Astonishing Revelations: Final 6 of 12 Shocking Deep State Coup d’Etat Actions Intended to Remove President Trump from Office [Videos]

[Editor’s note: This article was originally published in MARCH 1, 2019.]

Last week we revealed here that the Department of Justice … the FBI … the CIA and NSA … have all been conducting a silent, behind-the-scenes coup d’etat to remove President Trump from office.

We told you that contrary to what the biased progressive media says, this is NOT a conspiracy theory … It’s a conspiracy FACT.

We listed the first 6 of the 12 shocking and disturbing facts about the Deep State’s efforts to destroy the Trump presidency and remove him from office before the end of his first term. Here are the final 6 facts about the presidential coup you need to know:

  1. The Department of Justice considered recruiting Vice President Mike Pence to lead the 25th Amendment coup against President Trump.

The 25th Amendment provides for the succession of power from the President to the Vice President if the President becomes physically incapacitated such that he is unable to carry out his day-to-day duties.

It’s meant to be invoked in case the president has a stroke or heart attack … or is shot in an assassination attempt and must undergo surgery followed by a recovery period. It is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for impeachment … or to be used because certain high-ranking government officials disagree with the president’s policies.

However, Section 4 of the amendment – which was passed in 1965 after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy … and ratified by the states in 1967 – does allow for the president to be involuntarily deposed by the Vice President and a majority of cabinet secretaries.

  1. At least 2 cabinet members were “ready to support” invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office.

FBI lawyer James Baker – in testimonies to the House Oversight Committee and the House Judiciary Committee – revealed that both Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe and FBI Lawyer Lisa Page had told him that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein “had at least two members of the president’s Cabinet who were ready to support… an action under the 25th Amendment.

The names of the two Cabinet members were not disclosed in Baker’s testimony … and have not been revealed by Rod Rosenstein.

Two Cabinet members is far short of the 8 members required to invoke a 25th Amendment coup of a sitting president … but it’s still disturbing to think that two of President Trump’s hand-picked Cabinet appointees would turn on him and want him removed from office.

  1. The FBI and the Department of Justice committed subversion and sedition against the President of the United States.

Since July 5th 2016 – when FBI Director James Comey illegally exonerated Hillary Clinton of criminal wrongdoing in her destruction of subpoenaed emails … and lying multiple times to the House oversight committee – it has been obvious that the Obama FBI and Department of Justice were corrupt.

Many high-level Obama appointees in the FBI, CIA NS DOJ were left in their positions when Trump took office … and those that still remain continue to subvert the president and thwart his efforts to improve the U.S. economy and to put the U.S. first internationally.

To attempt to apply Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to a healthy, active, high-functioning president simply because they disapprove of his leadership style and his criticism of his political opponents … is a clear act of subversion and sedition against a duly-elected president.

  1. There were 3 different investigations launched against Donald Trump.

First was the FBI investigation begun in July 2016 by Peter Strzok. It was billed as an investigation into Russian attempts to interfere in U.S. democratic elections … but in reality, it was an investigation of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

The documentation launching this investigation – written by Peter Strzok himself – proves this through his use of the term “Trump campaign.”

Second was the counterintelligence investigation of whether President Trump was acting as an agent of the Russian government when he fired FBI Director James Comey – launched by acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe in May 2017.

Third was a criminal investigation of obstruction of justice by President Trump – also launched by Andrew McCabe in May 2017 – seeking to prove that the firing of James Comey was to stop the probe into collusion with Russia by the Trump campaign.

There was never any hard evidence or factual basis for conducting any of these investigations.

  1. The “insurance policy” referred to by Peter Strzok in text messages to Lisa Page was the phony Russia collusion investigation.

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, FBI lawyers James Baker and Lisa Page, and lead FBI investigator Peter Strzok all hoped the Christopher Steele dossier alleging ties between Donald Trump and Russia operatives close to Vladimir Putin would:

  • Prevent Trump from being elected president
  • If elected, would prompt an investigation that would lead to his removal from office.

One of the reasons for wanting to remove Trump from office was that these people were desperate to prevent the public from ever knowing that:

  • They had illegally exonerated Hillary Clinton
  • They had filed false FISA secret court surveillance applications
  • They had unmasked people involved in the Trump campaign and his transition team
  • They had leaked unmasked names and private phone conversations to the press
  1. The presence and actions of Trump haters within the DOJ and FBI have severely damaged the reputations of those federal law enforcement agencies.

The animosity and hatred of President Trump by the former and acting heads and high-level deputies of these agencies is now being openly exposed – to the shock of the American public.

Senator Lindsey Graham – chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee – has stated he plans to investigate Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, James Baker and others who were involved in trying to take down President Trump.

It may take years for these agencies to regain the respect and trust of the American people as unbiased enforcers of law and administers of “justice for all.”

4 Actions to Take:

1. If you haven’t already purchased my book, The Deep State: 15 Surprising Dangers You Should Knowclick here to order an autographed copy at a 20% discount.

Or, you can buy it on Amazon in either hardback or Kindle version. Click here.

2. Watch this 9-minute video regarding high-level talks about removing President Trump from office using the 25th

3. Watch this 6-minute video of former Congressman Trey Gowdy reacting to Andrew McCabe’s astonishing 60-minutes

4. Watch this 5-minute video of Senator Lindsey Graham explaining how he wants to get to the bottom of the attempted coup against President Trump.

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