A Dutch Independent Journalist Accuses Dutch Gov’t For Biased Anti-Russian MH17 Investigation

This video is excerpt from RT documentary about MH17: ‘No one deserves to die that way’




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One Reply to “A Dutch Independent Journalist Accuses Dutch Gov’t For Biased Anti-Russian MH17 Investigation”

  1. This journalist makes a lot of sense. Albeit, he should have added that the Malaysians who owned the aircraft, were not included as part of the investigation team. That fact alone should immediately raise suspicions of mischief-at-foot.

    The Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott, apparently has insider ‘evidence’ of the culpability of the Russians with this atrocity because he was able to go on public television to convict the Russians within a few hours of the plane going down. Quite remarkable the psychic powers of the man. I’m sure that the investigation team would do well to question Tony Abbott about the source of his incriminating deductive evidence.

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