Guo Mei-mei Event Underscore’s Netizen’s Distrust of State Charity Organizations

“Guo Mei-mei event” is far from over.In this event, the holiness of charity has been largely challenged by people’s doubt and outrage.  the Red Cross society of china, as it always did in the past, gave the society a passive response. The statement not only failed to resolve the people’s doubt and concerns, but also aroused social discontent emotions. Why the situation has turned so bad? There are two relevant reasons, on the one hand, it is because the current members of the Red Cross organizations knows little about what the former members have done; On the other hand, bureaucracy  is also an apparent characteristics style in the government-run monopoly charity organizations.

This event once again told people that the  Red Cross and other charitable organizations should  keep away  from power. Otherwise, it is difficult for them to maintain an independent status and  to perform their own responsibilities; it is also difficult for them  not to abuse sponsors love and money.


Translated and edited by Peng Bo. Write to him at

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