Gene Warfare on Brazil Infants Has Roots in an African Lab

The global spread of Aedes aegypti is one of the grim legacies of the era of African slavery, arriving to the Europe and the Americas in buckets of water for the human cargo aboard slave ships. The fear of a relatively less-harmful Zika virus is largely due to the fact that it rides inside this fluttery messenger of death, whose wings transported the dreaded “break-bone” fever (dengue) that thrice-ravaged plantations and cities in the 18th century; yellow Jack, or yellow fever that delayed the digging of the Panama Canal with mass fatalities of workers and which killed more soldiers in the Spanish-American War than did bullets or bayonets; the frightening ebola virus that still stalks West Africa; West Nile virus, the bane of horses; and Chikungunya that broke loose over the Indian subcontinent.

Adaptable and prolific, this hardy insect has ideal qualities as a carrier, or vector, in the arsenal of biological warfare and for covert campaigns of population reduction. The Zika virus, being non-lethal, has opened the new dimension of psychological warfare. Media images touting its “association with” brain-damaging microcephaly have caused anxiety, depression and hopelessness among the downtrodden rural poor of Latin America, whose one immense joy in an otherwise unrewarding life is to give birth to a beautiful child. Alhough nowhere as deadly as other types of mosquito-borne viruses, Zika has turned out to be unimaginably cruel.

Recap of Investigative Breakthroughs

The series of investigative reports uncovered telltale links between the surge in microcephaly cases since 2012 and the start of the Oxytec lethal-gene mosquito release program in 2011. The timeline of events in Brazil showed that the increase of deformities in embryo brains originated years before the arrival of the Zika virus in the summer of 2014. Despite the inconsistency in timing between these health threats, a drumbeat of shocking media images of babies with abnormal heads overwhelmed the sensibilities of the world public, with the exception of a few skeptics.

The Zika scare is a smokescreen behind which pathogenic bioagents, which cause miscarriages and microcephaly, are covertly deployed by Western powers against perceived “enemy societies” for purposes of population reduction, regime change or counterinsurgency. Our investigative effort exposed the U.S. and British biological warfare laboratories involved in promoting the modern Zika virus outbreaks.

A comic moment in this grand tragedy was our slap-down of a hyperbolic claim from Argentine physicians suggesting that a new pesticide called pyriproxyfen, used in flea powder, caused a sudden rise of microcephaly. The corporate media eagerly chimed in with our point-by-point critique, although their venal motive was probably to curry favor with Monsanto and Sumitomo Chemical, whereas we remain steadfastly opposed to their chemical destruction of the health of humans, animals and vegetation.

By confronting the disinformation and presenting science-based facts, this series has put the spin doctors at the CDC, NIH and WHO on the defensive. Their excuses are getting lamer, the most recent being a shaky attempt by WHO to blame microcephaly on Zika’s synergistic interactions with prior ebola infections. In East Africa where the population has antibodies to Zika, no such lingering ebola influence has been reported. Now that these malpractitioners in white robes are caught red-handed with their fingers in a biowar operation, they are flustered, tongue-tied and panicked with no getaway plan.

Here in Part 3, several more disturbing features of this campaign of bioengineered maiming of infants are examined close-up:

– tracing back the route of transmission of the Asian variant of Zika virus to Brazil via human vectors, visiting athletes in summer 2014, a chilling scenario that casts a dark cloud over the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio.

– disclosing the hidden threat and potential risks of Oxitec-type biotech transfers of protein transcription agents that suppress gene functions in embryonic brain development, and the high risks in “profits-first” commercialization of gene-based therapies;

– tracking down the Zika virus to its origins in Uganda;

– the politics of global population underlying the mystery death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, in the struggle to set the population agenda for 2050.

Athletes as Vectors

Zika virus did not fly into Brazil on gossamer wings of insects but instead flew aboard jetliners in the bodies international athletes to world competitions in the summer of 2014. Or so it has been suggested by health authorities. The Zika subtype that entered Brazil is the Asian strain, and not the African original. Major countries in the Asian zone that had experienced outbreaks prior to Brazil were Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Yap (Micronesia), and Tahiti and Bora Bora in French Polynesia.

If this theory is correct, the initial vector for Brazil was probably an athlete or a spectator from Tahiti-French Polynesia participating in the IVF Va’a sprint-canoe championships in August 2014. Held at Rodrigo da Fritas lake in Rio, the venue environment of lagoons and lakes meant that local mosquitoes were exposed to a human-borne risk. As in “man bites dog” stories, humans can be at fault as friendly hosts for infectious diseases.

