Netanyahu to Obama on The November Election: When WE ISRAEL Say “Jump,” you ONLY ANSWER, “HOW HIGH”!?!

Presidential candidate Barack Obama is being targeted by the US Israel lobby from A to Z, (Ackerman, Gary & Aipac to Zuckerman, Mort & the Zionist Organization of America) as no American President seeking re-election has been in the country’s 236 year history. Israel’s duel loyalty agents, as well as more fair minded American Jewish voters have historically intimidated and influenced US presidents seeking reelection, especially those in a tight race, with various financial and political threats and rewards. That’s part of the American political game and obviously plenty of other lobbies do it also.

NATOGCC Holy War Accelerate the End of US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency

There will be hell to pay for NATO’s Holy War US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is running out of rhetorical ammunition in the US’s Holy War against Syria. Perhaps it’s the strain of launching a NATO war bypassing the UN Security Council. Perhaps it’s the strain of being eaten for breakfast routinely by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Hillary has just called on “Western powers” and their Arab stooges – the NATOGCC compound [1] that passes for the “international community” – to “make it clear that Russia and China will pay a price because they are holding up progress” regarding weaponized regime change in Syria. In non-newspeak, this means, “If you block our new war, there will be payback”.

America’s Pacific Century: Militarization of Asia Pacific Region To ‘Contain China’

Chandra Muzaffar, President of the International Movement for a Just World analyses a wide variety of issues including the emerging BRICS nations, the crisis in Syria, and the implications of Washington’s policy shift to the Asia-Pacific region. In January 2012, US President Barack Obama unveiled the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance report, entitled, “Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense,” which confirmed America’s plans to drastically increase its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region to counter China, now the world’s second-largest economy.

UK and Israel: An Alliance of Enemies

Bedouin adage claims “I against my brother, my brothers and I against my cousins, then my cousins and I against strangers” A well-known proverb states that the enemy of your enemy is your friend; yet,…

Iran: The U.S.-led Alliance Has Forgotten the Past

Strait History: Iran’s Options George Santayana wisely said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Oblivious to history and its lessons, the United States and its Western allies are repeating their…