Fukushima Daiichi Breaking News!!!!!!


Fukushima Daiichi [E.L.E.] =End of Life on Earth


Why are Researchers Predicting an [E.L.E.] Extinction Level Event for the Entire Pacific Ocean…???

NOW . . . …



World Source . . . Published on May 24, 2016

600 tons of melted radioactive Fukushima fuel still not found, clean-up chief reveals . . . ….


The Fukushima clean-up team remains in the dark about the exact locations of 600 tons of melted radioactive fuel from three devastated nuclear reactors, the chief of decommissioning told the A B C’s Foreign Correspondent program in an exclusive interview.

The company hopes to locate and start removing the missing fuel from 2021, the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s chief of decommissioning at Fukushima, Naohiro Masuda, revealed.

The fuel extraction technology is yet to be elaborated upon, he added.

Following the tsunami-caused 2011 meltdown at Fukushima Dai itchi nuclear power plant uranium fuel of three power generating reactors gained critical temperature and burnt through the respective reactor pressure vessels, concentrating somewhere on the lower levels of the station currently filled with water.

The melted nuclear fuel from Reactor 1 poured out completely, estimated 30 to 50 percent of fuel from Reactor 2 and 3 remained in the active zone, Masuda said.

The official estimates that approximately “200 tons of [nuclear fuel] debris lies within each unit,” which makes in total about 600 tons of melted fuel mixed up with metal construction elements, concrete and whatever else was down there…

BREAKING: 600 Tons Of Melted Radioactive Fukushima Fuel Missing.

Paul Begley

Published on May 25, 2016 . . … More than 11,421 views

Now 600 tons of melted radioactive Fukushima Fuel is missing in Japan …



For those Math Challenged Individuals.

Now 600 tons of melted radioactive Fukushima Fuel is missing in Japan…

20 tons per truckload = 40,000 lbs. per truckload.✓

Thus 600 tons = 1.2 million lbs..✓✓ = 30 truckloads «⧼{[✔✓]}⧽»

Expert: Billions of pieces Fukushima nuclear fuel have spread pretty much everywhere — . . . … — Atomic bomb had one pound of uranium… Fukushima had hundreds of tons

Expert: Conclusion ∴


Fukushima Is The Equivalent of Approximately ➧)➤ 1,200,000 Atomic Bombs . . .

Give Or Take A Couple Hundred Thousand Atomic Bombs…

Do The 2nd Grade Math Yourself . . .

. . . ….

Think about three mile island … it lasted for 5 days … Chernobyl lasted for ten days … equal to about 400 Hiroshima bombs … this Fukushima … it hasn’t stopped … and it will never stop. I worked out the numbers and the radiation is equal to 1200-1400 Hiroshima bombs/day, not counting the spent fuel pools. There’s 5 million pounds in each of those melted reactors … 18 billion times worse due to the MOX fuel from weapons reprocessing.” [Ref… Researcher Dana Durnford (www.thenuclearproctologist.org)[Fukushima Update: the math indicates at least another factor of [1000x] times that due to the factors below . . . ….»}⧽≻ … . . . . »»»


Let’s Do ‘D’ Simple Math {(-¦-)} . . . …

5 Yrs x 365 Days x 1200 Hiroshima bombs/day = 2,190,000 Atomic bombs…

✦•… Alternatively . . . ….

5 Yrs x 365 Days x 1400 Hiroshima bombs/day = 2,555,000 Atomic bombs….

. . . …


∴ Conclusion ∴

∴ Therefore∵

Fukushima Update — Ref: [http://www.fukushimaupdate.yolasite.com] [https://fukushimaupdate.wordpress.com] … Concerned yet…??? [http://FukushimaDaiichiUpdate.yolasite.com]

. . . …

May 19th, 2016 — Expert: Billions of pieces Fukushima nuclear fuel have spread pretty much everywhere — “It’s truly frightening… wherever there’s cesium, there’s plutonium” — Atomic bomb had one pound of uranium… Fukushima had hundreds of tons — TV: “Abundant quantities” of plutonium are being found (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

[=======================] [ENENews.com – Energy News] [===============================]

June 4th, 2016 — TV: “Truly unsettling” discovery at Fukushima… problem “far greater than previously thought” — Boss reveals 600 tons of fuel melted, can’t find it — Top Official: “Nobody really knows where fuel is”… We may never be able to get it and just leave wherever — “Uncontrollable fission” is continuing under site (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

. . . ….