The other major sporting event in Brazil was the 2014 FIFA World Cup of June-July 2014. The Asian Confederation’s qualifying squads that could possibly have been exposed in the run-up to the Rio semifinals were Australia (match vs. Thailand) and Iran (vs. Indonesia). Playoff groups for South Korea and Japan did not include tropical countries.

The 10-day life cycle of Zika-infected mosquitoes would have to be repeated several times for cross-infection of large swarms and feeding on humans significant numbers. The estimate of the consequent start of outbreak is late September to October 2014.

Given the 9-month gestation period for human births, the initial round of Zika-infected babies would have begun arriving in May 2015. That is too late, since health records show microcephaly births swelled from 2012 onward and then peaked in spring 2015. By latter half of 2015 the incidences of microcephaly newborns were on the decline.

The sports scenario does not match the microcephaly surge, which raises the suspicion that Zika was covertly introduced earlier to cover the biowarfare operation against Brazil.

Rush to Judgment

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the WHO claim that Brazil’s surge in microcephaly is “associated with” Zika virus infection. This sort of insinuation from corrupt bureaucrats is a propaganda ploy preparatory to an assault on common sense.

More than 4,400 babies born since the start of 2015 show signs of microcephaly (which is a condition rather than a single disease). However, only about 40 infants with microcephaly born in that period are confirmed to have traces of Zika virus in their blood samples. That is less than 1 percent of reported cases, which means that WHO and NIH are involved in statistical misrepresentation.

In a situation of 0.9 percent of a cohort being infected by Zika, the strong probability is that Zika infection happened to COINCIDE with microcephaly. Two separate and discrete problems have afflicted a small minority of infants. To look at the same figures in reverse, 4,360 microcephaly babies out of 4,400 were found NOT to be infected by Zika. The logical conclusion is that there is no association between microcephaly and Zika. Some mothers with brain-damaged embryos also contracted Zika infection.

While entering independently of each other into pregnant women, Zika virus and the cause(s) of microcephaly could be co-factors behind the extreme brain deformation and other disorders. Co-factoring, rather than association, is a more accurate term at this point when diagnostic evidence is still scant.

Zika virus has reported neurological effects, which could exacerbate the inherent disorders involved in microcephaly. Medical records from Tahiti indicate Zika virus is linked with Guillaine-Barre syndrome (GBS), a cluster of neurological disorders arising from a hyperactive immune-system response to viral attacks, resulting in self-inflicted damage to nerves that control involuntary muscles. The interplay between Guillaine-Barre and microcephaly in embryos is not yet understood. Theoretically, Zika infection could trigger an autoimmune reaction in a pregnant mother, particularly if she is in poor health, resulting in antibody attacks on the nerves in the uterus with catastrophic effects on the embryo. That possibility is hypothetical and yet to be confirmed or rejected by medical research.

Zika causation of microcephaly finds support from pediatric brain expert Dr. William Dobyns, who pointed out in an online interview that cytomegalovirus (CMV), a subtype of herpes simplex, has caused extreme microcephaly in embryos on par with the Brazil crisis, including calcification of the brain and extraordinary deformation. The virus he cited, CMV, is not an appropriate analogy, since it is widely used for gene transport into human cells, raising the questions of whether some embryos could have been adversely impacted by gene therapy on their mothers in early pregnancy.

Dr. Dobyns, who is also a psychiatrist, is director of Center for Brain Research at the Seattle Childrens Hospital, which is heavily funded by Melinda Gates, and also on at the pediatrics faculty at the University of Washington. A Seattle-based military physician explained to me that Bill Gates’s father, a prominent local citizen and donor to medical charities, is a major support of Planned Parenthood and advocate of population limits. The connection of the Gates dynasty, ideological proponents of global population reduction, with Washington State’s medical establishment is just too close for comfort and credibility of claims.

Two Probable Causes

Another ratio to consider is the 40 cases of Zika-infected microcephaly infants among the estimated 100,000 to 1 million Brazilians afflicted in the virus outbreak. Data is not yet available on the number of Zika-infected mothers who gave birth to healthy babies, a group that is probably much more numerous. If an association exists, why are there not hundreds more, and even thousands of Zika-infected microcephaly babies?

What then accounts for the majority of microcephaly cases in Brazil? Several known suspects can be struck off the list: the last outbreak of rubella (German measles) was in 2006; HIV has preexisted the microcephaly surge for four decades; and while alcohol consumption is rising among students the increase is insufficient in poorer areas to account for the increase in infant brain damage. Brazil has a lower per-capital alcohol consumption rate that many Western nations. Most puzzling of all is that the microcephaly surge has been happening after the governments of presidents Lula da Silva and his successor Dilma Rousseff put enormous emphasis on improving public health and upgraded national medical care with better diagnostics.

