Fukushima Daiichi Marine Ecosystem Collapse

Reasons why you should be concerned

#1 – Mysterious deadly black fungus being found on fish in Pacific Northwest — Gov’t: There was some concern Fukushima radiation could be involved — Biologists investigating how this landbased mold is now appearing in ocean — Many reports of unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer … The Nome office of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game received several reports of tomcod with black lesions this year… ADF&G fishery biologists speculate that the lesions are a fungus… Specifically, black mold, commonly found in houses… What the pathology lab finds interesting is that this fungus is landbased and yet it is appearing on fish… Fish pathologists would like to receive as many samples as possible so that they may adequately research what exactly is infecting these fish, as well as its effect on humans. Until further notice, ADF&G recommends that fish with lesions should not be eaten due to possible human health concerns (CAPTION: DON’T EAT THIS— ADF&G biologists are investigating black lesions found on tomcods in the region. Until it is known what the lesions exactly are, the dept recommends not to consume fish showing these symptoms) (http://enenews.com/mysterious-black-mold-being-found-fish-pacific-northwest-govt-concern-fukushima-radiation-could-be-involved-biologists-investigating-landbased-fungus-appearing-fish-many-reports-unusual-rotti)…

#2 – Besides the fact that researchers are predicting a Marine (E.L.E.) Extinction Level Event for the Pacific Ecosystem … Alaskan fishermen have not caught a single sardine for the last 2 years … just another bad year … because they’re being told that radiation is not an issue … no worse than a banana Ken Buesseler of Woods Hole is telling them. [However researchers like Dana Durnford have spent the last 8 months monitoring the Canadian Coast line from Vancouver Island to Alaska and can find only a couple dozen or so of the 6500 species he is used to seeing in his 20+ years as a diver …. “it’s not dying … it’s been dead for a couple years now … there’s no sign of resurgence this year … and you can put all the organic matter along the coast in the back of a pickup truck, no sign of insects, and just a handful of birds. We’re down to 1% of 1% … I’m finding no pockets of life. The Orcas have stopped singing because none of their babies survived the year. These experts can only be an apologist arm of the system. He says Buesseler’scomparison to a banana is ludicrous … “eating a banana is equivalent to 1/10th of a millionth of a Sievert … and it’s homeostatic … something the body can regulate … doesn’t accumulating the heart, pancreas, or kidneys like Cesium-137, or in the bone like Strontium-90 … both a (30 year half-life) and there is [100x] more Sr-90 wherever there is Cs-137. Iodine-131 is a cause of leukemia that seeks the thyroid … has an (8 day half-life) … but remember whenever you see I-131 there is [10x]moreI-132 and [30x] more I-133 and [31x] more I-129 (15 million year half-life). All of the extra Iodine ionizes and radiates the thyroid gland [9x] more effectively than I-131… People don’t understand the significance of what I’m saying … a dead Pacific Ocean is not a joke. Think about three mile island … it lasted for 5 days … Chernobyl lasted for ten days … equal to about 400 Hiroshima bombs … this Fukushima … it hasn’t stopped … and it will never stop. I worked out the numbers and the radiation is equal to 1200-1400 Hiroshima bombs/day, not counting the spent fuel pools. There’s 5 million pounds in each of those melted reactors … 18 billion times worse due to the MOX fuel from weapons reprocessing.”[Ref… Researcher Dana Durnford (www.thenuclearproctologist.org)

#3 – EPA tests in the months after the 03/11/2011 Japan Tsunami/Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Incident showed high levels of Iodine-131 (8 day Half-Life). The EPA was confident levels would be acceptable before reaching the West Coast. Curiously the EPA neglected to mention the levels of Cesium-137 & Strontium-90 which have a (30 Year Half-Life). EPA suspended testing after only a couple months … the last official update was dated (May 3, 2011) –Joint FDA, NOAA and EPA Fact Sheet on Seafood Safety Statement – Return to Routine Operations – ”… FDA, NOAA do not anticipate contamination of living marine resources in U.S. waters at this time. For this reason, sampling of U.S. harvested seafood is not currently planned.”[Reference…(http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/mediacenter/docs/2011/may/seafoodsafetyfactsheet_03may2011.pdf‎)

#4 – Since then the EPA’s new [PAG] Protective Action Guidelines have raised the safe acceptable levels of Isotopes. The draft EPA PAG lists the new drinking water limit of Iodine-131 at 81,000 picocuries/liter(pCi/l) 27,000 times the previous EPA limit of 3 pCi/l

