Israel is a plan that has been brewing and preparing for more than hundred years. Some people would even go back to the Old Testament, where the term “The Chosen People” was coined. The Plan Israel is a UK-Washington project. Netanyahu is just the latest “executioner” of the Plan.

Indeed, many Jews and especially Zionists feel they are the Chosen People, and their destiny is to rule the world.

For this analysis and to avoid any confusion, the term Zionist, also refers to some types of conservative and Orthodox Jews, but foremost to western politicians who – Jewish or not – support the Zionist concept of a Greater Israel – and of annihilating all that may be in the way of achieving this idea.

In an Apartheid regime anybody not Jewish, not Zionist, must be ethnically cleansed, resembling much to the Holocaust concept of WWII. Netanyahu and his entourage are perfect flag-carriers for this view. In practice it means genocide and slaughtering of Palestinians, and by extension, wiping entire Palestine off the map.

By day 33 of the genocide drive, November 9, 2023, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have killed way more than 10,000 Palestinians in Gaza, and possibly close to 5,000 children; a true massacre. Since Gaza is largely cordoned off, much of the casualty data comes from Israeli sources – and may be way under-reported. Actual figures are likely much higher.

Most of us, of the real world, not covered by the mainstream, are speechless – as western politicians – criminals and cowards – look on, in full tolerance of mass-murder. See this and this .

It gets even worse. Last Sunday, Israel’s Jerusalem and Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said in a radio interview that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip, is “an option”. Netanyahu distanced himself from the statement and suspended the minister. For more details, see this .

For how many blood-thirsty hate-mongering Zionists, this statement speaks from their “guts”, because hearts they don’t have?

And more of IDF atrocities – destroying hospitals’ last sources of energy, their solar panels. Can these murderers, Netanyahu, and his ilk, and the Bidens, Rishis, von der Leyens, Scholz’s et al – of this world still be called humans? – Nuremberg 2.0 must come, maybe in an updated format à la 21st Century with digital punishment. No questions – no answers – but judgement.

As long as these obscure monsters of the Cabal of Darkness cheer the killing on, so long Israel, Netanyahu will not call off the IDF and accept a ceasefire. Peace negotiations are not part of the agenda for Greater Israel.

Be it noted, though, that there are many thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of true Jews in Israel and around the world, who do not agree with this murderous onslaught demonstrated by their Israeli leadership against Gaza. Thousands of them protested over the past weekend in Jerusalem and capital cities around the world, against Netanyahu’s merciless war policies.

Maybe Zionists are already ruling the world, especially the western world, without most people realizing it. Next step – “planned” only – is taking over also the East, and then call it a One World Order (OWO) of One World Government (OWG). And the Zionists pull the strings. Quietly, discretely, invisibly.

Looking closer, much of the world ruling is already in Zionist domain. The United States, still one of the world’s foremost military and economic power, is totally beholden to the Zionist narrative. The European Union (EU), at least the head of and the European Commission, as well as key EU members, like Germany, France, Italy and more, are mere doormats for the Zionists’ ever more grandiose ambitions.

No wonder: The Crown of Great Britain revels in admiration of the Zionist Plan – a plan crafted by the very UK with support of the US and the US controlled United Nations. The western banking system, anchored in the Dragon-protected “City of London”, in other words, the western monetary flow, and to the extent of remaining dollarization of the East, that of Asia and eastern countries – is controlled by Zionist banking royals.

Zionist power extends to Hollywood, the worldwide communication and information system – the “official” media – higher, elite-education (Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and most Ivy League universities), the Information Technology (IT) complex, social-media networks; medical / health science, including the pharma industry; and even the arts are predominantly in the realm of Jews and Zionists – and much more.

And, not to forget – psychology, mind control, social engineering – moving the masses in the direction wanted by the matrix, but against the interests of the people – in ways, the people stay oblivious to their manipulation and manipulators – are all controlled by the Zionist Movement.

The Federal Reserve (FED), also called the US Central Bank, is privately owned, by bankers who are almost exclusively Zionists. Of all the so-called hard currencies flooding the world, the US-Dollar dominates close to 60% of all liquidity. He who controls this liquidity – plus largely that of the Euro, an estimated 10% – controls the world.

Compare this with barely 5% of total circulating liquidity of the Chinese Yuan, the currency of the world’s second largest economy, or, depending on the criteria – even the world’s largest economy.

Banking and money alone tell you who is in control of the western money-enslaved world. Although de-dollarization is in full swing, counter-currents and resistance are strong – but not yet strong enough to halt the trend of breaking free.

Albert Einstein’s Predications

In his TV Show of 5 November, Jimmy Dore revealed a 1948 letter by Albert Einstein to Mr. Shepard Rifkin, Executive Director, American Friends of the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, in New York.

On April 10, 1948, just a month before the official creation of Israel, 14 May 1948, by David Ben-Gurion, Einstein warned Rifkin – and the world – of a looming catastrophe in Palestine. He said in his letter, if such a catastrophe should happen, the first responsible would be the Brits for proposing and sponsoring the establishment of Israel in Palestine, referring to the 1917 Balfour Declaration, and the second responsible would be the “terrorist organizations built up from our own ranks”. He was no doubt referring to the World Zionist Movement.

Einstein finished his letter by exclaiming, “I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people.” Before the actual creation of Israel, Einstein’s foresight told him the criminal nature of the Zionists.