In affected mothers with and without Zika infection, there are two probable candidates behind the microcephaly surge. First is accumulation of pesticides in human fatty tissues after decades of exposure to crop-spraying. To acknowledge the now much-maligned Argentine Physicians against Crop-Spraying, prenatal health could have reached a tipping point from the long-term effects of organophospate pesticides. Toxicity levels may have been raised by the drought in Brazil, which led to higher concentrations of pesticide in the environment and water sources. Chemical poisoning may well account for many instances of brain shrinkage in infants but would not explain the more extreme cases. If is a pity that the Argentine group made such inaccurate claims, for that harms the cause of non-pesticide dependant agriculture.

Spotlight on a Toxic Bio-agent

The other prime suspect, as explained earlier in this series, is a protein transcription factor, an enhanced bio-agent that interferes with the production of GATA binding proteins, which are essential for embryonic development of the brain, nerves and eyes. The Oxytec captive male mosquitoes are loaded with an agent called RIDL (Release of Insects with a Dominant Lethal), which is passed to wild female mosquitoes during mating. The mother mosquito is unharmed and can bite humans. RIDL infiltrates her offspring to stymie their development beyond the pupae stage, with fatal consequences in most individuals but not all of them.

The key issue is whether the female mosquitoes can transfer RIDL in her saliva into the human bloodstream. Nothing in Oxitec’s technical reports suggests a barrier against female mosquito-to-human transmission of the biotech-enhanced protein agent. In a study apparently done in Malaysia, an Oxytec research group (Alphey, Nimmo, McKerney) conducted trials on whether RIDL is passed to predatory insects feeding on dead transgenic mosquitoes. This experiment discloses a real concern about the risks of “leakage” of the RIDL bioagent into other species. There is a vast difference in scale of risk between insect digestion of dead mosquitoes and fluid exchanging between living mosquitoes and their human prey. Oxitec failed to conduct tests on potential transmission to primates via mosquito bite, which should have been mandatory for a novel technology under British and American health regulations.

Quoting a 2000 statement by Oxitec chief scientist Luke Alphey at the start of his transgenic mosquito project: “The concern here is gene flow: Can the transgene ‘escape’ into a wild population and, if so, what would be the consequences? Clearly the RIDL transgene will enter the target population at quite high frequency, that’s the intention! But what about other populations and species? Animals have extremely strong behavioral and genetic mechanisms preventing inter-specific gene flow by mating, so the risk of transfer to other species is very low.”

“Low” is not equivalent to zero, when it comes to risk in transgene methods. There is a risk, and probably a high risk.

How RIDL Kills

The RIDL protein-interference strategy shuts down the GATA “transcription factory” in mosquito larvae? Can RIDL also achieve inter-species gene flow and disrupt the GATA complex in human embryos? Research studies have shown that the GATA 1, 2 and 3 binding proteins are quite similar in insects and mammals (invertebrates and vertebrates). There is no Steel Curtain between species.

The GATA 4, 5 and 6 protein group is more complex in vertebrates than in anthropods, and potential effects of gene transfers are not as yet understood. Even if RIDL is unable to disable GATA-4, there is a strong likelihood of its capability to shut down GATA-1 and GATA-3 in humans with potential harmful effects on embryonic brain development.

(For a refresher on the “death gene” strategy: The target of the RIDL gene-inhibitor is the transcription “factory” or gene foundry, which assemble the GATA binding proteins involved in construction of the brain, nerves, heart and blood vessels. Inside the female mosquito, RIDL aelf-installs as a gene switch on the tetracycline resistance (tetO) protein in the GATA transcription factory. Disabling tetO shuts down protein-production operations. Without a steady stream of GATA binding proteins weaving together its organs, an embryo cannot develop properly and therefore cannot attain adulthood. Arrested development of mosquito pupae has its equivalent in women to miscarriage.

Ominous Risk of Genetic Hijacking

Critics of the mechanical mindset that rules biotechnology have raised fears of a so-called Frankenstein gene transfer between species from different evolutionary histories. In a 2010 study of animal genomes, molecular biologists at the University of Texas Arlington discovered evidence of substantial gene transfers between non-mating species, in particular, between a blood-sucking insect and a pond snail. Their discovery of freewheeling “space invader” plasmids (invasive DNA fragments) explains the existence of alien genes out of sync with the timeline of the host’s evolution. (Non-reproductive gene transfer in nature tosses a monkey wrench into Darwinism.)