New Canadian drinking water standards have raised the safe level of Tritium [1400x] from 5 to 7,000 (Bq/L) & 7 million (Bq/m3) … that’s 7,000 Becquerels (radioactive decays/second)of Tritium in your soda &7 million/sec in your hot tub. A new German study indicates a massive spike in Sr-90 at about the 1000 – 1500 day mark. (www.enviroreporter.com/2013/07/epa-nukes-radiation-rules‎)

#5 – Scientific Computer Models predicted the Radioactive release would reach the West Coast between the 3rd and 4th year. Santa Cruz surfers are now finding the tsunami debris as of late April 2015. The thin strip of fresh water along the coast as predicted by the models might account for the abundance of marine activity along the Santa Cruz-Monterey Bay last April 2014 … hundreds of pelicans diving at the surf-line off Capitola beach … and the multitudes of whales and dolphins sighted so close to shore … residents and the local community had never seen it so seemingly abundant in decades.[Ref… (www.enenews.com/)

#6 – Scientists are finding the radioactive material is not diluting in 2 yrs per scientific expectations as predicted by computer models using radioactive cesium tracers … but concentrating as it floats on the surface due to viscosity and heat differentials.

#7 – Months after the computer models and the EPA testing … TEPCO then amended their original assessment of a limited contained Hydrogen explosion to an ongoing uncontrolled Nuclear Reaction (Nuclear Meltdown) occurring in Reactors 1-3 … Later data of Corium in a test well 75-80 ft below ground level would indicate a breach in the reactor containment vessels … Muon detectors have revealed pools of Corium beneath the reactors. (Experts:Prepare for radiation doses over 200 Sieverts )[Ref… (www.renseradio.com)

#8 – 2 ½ years into the event … Tepco admitted to some 400 – 1000 tons of water flowing into, under and around Reactors 1 – 4. 400 tons/day is being pumped out of the basements … and stored in tanks to be treated … however at present Tepco has run out of room for more tanks … and the IAEA has given the okay to dump directly into the Pacific … Alternate estimates based on Tepco’s 30,000 gal/min put the 400 tons/day estimate closer to 150,000 tons/day/unit possibly over [1,000x] times more…

#9 – Nano size particles of Plutonium have been found floating on the surface of the ocean around the plant. Not to worry though … because EPA’s new [PAG] Protective Action Guidelines have increased the safe level by [3,447x] times. Other Isotopes thought to exist only theoretically in a plasma state are being found in a solid ‘particle-like’ congealed state…[Ref…(www.rense.com)

