Pamela Anderson Refuses Ice Bucket Challenge

Taking a stand: Pamela Anderson. Photo: Dallas Kilponen In a world of fast fads, hollow endorsements and mindless retweets, rare is the celebrity who can resist jumping aboard a trend. But actress Pamela Anderson can see…


    Alright, not everything. And no, not you, smart-arse. Still, it’s been alarming to be reminded over the past month just how delusory much western public conversation on Hamas is. A common perception is that Hamas…

Israel Kills Wife and Baby Son of Hamas Leader

    In an action that can only be described as a terrorist murder, Israeli warplanes killed the wife and baby son of Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif, in a targeted air strike Tuesday night….

US Created ISIS & Use Its Staged-Cruelty as PRETEXT for the "Syria Intervention"

In a previous report titled, “Growing Mayhem – US Operating on Both Sides of Syrian-Iraqi Border,” it was reported that (emphasis added): Clearly, the answer, left for readers to arrive at on their own, is that these “successful” US airstrikes in Iraq must be carried over into Syria – where mission creep can do the rest, finally dislodging the Syrian government from power after an ongoing proxy war has failed to do so since 2011. After arming and aiding the Kurds in fighting ISIS in Iraq, the US will attempt to make a similar argument regarding the arming of terrorists in Syria and providing them direct US air support to defeat ISIS – and of course – Damascus. In less than 24 hours, the New York Times would report in its article, “U.S. General Says Raiding Syria Is Key to Halting ISIS,” that: The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria cannot be defeated unless the United States or its partners take on the Sunni militants in Syria, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Thursday.