Massage parlor secretly videotapes female client

A massage parlor in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province recently videotaped a female client while she was having a massage without informing her beforehand, reported on Wednesday. The 24-year-old client, surnamed Wang, said that she found…

Reconstructing Harry – in China

Lin Pin, a 22-year-old graduate student in literature at Peking University, in his “Harry Potter”-styled graduation gown in July, 2009. Photo: Courtesy of Lin Pin Harry Potter look-alikes aren’t a terribly rare sight nowadays, though…

Life on the wild side

It was a steamy summer’s night and the wannabe DJs had spun their last disk, while those with day jobs had been in bed for hours. The creaking noise and verbal ode to joy started…

Border areas hailed in new campaign

Guests gathered at the end of the opening ceremony. Photo: Global Times A non-profit campaign sponsored by the Global Times and kicked off Thursday in Beijing to nominate the top ten frontier cities or…

No massive SOE shutdowns seen

A central bank official Thursday denied large-scale shutdowns of China’s small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and said bank lending to such businesses has increased since the beginning of this year. Recent media reports of a…

MOR issues another round of bonds

The Ministry of Railways (MOR) issued 15 billion yuan ($2.35 billion) of super short-term commercial papers Thursday, after a similar issue of 20 billion yuan on August 8. The rate of the 90-day commercial papers…

Biden’s noodle diplomacy hailed

US Vice President Joe Biden gives a thumbs up during a chat with a patron at a restaurant during lunch in Beijing Thursday. Biden’s meal cost 79 yuan ($12.36) for five people. Photo: AFP US…