#10 – Tepco officials are admitting the technology does not exist to decommission the (3) meltdown/melt-thru nuclear reactors … maybe in 200 years the technology will be discovered Tepco’s scientists speculate … Tokyo has a very great aquarium at Rinkai, but Rinkai Park is at the mouth of the Edogawa river which is where they dredge up the river sludge to burn to remove the radiation from the waterway … but that plant is owned by Tepco … Tepco secretly owns a lot of the sludge plants … Tepco is a huge monster … 300 companies … thousands of assets … they’re not broke by any means … they have tons of money making operations. They dredge the river because the radiation is so high they’re getting about 4000 Becquerels/Kg of sludge … it’s pretty high. Edogawa river feeds right into Tokyo Bay where all the Olympic Islands are … and the huge aquarium is right there at Rinkai Park … that beautiful park …unfortunately is highly radioactive now … and there they have one of the biggest aquariums in the world. They had a school of tuna swimming around … 65 huge Bluefin tuna, hundreds of other tuna species, albacore and so on. A week ago Japan Times AFP broke the story … there’s only one tuna left … all the rest died mysteriously. I’m afraid this 200 year business ….what’s coming over is not just Cesium and Strontium … those were the light weight things … they will kill you slowly … what’s coming over is Tritium … that’s the knock out punch. Obviously Tritium killed these Tuna … and Plutonium. They’re finding out that nano sized particles of Plutonium float on water … it’s on the surface of the Pacific … it won’t sink. When this stuff hits it’s over … with the Tritium … I just don’t see any survival rate along the Pacific coast if that hits. It may well be over in 20 years … not 200 years … I mean the stuff will keep coming … but it will be coming to a wasteland where every form of life and every person who stays there will be dead. It’s the death of a Nation … Nuclear power … Nuclear energy has killed the country … and the more we find out … In Franfurt I gave the first presentation on discovering three nuclear weapons sites at Fukushima … these were vast underground chambers … and the trail from these facilities led to the ocean. So basically they piled that high level Plutonium-241 … highest level Plutonium for weapons you can have … hundreds of tons of war-grade Plutonium … piled it on barges and sank the barges in the Pacific. So that’s why I’m saying … this ain’t just a bunch of Uranium with a little bit of Plutonium … we’re talking about probably as much as the Russian stockpile of Plutonium has been dumped in the ocean, it’s breaking open, and there’s no real attempt to contain it in any way. We’re in for it … we’re really in for it ..! This is why all the engineers at Fukushima are starting to breakdown, they’re starting to talk, this stuff is serious.YoichiShimatsu (www.4thmedia.org) Jeff Rense: This is the most shocking revelation in print that I’ve seen yet … ‘No technology exists on the planet’ … ‘We have no idea’ … ‘This is insurmountable’ … ‘200 years at least’ … We’ve haven’t seen this before. They waited 4 years to tell us what Yoichi was telling us 4 years ago on this program. Yoichi: Yeah … we were telling you the first week … I think … The worst is yet to come. Everyone thinks the worst was right after Fukushima. No, Folks, the worst is still coming across … still bubbling up in the Pacific …Rense: You know … you said something earlier … and you’re right … I was thinking back … what we talked about in the first week or two after the event, when you came on. Every bit of it has proven to be exactly correct, every bit, you haven’t been wrong on anything.Yoichi:Yeah … we were exact about what we predicted … but we were wrong in that it has been far worse than we predicted … Ok … the volume of the meltdown … which they’re hunting for now with this muondectector … they can’t find anything in the upper regions of these reactors … It used to be there would be broken rods … they can’t find broken rods left ..! Now the engineers of the plant are saying all the corium in the (3) reactors has melted down … and we don’t know … we assume it’s at the bottom of the reactor … but we’re not sure. This kind of talk coming out … this is far worse than we were talking about back then … but we were right … we were right the meltdowns were very serious … and they were lying … they did not admit to the meltdowns for months … for months … and it was happening within (2) hours of the earthquake … (2) hours of the tsunami.Rense:Okay, there it is … No, it’s not on the MSN … you’re not gonnasee it on CNN … but it’s true … we tell you the truth here.[Ref… Jeff Rense and Researcher Yoichi Shimatsu (3/30/15) Fukushima Update (www.renseradio.com)

Reference: …[(http://www.fukushimaupdate.yolasite.com)]…

#11 – 3/30/15 – AP: Melted fuel may have “dropped even beyond” the bottom of Fukushima plant – ‘China Syndrome’ predicted by U.S. Gov’t analysis – IAEA Expert: Pools of corium beneath reactors are up to 2 stories high … 3/20/15 – New images show all melted fuel is “gone” from Fukushima reactor – Experts: Molten core may have reached outer environment, can’t tell if fuel is still contained – Official: “We presume fuel still in containment vessel … but we need to check one day” [Ref… (www.enenews.com)

[Additional References …

Fukushima Dummy Ken Buesseler Radiation is Like Banana’s So Shut Up – ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5Z0vB6UJV0 )

Dana Durnford Fukushima Updates Nov 3rd – (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtRaL5fOU_8)

Fukushima Disaster Update, April 2015 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlcyYGReNbE)

[Footnote Reference Materials …

EPA’s own numbers show fatal cancers at levels hundreds to thousands of times higher than with CERCLA at Superfund cleanup sites. [#3 – …the EPA’s new [PAG] Protective Action Guidelines have raised the safe acceptable levels of Isotopes.] The draft EPA PAG lists the new drinking water limit of Iodine-131 at 81,000 picocuries/liter(pCi/l) 27,000 times the previous EPA limit of 3 pCi/l

Cesium-137, Strontium-90 and Plutonium-239 would all be considered safe at levels thousands of times what the EPA currently allows. Cesium-137, Strontium-90 and Plutonium-239, would be allowed at levels so high that in one EPA radiation scenario, exposure would lead to a 100 percent chance of getting a fatal cancer, eight times over. Cesium-137 and Strontium-90, two virulent radionuclides that cause blood and bone cancers including leukemia, reaches new limits literally. Cs-137 is now considered safe at [270x] times its previous cutoff level. Sr-90 comes in at [676x] times what is the maximum level considered safe to drink. This results in different new rad limits on isotopes. In EPA PAG Alternative II for Strontium-90 in drinking water, the 246 Becquerels per liter (Bq/l) new limit is [7,022x] times EPA’s PRG. At 50 Bq/l Plutonium-239 is now over [3,447x] times its own PRG as determined by the agency that made both.