ABC Australia, May 24, 2016 (emphasis added): [ABC’s Mark Willacy] has been invited on a tour of [Fukushima Daiichi]… What Willacy discovers is truly unsettling… retrieving hundreds of tonnes of melted nuclear fuel turns out to be far greater than previously thought.

ABC Australia transcript excerpts, May 24, 2016:

•Willacy: Tonight we go on a journey into the heart of this ongoing crisis… and we reveal the frightening enormity of the clean-up… and how dangerous it still is.
•Gregory Jaczko, former Chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission: This really is unchartered territory. Nobody really knows where the fuel is… There’s no playbook – they’re making this up as they go along.
•Willacy: The man in charge of decontaminating and decommissioning the Fukushima plant, Naohiro Masuda. Has anything like this ever been attempted before?
•Masuda: There has never been an accident at a nuclear plant like the one at Fukushima where three reactors had meltdowns. We are currently working on a timetable to decommission the reactors over the next 30 to 40 years.
•Naoto Kan, Former Prime Minister: I think it will take longer… This is a major accident, which has never happened anywhere in the world… 40 years is an optimistic view.
•Willacy: We are heading to the buildings housing the melted reactors… Tepco is worried about possible nuclear terrorism, and won’t allow us to film certain security sites.
•Masuda: This is a job we’ve never done and there is no textbook.
•Willacy: [At Reactor 3 there was an] explosion right after the nuclear fuel melted… What happened inside [Reactor 2] no-one really knows… [Reactor 1] is where probably the worst meltdown occurred. They don’t know where the nuclear fuel is.
•Masuda: We haven’t actually seen where the melted fuel fell, so it’s important to find it as soon as possible.
•Willacy: For the first time, Foreign Correspondent can reveal just how vast the amount of melted nuclear fuel is, the three molten blobs that lie somewhere deep within each of these buildings.
•Masuda: It’s estimated that 200 tonnes of debris lies within each unit… 600 tonnes of melted debris fuel and a mixture of concrete and other metals are likely to be here.
•Willacy: The most daunting task, one the nuclear industry has never faced, is getting the melted fuel out. TEPCO admits the technology it needs hasn’t been invented.
•Jaczko: It may be possible that we’re never able to remove the fuel. You may just wind up having to leave it there and somehow entomb it as it is. I mean that’s certainly a possibility. There is no playbook, they’re making this up as they go along.
•Kan: If all the reactors had had a meltdown, there was a risk that half or all of Japan could have been destroyed… the accident took us to the brink of destruction.
•Jaczko: You have to now accept that in all nuclear power plants… there’s a chance you can have this kind of a very catastrophic accident… that’s the reality of nuclear power.

ABC Australia, May 24, 2016: Fukushima clean-up chief still hunting for 600 tonnes of melted radioactive fuel… [TEPCO] has revealed that 600 tonnes of reactor fuel melted during the disaster, and that the exact location of the highly radioactive blobs remains a mystery… [C]hief of decommissioning at Fukushima, Naohiro Masuda, said the company hoped to… begin removing it from 2021… “But unfortunately, we don’t know exactly where (the fuel) is” [said Masuda]. [Gregory Jaczko, Chairman of the US NRC] at the time of the meltdowns at Fukushima doubts the fuel can be retrieved… “Nobody really knows where the fuel is… It may be possible that we’re never able to remove the fuel. You may just have to wind up leaving it there and somehow entomb it as it is.”… For the first time, TEPCO has revealed just how much of the mostly uranium fuel melted down… [Masuda said] “about 600 tonnes of melted debris fuel and a mixture of concrete and other metals are likely to be there.”

RT, May 24, 2016: 600 tons of melted radioactive Fukushima fuel still not found, clean-up chief reveals… [The fuel] burnt through the respective reactor pressure vessels, concentrating somewhere on the lower levels of the station… fuel from Reactor 1 poured out completely… the exact location of the highly radioactive “runaway” fuel remains mystery for TEPCO. Theabsolutely uncontrollable fission of the melted nuclear fuel assemblies continue somewhere under the remains of the station… [TEPCO’s] plan for Fukushima nuclear power plant implies a 30-40 year period… Yet experts doubt the present state of technology is sufficient to deal with the unprecedented technical task.

