Turkey’s ‘Coup Attempt’ Highly Dubious and Suspicious: Another Reichstag-False Flag?

We ain’t buying it – is that the smell of a burning Reichstag?We ain’t buying it – is that the smell of a burning Reichstag? Hitler had the Reichstag burned down to consolidate the Nazi grip on power; did Erdogan have Turkey’s parliament nuked to achieve the same result? Just what did and did not happen in Turkey yesterday is going to take some time to establish; however, the key thing to takeaway from the whole sorry debacle is that the dictator Erdogan is still in power and his grip on power was not weakened by the ‘coup’ attempt but rather, strengthened, especially in terms of popular support among the masses. Media organisations such as Dogan, Hurriyet and others were still operating and putting out pro-Erdogan information, including updating their websites, long after they were supposedly seized by the coup plotters.

77 On 7/14: Numerology Signals False Flag

77 Dead On July 14th – Numerology Signals False Flag – I’m watching Fox News in the aftermath of the carnage in Nice. They’re doing the same pre-scripted propaganda show they did on 9/11, only this time it’s even further over the top : “We are at WAR with Islam! Every Muslim who believes in shariah should be deported! Send more troops to the Middle East! Obama is a WIMP! Appeasement! Neville Chamberlain! This is war! Kill, kill, kill!” Hannity is bringing on a parade of neocons, each one more rabid than the last. Most have no more actual terrorism expertise than “famous Fox terror expert” con man Wayne Simmons. They’re low-grade propagandists. And they don’t want to end terrorism. They’re part of the terror team themselves!

Between a Rock and a Hard (South China) Place

The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, backed by the UN, essentially ruled that there is no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to vast sections of the South China Sea included…

A GLOBAL EXIT: Secessions, Runaways, & Breakups Occurring Everywhere also in US

The globalist elites are clearly worried. The Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom was believed by the elites and their media to be heading for the UK remaining in the European Union. The political prognosticators and television chattering class were dead wrong. The UK is exiting the globalists’ top experiment for global governance, the increasingly-federalist European Union, and other members are poised to follow with their own exit referenda and withdrawal from a postwar monstrosity crafted in the 1940s and 1950s by industrialists, bankers, and outright fascists. The globalists have reacted to Brexit by staging summit meetings intended to demonstrate that the goal of globalization continues unabated.