Previously, the target had been 1 mSv/y. All of this was rejected in favor of 20 mSv/y because the “prefectural government could not function with population drain under the 5-millisievert scenario,” (www.enviroreporter.com/2013/07/epa-nukes-radiation-rules/)‎


[81,000 picocuries/liter(pCi/l) = 2,997 becquerels/liter] 1 picocurie = 0.037 becquerels 1 becquerel = 27.027 picocuries


… says Hirsch in his comments on the PAG. “These are extraordinary doses. 20 mSv/y is the equivalent of approximately one thousand chest X-rays annually, or three chest X-rays every day of your life, from the moment of birth to the moment of death.

“This would, in effect, increase a longstanding 1 in 10,000 person cancer rate to a rate of 1 in 23 persons exposed over a 30-year period.”… For example, the new EPA guide refers to International Atomic Energy Agency guidelines that suggest intervention is not necessary until drinking water is contaminated with radioactive iodine 131 at a concentration of 81,000 picocuries per liter. This is 27,000 times less stringent than the EPA rule of 3 picocuries per liter.


New Canadian Safe Drinking Water Standards [ Becquerel = 1 radioactive decay/second (count/sec) ]


Tritium 7,000,000 (Bq/m3) Becquerels/m3 7,000 (Bq/L) Becquerels/Liter = [1400x] previous 5 (Bq/L)

Cesium-137 (137Cs) 10,000 (Bq/m3) Becquerels/m3

Iodine-131 (131I) 6,000 (Bq/m3) Becquerels/m3 [30 billionth of a gram lethal] [31x] more (129I) [51 million half-life]

Strontium-90 (90Sr) 5,000 (Bq/m3) Becquerels/m3 [100x] more Sr-90 wherever there is Cs-137

Far more concerning than mere numerical contradictions, however, is the manner in which PEER (Public Employees For Environmental Responsibility) paints the real effects of such a policy if it is ever put into practice. The organization states that, “This would, in effect, increase a longstanding 1 in 10,000 person cancer rate to a rate of 1 in 23 persons exposed over a 30-year period … Indeed, in March, 2011, I wrote an article entitled, “EPA To Help Mainstream Media Obscure The Truth About Radiation Exposure to Americans,” in which I reported on the EPA’s attempt to make important changes to its PAGs (Protective Action Guides) that would have allowed for, according to PEER, “nearly 1000-fold increase for exposure to strontium-90, a 3000 to 100,000-fold hike for exposure to iodine-131; and an almost 25,000 rise for exposure to radioactive nickel-63” in drinking water.”… (http://www.activistpost.com/2013/04/obama-approves-epas-higher-radiation.html)



[Additional References:]

Fukushima Dummy Ken Buesseler Radiation is Like Banana’s So Shut Up



Dana Durnford Fukushima Updates Oct 17th 2014 Pacific Ocean



Fukushima Disaster Update, April 2015



Published on May 12, 2015

Dialogue between Yoichi Shimatsu & Jeff Rense May 11th 2015

Fukushima…An Undeniable Extinction Level Operation of Mass Murder…



Jeff Rense & Yoichi Shimatsu – Fukushima…Irreparable Devastation

Published on Nov 5, 2014

Clip from November 03, 2014 – guest Yoichi Shimatsu on the Jeff Rense Program. Full program available in Archives at http://www.renseradio.com/signup.htm


Links referenced from: (if partial … go to …)


Published on Oct 17, 2014

No revolution has ever been won by walking in the streets , you have to get in their faces the nuclear scientist and academics have no moral high ground . There is no science to support nuclear scientist and medias assertions that man made ionized radiation is harmless like bananas potatoes walking in sunshine chest xrays bla blaso bla . Why do nuclear scientist say that because that is why we are in this predicament in the first place .

Chat room & info by and for the Fukushima Hounds .


