Are you tired of all the really bad fake news and counter fake news in the really awfulmainstream media? Is there something just not sitting right in your gut? Are you tired of being taken for a fool? Rodney Dangerfield is right: where’s the respect? Why, it’s enough to make you wanna gag a maggot!

In that case, you are surely ready for an entertaining, fun and fresh perspective to understand your world and where you are headed. Look no further than The China Trilogy. Here is Jeff J. Brown’s story…

Read “The China Trilogy” to understand your world and where you are headed 20170519

When author Jeff J. Brown was writing the book, China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016), he finally realized that he would never be able to understand China, until he got into the heart of America and the soul of the West. It took two years of diligent and patient work, but he finally pierced the veil and stepped outside the Matrix. WOW! It was a humbling, exhausting and absorbing experience and it changed his life forever and for the better.

Jeff’s first book, 44 Days Backpacking in China: The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass, (2013) started his amazing journey of global awareness and discovery. Thereafter, when he finished book number two, China Rising, he knew he needed to hone in on China and its people, to show why and how their amazing story is happening before our very eyes. Thus, Jeff penned China Is Communist Dammit! Dawn of the Red Dynasty(2017).

Each of The China Trilogy books offers a unique perspective on your world, through the eyes of China and its people.

China Trilogy book #1’s tweet is, “Chinese society and culture”. The first words that usually come out of people’s mouths about 44 Days are “funny”, “personal” and “adventuresome”. On a higher level, readers call 44 Days “one of the most engaging political travelogues in recent memory”, with “Alexis de Tocqueville fluent in Mandarin and traveling through China by backpack and bullet train”. Showing off over 125 visuals, 44 Days is entertaining and informative, from start to finish.

44 Days is available on Amazon/Kindle, Barnes & Noble/Nook, iTunes, Kobo and Ganxy:

China Trilogy book #2’s tweet is, “The West versus China”. China Rising has a droll foreward contributed by popular author and journalist Pepe Escobar. Based on thousands of hours of research and writing, this book lays out what is at stake for all of humankind in the 21st century: is the world going to continue along its 500-year path of Western supremacy, or might the Chinese be offering a more holistic and just vision for us, our children and grandchildren? Prepare to buckle up for the battle of the ages, boys and girls: it’s a planetary “China versus the West” smack down. Star Wars has nothing on this Titanic duel of ideas and ideals.

Chock block full with hundreds of dazzling visuals and hyperlinks, China Rising is available on Amazon/Kindle, Barnes & Noble/Nook, Kobo and Ganxy:

China Trilogy book #3’s tweet is, “Why and how China works”. Jeff’s latest book, China Is Communist, Dammit, starts with a rousing, fist pumping foreward by author and director Andre Vltchek. Brown’s argument is that China’s civilization has been communist since its origins, 5,000 years ago. Karl Marx coined the term, but from the very start, Chinese culture and society have had communism deeply embedded in their DNA. To paint his tableau, Jeff covers China’s daily life, business, education, the arts, governance, international diplomacy, trade and history, in vivid and enthralling detail. You will be amazed at what you discover and what it means for your future. China Is Communist Dammit has over 200 visuals for your sensory enjoyment and deeper understanding.

China Is Communist Dammit is available on Amazon:

So, take the challenge and dive into Jeff’s China Trilogy. Your world and your future will never look the same again, and finally… finally – it will all start making sense. That’s a promise you can take to heart!

NOTE: Jeff has print books of all three trilogy titles available for fans living on the Mainland. Wechat: search the phone number +8618618144837 or Wechat ID Jeff_Brown-44_Days, friend request, telling Jeff you want to dig into The China Trilogy. You can also email him at or



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By Jeff J. Brown


The 21st Century

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