Horizontal (lateral) gene transfer has been scorned by many bio-engineers as scare-mongering from anti-GMO activists. HGT has been found in bacteria, and is considered a viable technique for substitution of unwanted gene sequences. It is just one of many methods of genetic restructuring, including use of gene-splicing enzymes, zinc-finger alteration and transcription-like re-coding.

Protein transcription factors are much less cumbersome than RNA intervention since many of these particle can be inserted directly into the body without a viral transporter, and pilot the own path to assigned targets. An analogy is to send in a tool kit though the mail slot of a garage to repair a car instead of trying to deliver a whole new engine block.

The GATA binding proteins are especially tricky because of their “zinc fingers”. The metal ions magnetically clasp onto indents in strands of DNA or RNA. After establish a strong grip on a target section of the helix, the ribbons of the GATA protein wrap around the DNA like an octopus’s tentacles to repair gene sequences. Helper proteins provide assistance in complex operations, and these can even weave in a third strand of RNA into the double-helix of DNA to alter the code and hijack its operations.

The question arises: Can a zinc-finger protein redesign a transcription factory to replicate itself? If by this hijacking, or by some other replication strategy, RIDL can find a way to duplicate itself, it could spell the end of humanity. Improbable yes, impossible, well, that’s yet to be seen and by then it will be too late to stop the Terminator gene.

Back to Africa

The CDC website states: “There are no Zika diagnostic testing kits so please send CDC blood samples and antibodies.”

Contrary to its public statement, under domestic political pressure, CDC shipped 1,425 diagnostic kits to Florida in January. The CDC has secretly stockpiled these antibody detection tools. It must have taken samples of the Zika virus and antibodies from patients to produce those kits. Until very recently, Brazil had refused to send samples to the United States, so there’s a mystery to be solved as to where CDC got the virus and the corresponding antibodies.

The first modern outbreak of Zika virus occurred on Yap island, Micronesia, in 2007, and as detailed in Part 1 of this series, the CDC vector-driven insect lab from Fort Collins, Colorado, and the U.S. Air Force medical office dispatched a large research presence to that remote island. Since CDC now has antibody-based diagnostic kits, blood samples must have been harvested from Yap residents for isolation of antibodies for the Asian strain of Zika.

In forensic journalism, the investigator “works backward” to retrace the chain of causality. The Asian strain, which is now found in Indonesia or the Philippines (both a long distance from Yap) had to have been transported via the nearest island. Guam is the founding site of the U.S. Navy’s NAMRU-2 biowarfare lab, created with research expertise from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York City. At the time of the Yap affair, NAMRU-2 was in the process of moving from Jakarta to Phnom Penh (which would suffer an accidental Zika release three years later).

The Asian strain that hit Yap, Tahiti and Brazil therefore came from NAMRU-2 Jakarta, and may have also been modified in that lab. The Asian strain is apparently tagged by deletion of a glycosylation (sugar-protein). Did the gene-modified Asian Zika strain escape the lab by accident or was it a deliberately release against target populations in the Pacific and Latin America? If you just answered “accident”, the runner-up prize is a dunce cap rolled from yesterday’s newspaper.

So where did the predecessor Zika virus come from? And how did it get to Indonesia? Simple. From Africa and by airplane, of course.

So for next big step, zero in on its namesake, Zika, a forest 15 kilometers from the laboratory of the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) in Entebbe. Along the road to Kampala, the pristine natural reserve includes swamps that stretch to Lake Victoria, an ideal environment to raise “several strains of Aedes aegypti and an Aedes vitattus colony.” Bands of primates once flourished here, including test specimen No.766, the rhesus monkey who was the granddaddy of the Zika virus. Let’s not get ahead, or behind, ourselves on this journey into the past.

In 2008, Wellcome Trust (a funder of Oxytec) launched a microbiology training program at UVRI in cooperation with Makerere University medical school.

Step further backwards to 1997, when the Centers for Disease Control set up its own independent laboratory at UVRI. Pause, gulp, wince. CDC? The very same U.S. government lab that sent a team to the mystery Zika outbreak in Yap and that mailed diagnostic kits to the Florida health department? CDC, which of course cooperates with NAMRU-2 on avian flu. You mean the same civilian CDC lab that’s not supposed to involve itself in offensive biowarfare operations under the UN Biological Warfare treaty?

