse for industrious and energetic Americans from doing the same? This was the country for the home of the brave. Now is the time to restore that outlook with direct action.

SARTRE – March 31, 2014

Sharing is caring!


  1. Sartre:
    Ein guter Kommentar.
    Möchte, nichtdestotroz, einige Gedanken einbauen.
    Der erste, und vielleicht wichtigste ist, dass Amerika nie eine Nation von Mutigen war.
    Es war das Asyil von Verbrechern, Wucherern, Sklavenhändlern, Mördern und Menschenverbrechern, -und ist es heute noch.
    War, ist, -und wird immer, -ein Verbrecherstaat darstellen, solange die Staaten existieren.
    Zweitens, glaube ich dass, -der revolutionäre Geist dieses Amerika´s, -nur ein Konstrukt absoluter Impunität darstellt, mit Menschenrechten und Demokratie dekoriert die niemals existierten.
    Drittens, bin ich der Meinung dass man den Völkern seinen Wert geben soll, aber nicht ihren labilen Emotionen blind nachgehen sollte.
    Diese sind nur die Aussprache der Nachfrage um ihre Notzustände zu befriedigen, die, -wenn auch letztlich die wichtigsten, keine Strukturen besitzen, um einen Wunsch in Realität zu verwandeln.
    Ich glaube dass wenn uns was wirklich wichtiges erwartet in der Zukunft, ist es das, dass Mittel ausgearbeitet werden, um Politik der Staaten in ein Werkzeug des Volkes zu verwandeln um es zu ermöglichen, damit seinen Körper zu befriedigen.
    Weil, auch meiner Meinung nach, das einzige Element das unseren Geist nährt, ist der Körper eines Volkes im Wohlstand.

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