Is Bitcoin Standing In For Gold?

In a series of articles posted on, we have proven to our satisfaction that the prices of gold and silver are manipulated by the bullion banks acting as agents for the Federal Reserve. The…

Brexit, Trump & Europe Independent

Over the course of the weekend while campaigning in southern Germany, Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, made quite a telling remark which illuminated the changing geopolitical reality of what has been called historically The West….

Eastern Europe Tilts to OBOR and Eurasia

Small but geopolitically important steps were taken by key members of the European Union from the EU’s Eastern periphery. While largely ignored in Western mainstream media and in Brussels, they could well portend a longer-term…

Manchester Killing-FALSE FLAG: Follow-Up

On 23 May “False Flag” may have still been a (slight) question mark, despite many signs that pointed to the notorious pattern of the nefarious dark and bloody hands that pull the strings behind Washington’s killings to manipulate public minds towards targets and objectives they have set for the world – the New World Order – NWO – that is. In the meantime, the “False Flag” question mark has largely disappeared. Consider this: *Since 9/11 – and increasingly so – any mass event in the west, notably in Europe and the US, like the pop concert by US singer Ariana Grande in Manchester on 22 May, would be cordoned-off and super secured. How can the terrorist with his artisan bomb (under the arm or under his belt?) get through security? Was he perhaps brought in by the police, or by the secret services, then shot just as they detonated the bomb? – In any case, he is conveniently dead, another witness done away with.

Greece Committing Financial Suicide

Thursday late night,18 May 2017, the Greek Parliament voted to accept another round of devastating troika (EC, IMF, ECB) conditions for an additional debt package of close to 5 billion euros. All of the 153…