Then there’s the WHO, which sets up an HIV reference library packed with retrovirus samples at UVRI in 1986 as millions die across the continent by evermore strains of that retrovirus. Oh, that Green Monkey who created AIDS and made Africa safe again for corporate colonialism.

Next, well, nothing, zero mention of what the lab was doing when Idi Amin was running Uganda. Also deleted from lab history is the 1947 isolation of Zika virus from No.766 by Rockefeller Foundation microbiologist Jordi Casals, who concurrently did research for the U.S. Army Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. (A native of Catalonia, Casals would later play a large role in Cold War research into contagious lethal viruses from the Soviet Union.)

In 1937, another virus is discovered in a feverish woman in Uganda’s West Nile district. In the same year, Chikungunya was first identified in the nearby Semliki Forest.

In 1936, the lab is established as the Yellow Fever Research Station of the Rockefeller Foundation, the world-leading center on eugenics training virologists from the United States, Germany and Japan.

And so at the end of our African adventure, we see the cradle of the outbreaks that have frightened the world ever since – West Nile virus appearing near microbiology labs in Dallas, Saskatchewan and Israel; Chikungunya in India, China, Latin America and the Caribbean; ebola in West Africa; Semliki forest virus in the Central African Republic; HIV just about everywhere; and lest we forget, Zika now spreading like wildfire.

For countless millenniums past these natural pathogens lay mostly dormant in isolated biological communities of humans and animals, until the arrival of the “superior intelligence” of modern man. The biological paradise of Africa became the motherlode of pestilence, contagious pathogens made more virulent in labs and spread around the world by demented scientists and their ruthless financial masters. It all started here at the Rockefeller-CDC research laboratory, a graveyard set atop the birthplace of humanity.

Death on the Pecos River

Simultaneous with the Zika affair and microcephaly surge in predominantly Catholic Brazil, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at the Cibola Ranch in south Texas. At the dinner with guests of Texan business entrepreneur and resort owner J.B. Pointdexter, the judge was convivial before retiring to his last night of rest.

Everyone has a inkling of suspicion. If foul play was involved, it would have required a time-release dosage before his arrival to the ranch, a place of hospitality and firm security.

The owner of the range and game preserve, John Pointdexter is prior of the largest foreign chapter of the Order of Saint Hubert, a Catholic lay society based in the former principality of Bavaria. Hubertus, in Latin, is the patron saint of hunting, the pastime and prerogative of knights. The order is patronized by the Habsburg dynasts, who once ruled over the Holy Roman Empire (Christendom) that stretched from Hungary to the New World. Scalia was safer and more secure at Cibola ranch, along that divide between the United States and Mexico, than in Washington D.C.

Scalia, a strong opponent of abortion and any policy that smacked of government-backed population control, was a devout Catholic and rumored to be a member of the cult-like Opus Dei, although over recent years his thinking was evolving toward federalism and a more catholic view (a more encompassing perspective) of Christianity.

Whatever one may think of his decisions (I am an opponent of many of them) the mysterious death of his honor, Justice Scalia, weighs heavily on America and the world, for his passing upsets a balance between the many who believe in the sanctity and intelligence gifted on the human embryo and those who anxiously seek to reduce the burgeoning world population, which is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050.

The ideological differences between these two camps, followers of Catholicism, Orthodoxy, evangelicals and Islam on one hand, versus an alliance of secular Jews, mainstream Protestants and feminists on the other, have to soon be worked out with a practical attitude of compromise on all sides and quickly. Dogmatic insistence on ever-larger families and many societies with an unemployable generation of youths are plunging into insolvency, lawlessness, insurrection and civil war. Failure to slow population growth could lead to a second Thirty Years War, a repeat of the brutal religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics in the 17th century, which enabled the invasion of Europe by the Islamic Ottoman Empire.

What is happening in Brazil, judging from evidence gathered so far was a biowarfare attack in an attempt to enforce involuntary population reduction. Reasonableness cannot be advanced with a crime against humanity. Intrigue is unacceptable for it is the key to opening the floodgates of communal annihilation.

The dead-locked duality between pro-life and pro-choice must be replaced by a common effort for teen awareness, family responsibility and social pressure against the exploitative culture of permissiveness that reigns over Hollywood. Persuasiveness is necessary toward reaching a balance between the human population and natural resources through a discourse among faith traditions, nations, communities and families. The balance begins with respect for others and honesty to oneself.

Yoichi Shimatsu, a science writer based in Asia, organized a public education committee of microbiologists during the SARS and avian influenza crisis.

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