Decisions That Await The President-elect

Complicated Decisions That Await Donald Trump Donald Trump’s victory caught everyone by surprise, injecting a frisson for international observers. Those who deal with foreign policy immediately took note of the great promises made during the…

Can Trump Make a Deal With North Korea?

One of the biggest problems facing the president-elect might also be his biggest opportunity. Donald Trump could have an opportunity early in his presidency, if he follows his instincts instead of all the wrong advice…


Only citizens can vote in the US Presidential elections, yet the impact is global. The world is suddenly in disarray, in panic. A man notorious for his bigoted rhetoric, a man who believes in American exceptionalism, who wants to build the walls and to ‘restore order’, has been elected the 45th President of the mightiest nation on Earth. His country is doubtlessly in decline; it is indebted and some would even argue, hopelessly bankrupt, but it is still the Empire, the sole one to this day. Below the surface, Mr. Trump may not be any viler than the Democratic candidate Mrs. Clinton and her clan has been for years. The establishment with which she has been inseparably intertwined for years and decades has been murdering millions all over the world, looting entire continents, and brutally guaranteeing that the Western world would always stay firmly in control of the entire Planet.


During the seemingly endless US election, a few months ago Donald Trump said at a convention that NATO is not a gift America can keep giving. In his view – at the time – the other…

Will Trump Drain the Swamp As Promised?

Promises are easy to make, fulfilling them another matter entirely. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Trump has lots of proving to do. I intend cutting him some slack, withholding criticism like…