Fox News on “Russiagate”: Glen Greenwald Reams Media For Collusion Coverage

Tucker Carlson, It’s been a bewildering couple of months for Bill Barr. Barr first served as attorney general in the George HW Bush administration. That was 1991. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had just turned two years old at the time. That’s how long ago it was. Then, this February, by process of elimination, Barr became attorney general again. The Mueller investigation was nearly over when he got the job.

Barr probably didn’t expect to become a major figure in the Russia story. He had nothing to do with it. As far as we know, Barr never met with secret agents in Prague. He never texted Vladimir Putin on his blackberry. He never managed a Macedonian content farm. If Barr betrayed his country for a sack or rubles and a case of vodka, nobody has ever proved it. But it doesn’t matter. The Russia story cannot die. CNN, The Washington Post, and the Democratic Party have too much invested in it.

The fact it’s been proved a hoax is irrelevant to them. Bill Barr is a handy way to keep the Russia in the news. Watch today’s talking point in action. Somewhere in the basement of the DNC, some a messaging consultant has decided that “credibility” is the most effective line of attack:


What Are The Stakes Of Russia Sensationalism?

Greenwald Reacts to “Rage” against AG Barr after Senate Hearing


Glenn Greenwald / Fox News


The 21st Century


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