Fukushima Reactors #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6


“Plutopia: Nuclear Families, American Plutonium Disasters” Kate Brown


Battle for humanity nearly lost: global food supply deliberately engineered to end life, not nourish it


Radchick: http://climateviewer.com/category/radchick/ Fukushima triggers jump in airline pilot/passenger heart attacks, cancers, rad symptoms

Are Ken Buesseler & Dr Jay Cullen Really Scientist Pt 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saGr-P…

Leuren Moret: Fukushima radiation has made Hawaii and Pacific islands unsafe for humans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PST3HysmSPk

Is Thunderf00t Fukushima Fallout Illiterate or a Shithead



Philippines Carnage Direct Result of Fukushima Radiation


Rad Chick Nuke Radio – Coverup Of Radiation Exposure Of US Servicemen Near Fukushima And Operation Tomodachi


Download 2000 plus pictures http://photo.tepco.co.jp/en/date/2013/201302-e/130201-01e.html

Leuren Moret Fukushima Much worse than we have been told

Saltwater makes little nuclear engines like buckyballs ,not absorbed into water , able to travel long distances ,last billions of years, very bad news .

Uranyl peroxide enhanced nuclear fuel corrosion in seawater


Canada Busted Covering Up Spikes In Fukushima Radiation


Model simulations dispersal of 137Cs released into the Pacific Ocean http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/7/3/034004/article

The death-streams recorded by Canadian Govt depositing death plumes 9 days later around entire coast BC Canada and it has continued for over 1100 days http://web.sca.uqam.ca/~wgne/CMOS/PRESENTATIONS/5648_damours.pdf

FOIAs Related to Japan’s Emergency http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/foia/japan-foia-info.html

DCA University of Alberta Doctors Discover A Cure For Cancer – http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/06/26/dichloroacetate-university-of-alberta-doctors-discover-a-cure-for-cancer/

Nuked Pacific with Lauren? Moret & Rad Chick watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50C7UmMiJzw

Excellent ! Chernobyl 3828 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfDa8tR25dk

Excellent Reference … See ENENews … is a great site http://enenews.com


Researcherspredicting[E.L.E.] Extinction Level Event for Pacific


6/08/15 – NOAA: Beaches full of dead baby sea lions off California… Many aborted fetuses – Garbage bags filled with animals along coast – Carts in freezer overflowing with bodies – Official: Pollution may well have had an effect… We deliberately didn’t test for it

6/05/15 – Gov’t Officials: Fukushima should be declared uninhabitable – “Conditions are getting worse, we have to move people away… we can’t wait” – “Someone has to do something” – “Just like evacuation of children in WWII” – Newspaper: “Fukushima youths ready to desert irradiated hometowns”

5/31/15 – Officials: ‘Nuclear fuel material’ leak at Fukushima – Japan TV: Record levels of radioactivity detected in seawater – Spiked “more than 200 times” at sampling location – Highest concentrations ever measured in 11 different areas [Spike 7000x higher than ever recorded]

5/29/15 – Japan volcano violently erupts without warning — Gov’t issues highest level alert for first time — Reuters: “Smell of sulfur, smoke blacked out sky… Officials warn of more big eruptions” — Expert: “I don’t think this is finished… We could see a more powerful eruption” — Upsurge in volcanic activity linked to 3/11 quake

5/28/15 – US Gov’t: Melted fuel most likely burned through containment at Fukushima reactors; We’re concerned about failures underground… “Where did it leak out? How did it leak out? We don’t know” – Expert: Corium may have flowed into reactor buildings, burned through floor

5/26/15 – “Very chilling warning” from Japan expert who foretold Fukushima meltdowns: “The Gods are warning us of something even more serious… incredibly disastrous” — Professor: Suddenly, our sun is doing very strange things… Crisis much worse than Carrington Event possible… Most unstable period since ice age, I’m very concerned about nuclear plants

5/25/15 – Mysterious deadly black fungus being found on fish in Pacific Northwest – Gov’t: There was some concern Fukushima radiation could be involved — Biologists investigating how this land based mold is now appearing in ocean — Many reports of unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer … The Nome office of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game received several reports of tomcod with black lesions this year… ADF&G fishery biologists speculate that the lesions are a fungus… Specifically, black mold, commonly found in houses… What the pathology lab finds interesting is that this fungus is land based and yet it is appearing on fish…Until further notice, ADF&G recommends that fish with lesions should not be eaten due to possible human health concerns (CAPTION: DON’T EAT THIS – ADF&G biologists are investigating black lesions found on tomcods in the region. Until it is known what the lesions exactly are, the department recommends not to consume fish showing these symptoms)…(http://enenews.com/mysterious-black-mold-being-found-fish-pacific-northwest-govt-concern-fukushima-radiation-could-be-involved-biologists-investigating-landbased-fungus-appearing-fish-many-reports-unusual-rotti) See Footnotes for additional information …