See full video clip (3-min) of the November 2, 2023 Jimmy Dore Show .

Did Einstein foresee, or sense, Palestine becoming Israel’s Killing Fields, from 1948 forward, to explode in a worldwide tolerated, even supported, and encouraged democide / genocide, just three-quarters of a century after the birth of Israel?

Does Netanyahu, his entourage – and the West – realize that the 75 years of Apartheid, of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and of wiping the Gaza Strip and eventually all the Palestinian land off the map – is comparable to, or worse than the “Holocaust”?

In a letter of 4 December 1948 to the Editor of the New York Times (NYT), Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Sydney Hook et al, wrote – Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy, and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.”

“The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States.”
 See this for more .


Einstein was well-aware of the establishment in 1897 of the World Zionist Movement, in a Conference held in Switzerland. This Movement is what he most likely referred to in his letter to Shepard Rifkin, when Einstein called the movement, those misled and criminal people.

For the Zionists, Palestine was the homeland of the Jews – from 3000 years back, although even then, Palestine was only sparsely populated by people of the Jewish faith. They lived then peacefully together with the Arabs. Only some 1500 years later, Islam was created (in 610 AD). And they still lived peacefully together for another 1500 years.

The Jewish, alias Zionist vs. Arab conflict started about 75 years ago, with the creation of Israel and the ensuing Nakba (Nakba, meaning “catastrophe” in Arabic, referring to the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war).

From that date on, the Zionist-Israelis made sure that the sponsors of their country and the sponsors extended fists and boots – and firepower – across the shining Atlantic, would always be on their side. No matter what. They had the supremacy. They were given the power by the United Nations which acted with the powers of the British and the American Empires.

And – not to forget – the Zionists controlled then and even more so today, most of the world’s monetary flow, and the financial and banking institutions emitting the money in circulation.

Some prominent politicians and historians dare to speak out and in defense of Palestine. One of them is Dr. Mohamad Mahatir, former Prime Minister of Malaysia, speaking at the Global Solidarity and Rally Free Palestine – in London – 4 November 2023.

Dr. Mahatir reminded the world of what most westerners, particularly Europeans, wish to forget – their 500-plus years of imperialism-colonialism. Israel is a mere product of this historic tyrannical western train of thinking. Listen to and watch Dr. Mahatir’s superb 8-min speech, here .


What is next?

We can only imagine where the west wants Israel to go – for the western elite’s own sake. Zionists and the West live in a symbiotic relationship.

The West tends to supports Israel’s long war towards fulfillment of the dream of the Chosen People, a Greater Israel – one that would encompass at least half the Middle East, including Jordan, parts of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Sriya, Egypt and more – see map (left).

These are the countries with the most hydrocarbon energy reserves, other than Russia – which the west – and especially its elite covets to fulfill their wishful dream, a One World Order, alias a One World Government, run by a neo-capitalist scheme for profits of the wealthy.

These western so-called leaders know very well that for the foreseeable future hydrocarbon will be THE source of energy that fuels the world’s economy. No matter what they officially say and lie about – the man-caused CO2 “climate change” – a farce, they need hydrocarbons for the world’s survival.

Today, about 85% of all energy used in the world stems from hydrocarbons, about the same as 30 years ago, when the farce was launched with the “Earth Summit” in Rio in 1992.

Their lies and mind manipulations are enhanced with the many different COPs (Conference of the Parties), so far 27 COPs were held since the “Earth Summit”, the last one in Egypt in November 2022. The next one, COP 28, is scheduled for December 12, 2023 in Dubai.

So, most common people, including many scientists, believe in this humongous deception. Especially those “scientists” who believe in the 24/7/52 hot media propaganda, instead of doing their own research.

The climate hoax officially started with the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), or ‘Earth Summit’. However, preparation for this enormous Climate Deception began already much earlier, with the Club of Rome – reflected in the Club’s infamous Report “Limits to Growth” (1972) which seeks any means to reduce the world population by close to 90% – according to their wishful thinking. “Climate Change” is an excellent tool for their objective. See this .

 Protection from fake “climate change” allows for a myriad of genocidal atrocities, like targeted geoengineering of the climate, causing droughts, exceptionally strong and destructive hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, glacier- and Arctic and Antarctic ice-melting, resulting in famine, poverty, and death, as well as the make-believe birth of “deadly viruses” against which the world must be vaxxed with potions of deadly biochemical mixes, or bio-weapons.

 Fake “climate change” is also at the roots of wanton destruction of western economies, by condemning the use of hydrocarbons because of CO2 that is pretended to increase the earth’s temperature, forcing leading economies to decline – maybe collapse – see Germany.

 Israel – in her extended format – fits exactly the picture. A larger Israel, encompassing the Middle East’s energy resources is precisely what the western elite needs.

 The dark planners, the cabal, the Financial-Military-IT-Media-Pharma complex, controlled mostly by Zionists, who are also running the Great Reset / Agenda 2030-executing institutions and NGOs – the United Nations, the World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO), the Governments of the US, UK and the European Union (EU) – have crafted a perfect symbiotic interdependence between the Zionists dream of a Greater Israel and the western elite’s need for the resources controlled by the planned Greater Israel.

 Palestine, as Israel’s Killing Fields, is a mere step towards a larger diabolical plan of a tyrannical One World Government.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020). Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


Published by The 21st Century

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