Watch ABC Australia’s broadcast here

Related Posts

1.Reuters: Fukushima fuel melted through containment vessels and is “spewing radiation” — Nuke Expert: Fuel has “scattered all over the place” — Gov’t: Fuel may have burned out into environment — Tepco Official: Fuel could have flowed out “like lava in a volcano” (VIDEOS) March 15, 2016
2.Japan Journalist: Melted nuclear fuel going through Fukushima containment vessels, they don’t even know where the 3 reactor cores went — Senior Scientist: I’m being told Japan may never be able to remove radioactive materials from site; ‘Solution’ may be to leave it in place (AUDIO) June 10, 2014
3.US Experts: Fukushima melted fuel “a concern for millennia”; Risk of criticality from corium moving, redistributing — Tepco Chief: Certainly a difficult path ahead… we’ll be able to move forward if we can find damaged fuel (VIDEO) June 4, 2014
4.Official: “Unfortunately, the fuel itself is exposed” at Fukushima — Scientist: Our tests show contamination isn’t going away… reactors are leaking out into ocean… there’s still a problem — PBS: Plume of water tainted with radiation is reaching to other side of Pacific (VIDEO) August 7, 2014
5.ABC Correspondent: Nobody knows where Fukushima’s melted cores are now, expert says — Tepco admitted fuel “is actually eating through the concrete… hopefully it’s not eating through any further” (AUDIO) November 4, 2013

June 2nd, 2016 | Category: Audio/Video Clips, Fukushima Daiichi, Japan (Fukushima)

================================ = == ===

May 19th, 2016 — Expert: Billions of pieces Fukushima nuclear fuel have spread pretty much everywhere — “It’s truly frightening… wherever there’s cesium, there’s plutonium” — Atomic bomb had one pound of uranium… Fukushima had hundreds of tons — TV: “Abundant quantities” of plutonium are being found (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

May 16th, 2016 — See Below

NOW . . . …


Japan’s Fukushima Radioactive Waste ≿ 150,000 tons of radioactive Fukushima waste left in the open…Japan’s Fukushima Radioactive Waste ≿ 150,000 tons of radioactive Fukushima waste left in the open . . . ….



The Fukushima clean-up team remains in the dark about the exact locations of 600 tons of melted radioactive fuel from three devastated nuclear reactors, the chief of decommissioning told the ABC’s Foreign Correspondent program in an exclusive interview.

The company hopes to locate and start removing the missing fuel from 2021, the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO) chief of decommissioning at Fukushima, Naohiro Masuda,revealed.

The fuel extraction technology is yet to be elaborated upon . . . {translat’d’2′:.. ‘Discovered’]}…

4 biggest lies about the Fukushima disaster [RT.com]4 biggest lies about the Fukushima disaster [900×499] [RT.com]

The No 3 reactor building at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant…


Published time: 11 Mar, 2016 19:07Edited time: 12 Mar, 2016 10:42

If hindsight is 20/20, we have a clear picture of the lies told throughout the Fukushima disaster.

Five years on, we now know which assurances from authorities turned out to be dangerously false.

#1 No radiation casualties

It took more than four years for the Japanese government to acknowledge that radiation had played a factor in bringing about casualties in the Fukushima prefecture.

Of the 8,000 deaths there caused by the 2011 disaster, none were attributed to radiation leaking out of the plant. Instead, chaos during the evacuations, hardship, and mental trauma were all to blame.

It wasn’t until October of 2015 that the authorities finally had to admit that radiation from the plant had contributed to a construction worker developing leukemia. The worker in his 30s had worked at the plant between October 2012 and December 2013, where he was measured as having been exposed to 19.8 millisieverts of radiation, four times the annual Japanese limit for a worker in the nuclear industry.

Stefanie Spear @StefanieSpear

“Acute myelogenous leukaemia” – a direct result of working at Fukushima http://ow.ly/TDGhn @wwwfoecouk @earthhour

2:30 PM – 20 Oct 2015


Japan’s health ministry announced that a worker involved in the clean-up of the nuclear reactors at Fukushima has been diagnosed with “acute” leukemia due to his exposure to radiation.

The true effect on workers and residents in the area won’t be known for some time. It took between six and eight years for survivors of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan by the United States to develop acute leukemia.