5/24/15 – Nuclear official warns of explosions at Fukushima plant — Gases accumulating in sediment underneath highly contaminated water — Spark caused by static electricity could ignite hydrogen blast

5/19/15 – Officials: 6,000% cancer rate increase in Fukushima children’s thyroids — Expert: Urgent countermeasures against the suspected outbreak are necessary – Professor: Gov’t stopped me from checking thyroid exposure levels after 3/11 …

5/18/15 – Huge spike in neurological diseases after Fukushima – 600% rise in disorders among evacuees – Similar abnormalities reported post-Chernobyl – Cases of heart disease, brain infarction also up – Physicians: “Great concern there will be additional health hazards” …

5/13/15 – Powerful M6.8 quake rocks NE Japan – Strongest to hit nation since 2011 – Official warns of upcoming aftershocks & tsunami, says tectonic plate is subducting in Pacific – CBS: Scientists detect month-long shaking on seafloor that could foreshadow mega quake similar to 3/11

5/12/15 – Former Japan TV News Anchor: The mutations have begun in Fukushima; Birds found blind, unable to fly – Magazine: “Birds in tailspin 4 years after Fukushima … the proverbial canary in a coalmine” – Professor: Birds with mutations popping up all over in contaminated areas

5/04/15 – “Caldrons of hell” created at Fukushima, says energy company official; Disaster is recurring each day at plant – Japan Nuclear Expert: We have a crisis “of a severity that can’t be imagined anywhere else”; People have been abandoned and “thrown away”

4/23/15 – Tepco to abandon second robot dispatched inside crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant … records reading of between 10 – 48 Sieverts before dying … (http://enenews.com/cnn-strange-green-glow-inside-fukushima-reactor-reports-yellow-blue-green-other-colors-could-be-video)

4/21/15 – TV: Nuclear waste spilling into Pacific Ocean after power outage hits Fukushima plant -Radiation Expert: Site is so radioactive and unstable “it may never be contained”… [Reference:_(http://enenews.com/category/location/japan/fukushima-reactors) … for all below …]

4/20/15 – CNN: “Strange green glow” seen inside Fukushima reactor — “Yellow, blue-green and other colors could be seen” – Radiation dose hits record high near 50 sieverts per hour – 15 seconds of video removed just before levels spiked 1,000%  

4/20/15 – ‘Major blow’ at Fukushima as robot loses control inside reactor – Moved 10 meters before failing – Max radiation readings more than doubled since 2012 – ‘Eerie footage’ shows orange glow in area with highest levels …

4/17/15 – CBS: Worst may not be over from Fukushima – “Effects of radiation have become much more severe – “Enormous decline” seen in animal species – “Striking drop-off … really dramatic impacts” – due to nuclear disaster …

4/01/15 – Times: “The worst possible result” revealed at Fukushima – Plant Chief: Centuries may pass before humans find a way to deal with molten cores – Top Official: “We have no idea” what to do, “the technology simply doesn’t exist … I can’t say it’s possible” …

3/30/15 – Tepco officials admit technology does not exist to decommission the (3) meltdown/melt-through nuclear reactors … maybe in 200 years the technology will be discovered Tepco scientists speculate … Fukushima Update (http://www.renseradio.com/) Researcher Yoichi Shimatsu

3/30/15 – AP: Melted fuel may have “dropped even beyond” the bottom of Fukushima plant – “China Syndrome” predicted by U.S. Gov’t analysis – IAEA Expert: Pools of corium beneath reactors are up to 2 stories high …

3/29/15 – Times: 200-year wait faced at Fukushima – Plant Chief: “No idea how” to decommission reactors … “the technology does not exist” – “No viable method” to deal with melted fuel; “So many uncertainties … we don’t have accurate information – Engineers declared problems “insurmountable” …

3/27/15 – Gov’t Report: Plutonium at 1,000,000 Bq/m3 was detected in ocean off Fukushima – “Contaminated waters will be transported rapidly to East” across the Pacific – This is “the most important direct liquid release of artificial radioactivity into sea ever known” – Scientists: “Remember, its not just Cesium that’s released” …

3/25/15 – Expert: Plutonium-241 from Fukushima nearly 70,000 times more than atomic bomb fallout in Japan – Gov’t Labs: Large areas of oceans contaminated by plutonium from events such as Fukushima; Build-up in biosphere expected; Considerable hazard to humans – Officials: Molten fuel now ‘particle-like’, contains ‘special’ nuclear materials …

3/20/15 – New images show all melted fuel is “gone” from Fukushima reactor – Experts: Molten core may have reached outer environment, can’t tell if fuel is still contained – Official: “We presume fuel still in containment vessel … but we need to check one day.

