Investigative Journalist Yoichi Shimatsu: Brussels Decoded, NATO's Jihad Operation

[Editor’s note: A world’s renowned investigative journalist Mr. Yoichi Shimatsu gave a special lecture at Tsinghua University in Beijing on another so-called “ISIS-instigated Terror Attack” in Brussels in March 22, 2016.

The 4th Media volunteers created this taped video from the lecture. We do sincerely hopes this video presentation useful for our global viewers.

FYI, from the day one when, for sure, another “staged ISIS terror attack” as a “false flag” operation allegedly by CIA, Mossad, MI6 and their “NATO counterpart” such as the “Gladio B team” took place this time in Brussels, The 4th Media has faithfully introduced a number of related articles from some of the world’s most known investigative journalists, scholars, experts who write their valuable and timely articles for some of our media partners such as Global Research, Strategic Culture Foundation, etc.

Their articles have been reposted on The 4th Media since the Day One on March 22nd, 2016 as in the following:


If you click the following link,, then you’ll be able to read more articles on the same issue. Best wishes!]

Here is the video presentation from Mr. Shimatsu who made his special lecture on the 31st of March, 2016 at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

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3 Replies to “Investigative Journalist Yoichi Shimatsu: Brussels Decoded, NATO's Jihad Operation”

    wonfer why the rest just ignore facts and Muslims sheepishly ACCEPT the blame

  2. Absolutely FANTASTIC
    Do not be surprised if there are just few comments.
    You have no idea how they are insanely CENSORING the truth + anything that shows how disgustingly stupid and insane/barbaric and vile these bastards are.

    there are reports postig your articles has had them undo the Man Football stadium FALSE FLAG

    so thanks and keep up the fantastic great work
    Pls take good care of “thyself”
    U know what we mean, sir!

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