#2 Not as bad as Chernobyl

Fukushima is described as the “worst since Chernobyl,” but in reality, it may turn out to be a lot worse.

Both disasters were rated seven on the International Nuclear Event Scale, categorizing them as a “Major Accident.”

Perhaps they need to turn the scale ‘up to eleven’ in order to reflect the severity of the Japanese disaster.

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Colm McGlinchey @ColmMcGlinchey

Nuclear Event Scale created to quantify the Chernobyl disaster of 86. Chernobyl & Fukushima both rated 7 #RT

The final consequences may be far more damaging due to groundwater contamination and the number of reactors involved.

In 1986, Chernobyl had four operating reactors, one of which melted down. The remaining reactors were eventually shut down. Fukushima, on the other hand, had six operating reactors, of which three entered meltdown, and a fourth was left in an unstable condition. Only two were successfully shut down.

Fukushima’s location, situated along the sea and a former riverbed, also meant that the potential for harm in the event of a meltdown was greater than that for Chernobyl, which had no problems involving groundwater. The cleanup operation could take up to a hundred years, according to Arnold Gundersen, a former nuclear industry executive.

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Jaap Grolleman @jaapgrolleman

Photo’s of Fukushima, five years after the nuclear meltdown.https://imgur.com/a/N06Mp cc @jagraag@WISE_Tweets

12:44 AM – 2 Mar 2016 · North Holland, The Netherlands, Nederlan

#3 Not poisoning children

In December of last year, in an attempt to reassure the public that the risks from radiation were already minimal, Hokuto Hoshi, head of an examination panel on thyroid cases, said, “It is unlikely that radiation is responsible for the recently reported thyroid cancer cases, given that there are no reports of cancer among infants, who are particularly susceptible to radiation.” His comments came after 16 cases of thyroid cancer in the prefecture were confirmed in children under 18 during the previous 12 months.

microcarpa @microcarpa1

TV anchor 2quit by alleged Abe’s pressure casts doubt on#Fukushima #kids #thyroid cancer “Unlikely due2#radiation“

6:35 AM – 11 Mar 2016

Despite Hoshi’s assertions, many experts disagreed, including Toshihide Tsuda, a professor of environmental epidemiology at Okayama University.

A study by Tsuda found that thyroid cancer rates in the prefecture were from 20 to 50 times higher than the national level, according to The Japan Times.

The findings were based on a screening of 370,000 residents, which“is unlikely to be explained by a screening surge,” according to Tsuda, who cited radiation exposure as a factor.

READ MORE: Fukushima medical survey confirms 16 new child thyroid cancer cases

#4 It’s not poisoning the land

Prior to the disaster, Fukushima was Japan’s fourth-largest farming area. It has now slipped to seventh place, but its agricultural industry has slowly been growing again thanks to the Japanese government pushing to have the stigma associated with it removed.

Fifteen percent of Japanese people are still wary of buying products produced in the region, down 1.5 percent from last year, according to a survey in the Japanese paper Mainichi.

The steady resurgence in Fukushima food production can be attributed to the result of radiation monitoring tests carried out by the government, which found radiation levels in the agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sectors were below “acceptable levels” 99.9 percent of the time.

Despite the results, scary abnormalities have appeared, including fish containing 258 times the level of radiation deemed safe for consumption.

https://giphy.com/embed/KlulsTyJiED4Ivia GIPHY

Authorities say the anomaly is due to the fish feeding in a radioactive hotspot.

READ MORE: Fukushima fish carrying 258 times the ‘safe’ level of radiation

“Deformed” daisies were found near the site, which were created through a phenomenon called fasciation, although they also symbolize the warning sent in the iconic 1964 TV ad for US president Lyndon Baines Johnson. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDTBnsqxZ3k]

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Neon Nettle @NeonNettle

Flowers Of #Fukushima Pictures Of Deformed Daisies Grow Near#Nuclear Plant,http://goo.gl/npZ6j9

The ultimate long-term effect of this disaster is still immeasurable, with even the government estimating that the cleanup will take at least another 50 years.

Nancy Foust from the Fukushima Project has warned that it would be premature to allow people to return to their homes in the area.

“They have a lot of complicated, very risky work that they need to do over the next couple of decades to remove the melted fuel,” Foust told RT.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to restart as many reactors as possible, believing that nuclear energy should remain a key power source for Japan.

