Solution for America (Version 3)

<img src=”″ /> <p>I believe I have the most accurate diagnosis for America, as well as the best solution. In a previous post (Diagnosis for America (Version 3)), I presented my diagnosis. In this post,…

Who’s behind Tensions in Asia-Pacific?

Increasing tension in the Asia-Pacific between China and nations surrounding its territory, appears to be an unstoppable and inevitable lead-up to regional conflict and perhaps even global war. In reality, for those who have studied history, this is a familiar rerun. Change the characters and place current events in the context of the early 1900’s and we see the lead up to World War II and more specifically, the events that set the stage for the fighting in the Pacific. Some may believe this is a rerun of when Japan was the sole aggressor in the region, expanding beyond its means before finally meeting its match. Predicated on this misconception, these same people would believe that China has now traded places with Imperial Japan, and is expanding recklessly at the expense of regional and global peace and stability.


A curtain of military censorship is preventing physicians, medical researchers and South Korea’s public health officials from accessing information needed to halt the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The nation’s first MERS infection was pinned on an 68-year-old Korean businessman who returned to his native Gyeonggi province, 40 km south of the capital Seoul, after visiting an undisclosed location in the Mideast. This first patient remains anonymous and out of reach of the public eye. Ignored in the worldwide media hysteria is a trail of evidence linking the MERS pandemic to virus research under the Pentagon’s biological warfare program. The following facts indicate the South Korean pandemic, which started in late May, may have been caused by a laboratory accident at the JUPITR biowarfare project at Osan U.S. Air Force Base, 40 km south of Seoul. This writer’s opinions are bracketed.

Why Russia is Back in Vietnam

Russia-Vietnam ties that seemed to be cooling after the end of the Cold War are warming up all over again. More than 20 years after Moscow abandoned its largest foreign base, Russian military aircraft are…

China? Have Grandmaster, Will Travel

As intellectual acumen and cross-cultural expertise go, it would be hopeless to expect self-described “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff” Obama administration foreign policy advisers — as well as Pentagon functionaries/hacks — to understand the complexities of China. For instance, they would be incapable of evaluating all the myriad ramifications included in Professor Alfred McCoy’s masterful deconstruction of US-China geopolitics. Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha is currently visiting Singapore, where he is discussing with his counterpart Lee Hsien Loong the intricacies of ASEAN-China concerning the formidably complex South China Sea disputes.

How China’s Sea Reclamation in South China Sea Will Affect Sino-US Relation

Not very much. I think politically, the honeymoon period of Sino-American relationship was over by the time the US bombed the Chinese embassy in 1999. United States bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade The US said it was a mistake (wrong tourist map or something), and China never believed it (the Chinese Embassy was the only target proposed by the CIA). The war in Iraq and Afghanistan did not improve US standing. Now there is not much left except Realpolitik. Regarding South China Sea, the real action is not on a couple of salty rocks with only seagulls as permanent residents, but in bi-lateral meetings behind closed doors.

Global Trade War US/EU against Brics

Do not be confused. Globalists whether Wall Street capitalists, corporatists, collectivist authoritarians or devoted internationalists, all share a common mindset – a worldwide financial system must control commerce and dictate economic activity. Under this formula, trade has little to do with free market transactions. Monopolies are the rule and real competition is fatal. So when the financial press emphasizes the difference between the IMF – World Bank faction and the newly aligned BRICS association, the conclusion usually misses and ignores that all the players are part of a globalist cabal committed to a New World Order.