3/18/15 – Gov’t model shows Fukushima radioactive gas near Tokyo skyrocketed to 10,000,000,000 times normal levels soon after 3/11 – “Very high concentrations” recorded at all monitoring posts in northern hemisphere …

3/13/15 – Former Official: “40+ areas where extremely contaminated water flows directly into ocean” at Fukushima – Bloomberg: “4 years out, Fukushima reactors still spewing … Fishermen alleging for a while that radioactive water spilling into Pacific … astounding nobody at Tepco has gone to jail” …

3/10/15 – Video: Fukushima had “meltdown, melt-through, & melt-out within days of quake” – Gov’t: Analysis says containment vessel fails after fuel melts through barrier – Experts: Corium may have melted out to reactor building, prepare for radiation doses over 200,000,000 microsieverts/hour … [Note: 1 µSv (microSievert) = 1 millionth of a Sievert] [200 million µSv /hr = 200 Sv/hr] … Off the Chart …!

3/01/15 – TV: “Radioactive cover-up” at Fukushima – Experts believe “other sources of contamination” are flowing into ocean – Emergency hearing with plant officials – “”TEPCO decided long ago there was no need to monitor” the water with high-level radioactive materials …

2/25/15 – ‘Absolute Shock’: Nuclear waste on roof of Fukushima reactor flowing directly in ocean – Officials kept secret for past year & did nothing to stop it – Coming from highly radioactive debris on top of Unit 2; Gundersen: Reactor pressures got so high “it blew top off” – Amount of leakage ‘unknown’ – ‘Fallout far from over … International fury rising …[Reference:_(http://enenews.com/category/location/japan/fukushima-reactors) … for all above …]

2/23/15 – Nuclear Engineer: New video appears to show molten corium that melted out of Fukushima reactor – “Some of it is still ooziing” – We’ve been talking about criticalities going on and causing continued heat for a long time now” … [Reference:_(http://enenews.com/category/location/japan/fukushima-reactors) … for all above …]

Ref: …[(http://www.fukushimaupdate.yolasite.com)]…… Concerned yet…?… ( http://www.meetup.com/SOSFRSC/ ) …

[Footnote Reference Materials …


NOAA: Beaches full of dead baby sea lions off California… Many aborted fetuses — Garbage bags filled with animals along coast — Carts in freezer overflowing with bodies — Official: Pollution may well have had an effect… We deliberately didn’t test for it …

Yo! Venice, Jun 7, 2015 (emphasis added): The Sad Reality Of Starving, Dying Sea Lions On Venice… [A breeze] catches the scent of dead, rotting sea lion. The pungent stench lingers… It’s hard to ignore… The dead pups are small enough to be tied up tight in black plastic garbage bags. The larger adult sea lions lay out in the open.

Nick Fash, Heal the Bay: “It’s quite frightening… they wash up on our beaches weak and sickened and many cases dying, which is what you see in the bags.”

National Geographic, Jun 5, 2015: Number of Starving Sea Lions in California ‘Unprecedented’… raising questions about what the future holds after three years of mass strandings — More than 3,000 starving sea lion pups have washed up… And those are the lucky pups. The situation on California’s Channel Islands, where more than 90 percent of the U.S. sea lion population congregates to breed and nurse young, is even worse… “The few pups that have enough strength to leave the rookeries and make it to the mainland get recorded as strandings,” says NOAA’s Mark Lowry… “There’s a lot of death out there.”… When Lowry visited two of the main U.S. sea lion nurseries in April, he found a grim scene. In addition to beaches full of starving or dead pups, there were dead adult female sea lions and many aborted fetuses. “Adult females are taking a hit now,” he says. “What I’m predicting is that pup production—when they start being born in June—is going to be really low.”… This year, the most likely culprit is that warm water blob… But that blob wasn’t there during the earlier strandings, when oceanographic conditions looked much more normal. It’s also uncertain whether prey populations have died out… Sea lions are considered sentinel species, which means they’re used as indicators of ocean health—and the indications aren’t looking good.

2014-2015 Pacific Anomalies Science and Technology Workshop, May 6, 2015:

Conference Attendee (at 3:42:30): “I’m an ecotoxicologist… We know that pollution, chemical pollution of the oceans, is increasing… [In your research into the sea lion die-off] you should include data like chemical analysis and chemical pollution… We need to include this… to see if it has an influence to the decreasing of the populations.”

