Volgograd and the Conquest of Eurasia: Has House of Saud Seen Its Stalingrad?

The events in Volgograd are part of a much larger body of events and a multi-faceted struggle that has been going on for decades as part of a cold war after the Cold War—the post-Cold War cold war, if you please—that was a result of two predominately Eurocentric world wars. When George Orwell wrote his book 1984 and talked about a perpetual war between the fictional entities of Oceania and Eurasia, he may have had a general idea about the current events that are going on in mind or he may have just been thinking of the struggle between the Soviet Union and, surrounded by two great oceans, the United States of America. So what does Volgograd have to do with the dizzying notion presented? Firstly, it is not schizophrenic to tie the events in Volgograd to either the conflict in the North Caucasus and to the fighting in Syria or to tie Syria to the decades of fighting in the post-Soviet North Caucasus. The fighting in Syria and the North Caucuses are part of a broader struggle for the mastery over Eurasia. The conflicts in the Middle East are part of this very grand narrative, which to many seems to be so far from the reality of day to day life.

Capitalism in Crisis: FEWER Than 1% of The Plutocrats and 99% of Their Victims

Capitalism in Crisis: Who are the REAL “Takers”? Capitalism is in crisis across the globe. When both the President of the United States and the Pope take out after its worst manifestations within days of each other, you know there’s an internal time-bomb inside this dysfunctional economic system. Though the American population clearly feels and is forced to deal with the ramifications of this failing system, it’s highly unlikely that capitalism will be dismantled in favor of full-scale socialism. (Even though recent U.S. polls demonstrate that “socialism” no longer is a boogeyman to be frightened of.) So the question now is which type of economic system do we want to live under: hard line, I’ve-got-mine-Jack-you’re-on-your-own capitalism? “capitalism with a human face”? democratic socialism? a new blend?

New Interchange Bisecting West Bank Approved

for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction—Matthew 7:13     Atomic clocks envy the precision of the Israeli Administration. Denizens living under its power will laugh at the…

The Greatest Threat to The World Peace: United States of AMERICA, BBC Reports

Over 12 years into the so-called “Global War on Terror,” the United States appears to be striking terror into the hearts of the rest of the world. In their annual End of Year survey, Win/Gallup International found that the United States is considered the number one “greatest threat to peace in the world today” by people across the globe. The poll of 67,806 respondents from 65 countries found that the U.S. won this dubious distinction by a landslide, as revealed in the chart below. The BBC explains that the U.S. was deemed a threat by geopolitical allies as well as foes, including a significant portion of U.S. society.