No response from any of the dozen Q&A panelists

6 minutes later — Sam McClatchie, NOAA Supervisory Oceanographer: “I have a comment to follow up on the idea that pollution may be important to the condition of the sea lions… In the modeling I did, the purpose was to… have a hypothesis as to what might be going on… We could have thrown in many other variables–and there’s always a temptation to do that… which probably should be discouraged. I’m not at all sure whether pollution had an effect — it might well have — and one could certainly test that. I just wanted to state that we deliberately didn’t test all the possible variables.”

From McClatchie’s sea lion presentation: “I’m going to talk about forage rather than sea lions, I’m not an expert in sea lions… They’re very unwell, rescue centers are overflowing… They’re very endearing, but they grow up to be rather a problem, they’re big animals… People get upset when they see them starving… [Centers] try to recover them [and] put them back out in the ocean. Unfortunately, the ocean hasn’t really changed, so we don’t know whether all these rescues are helping anything more than how we feel.”

5/25/15 – Mysterious deadly black fungus being found on fish in Pacific Northwest …

5/21/15 – Nome Nugget (pdf), Nov 27, 2014- Mysterious deadly black fungus being found on fish in Pacific Northwest — Gov’t: There was some concern Fukushima radiation could be involved — Biologists investigating how this landbased mold is now appearing in ocean — Many reports of unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer … The Nome office of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game received several reports of tomcod with black lesions this year… ADF&G fishery biologists speculate that the lesions are a fungus… Specifically, black mold, commonly found in houses… What the pathology lab finds interesting is that this fungus is landbased and yet it is appearing on fish… Fish pathologists would like to receive as many samples as possible so that they may adequately research what exactly is infecting these fish, as well as its affect on humans. Until further notice, ADF&G recommends that fish with lesions should not be eaten due to possible human health concerns (CAPTION: DON’T EAT THIS— ADF&G biologists are investigating black lesions found on tomcods in the region. Until it is known what the lesions exactly are, the department recommends not to consume fish showing these symptoms)(http://enenews.com/mysterious-black-mold-being-found-fish-pacific-northwest-govt-concern-fukushima-radiation-could-be-involved-biologists-investigating-landbased-fungus-appearing-fish-many-reports-unusual-rotti)…

Mar 17, 2015: Brendan Scanlon, fishery biologist for North Slope Dept. of Fish & Game (pdf): Just a quick word on this fungus that people are seeing more and more of. It’s probably what’s called saprolegnia. It’s a water mold… It’s in the water at all times… healthy fish will swim around and never get it, but if the fish is stressed nutritionally or its immune system has been compromised… that gives a pathway for the mold to attack… It will eventually kill the fish… We saw something similar last summer. We had a very big die-off on the Kobuk River… we had thousands of dead chum salmon… and they had had presence of the same mold on them.

Feb 20, 2014:North Slope Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Council (pdf), Dr. Jayde Ferguson, Alaska Dept of Fish & Game: The first confirmed report was from fish caught on Oct. 12, 2013… There was some concern that radiation from the Japanese disaster could be involved, so the North Slope biologist measured ionizing radiation in fish with a geiger-mueller counter and found that there was no elevated levels there… There was no food in the GI track and there was no fat or very little fat internally… The external lesions… corresponded to saprolegnia… it can act as a pathogen particularly in stressed fish because their immune system is depressed… I wanted to touch on a totally unrelated fungal case that is of interest to our lab because there’s not a lot known about it and it’s distinctly different from the saprolegnia in that it’s very black and large… there’s not a lot out in the literature on this black fungus… There’s just not a lot known about transmission or anything else, so we’re wanting to get a better idea of what’s going on…

Dr. Todd Sformo, Wildlife Biologist: I think the main concern was that if this mold is really present in the environment… it’s been reported a lot… why is the mold coming up being on fish at this point? So we have very few records in the north slope and Jayde mentioned the one… in the 1980s, so that was just one fish with that mold that we had recorded up until this point… why is it occurring now if it’s so prevalent in the environment?… We measured a number of the fish that were caught that had the mold and that did not have the mold and the size of the fish didn’t seem to matter at all… Ferguson: If we’re seeing it in juveniles that really does support some environmental issue… How many fish are affected?… It might not have an impact at the population level, but if there’s a large amount of fish that are affected, then that’s a different thing… ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Credit: (http://fukushima-diary.com),(http://www.enenews.com)


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