Prior to their closure the countries 44 reactors were responsible for producing nearly a third of the countries energy output.


Japan Tsunami breaches the Seawall‼Japan Tsunami breaches the Seawall [news.nationalgeographic.com]}

The melted nuclear fuel from Reactor 1 poured out completely, estimated 30 to 50 percent of fuel from Reactor 2 and 3 remained in the active zone, Masuda said.

Japan Tsunami – Tossed Boat‼Japan Tsunami – Tossed Boat [news.nationalgeographic.com]}

The official estimates that approximately “200 tons of [nuclear fuel] debris lies within each unit,” which makes in total about 600 tons of melted fuel mixed up with metal construction elements, concrete and whatever else was down there.

In this March 11, 2011, photo release Thursday, May 19 by Tokyo Electric Power Co. waves of tsunami come toward tanks of heavy oil for the Unit 5 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan. (AP Photo/Tokyo Electric Power Co.) EDITORIAL USE ONLY

In this March 11, 2011, photo release Thursday, May 19 by Tokyo Electric Power Co. waves of tsunami come toward tanks of heavy oil for the Unit 5 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan. (AP Photo/Tokyo Electric Power Co.) EDITORIAL USE ONLY

Failure in Fukushima – A lack of regulation and irresponsible business decisions caused a devastating nuclear meltdown [vassarchronicle.com]

Failure in Fukushima

A lack of regulation and irresponsible business decisions caused a devastating nuclear meltdown [vassarchronicle.com]

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant experiences a massive meltdown on Mar. 11, 2011, after a large tsunami and earthquake flooded its generators. The meltdown highlights a lack of government regulation and poor planning by TEPCO

Eerie nuclear ghost towns still too dangerous for clearing & restoring…

Eerie nuclear ghost towns still too dangerous for clearing & restoring [RT.com]

Five years after the Fukushima tragedy, the exact location of the highly radioactive “runaway” fuel remains mystery for TEPCO. The absolutely uncontrollable fission of the melted nuclear fuel assemblies continue somewhere under the remains of the station.

“It’s important to find it as soon as possible,” acknowledged Masuda, admitting that Japan does not yet possess the technology to extract the melted uranium fuel.

“Once we can find out the condition of the melted fuel and identify its location, I believe we can develop the necessary tools to retrieve it,”Masuda said.

Bad news for bots∶ Fukushima cleanup robots overpowered by radiation (RTVideos)Bad news for bots∶ Fukushima cleanup robots overpowered by radiation (RTVideos)➤

TEPCO’s inability to locate the melted fuel could be explained by huge levels of radiation near the melted reactor shells. It is so high that even custom-built robots sent there to get information about the current state of affairs there get disabled by the tremendous radioactivity flux. Human presence in the area is understandably out of the question.

The company’s decommission plan for Fukushima nuclear power plant implies a 30-40 year period before the consequences of the meltdown are fully eliminated. Yet experts doubt the present state of technology is sufficient to deal with the unprecedented technical task.

. . . …

“Nobody really knows where the fuel is at this point and this fuel is still very radioactive and will be for a long time,” the former head of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Gregory Jaczko, told Foreign Correspondent.

“It may be possible that we’re never able to remove the fuel. You may just have to wind up leaving it there and somehow entomb it as it is,”said Jaczko, who headed the USNRC at the time of the Fukushima disaster.

Melted uranium fuel and tons and tons of highly radioactive water aren’t the only issues troubling TEPCO’s clean-up team at Fukushima. There are also some 10 million plastic bags full of contaminated soil concentrated in gigantic waste dumps scattered around the devastated nuclear facility.

[!¡‼]Big black plastic bags containing radiated soil, leaves and debris from the decontamination operation are dumped at a temporary storage site in Tomioka town,,,!¡‼Big black plastic bags containing radiated soil, leaves and debris from the decontamination operation are dumped at . . . … a temporary storage site in Tomioka town [FukushimaUpdate.wordpress.com]

The Japanese prime minister at the time of the Fukushima disaster, Naoto Kan, told the ABC that Japan’s government is already paying TEPCO US$70 billion to enable the company to do the decommission works at Fukushima.

“But that is not enough. It will probably cost more than $240 billion. I think 40 years [to decommission the plant] is an optimistic view,” Kan said.

Is Fukushima’s nuclear nightmare over..¿… Don’t count on it (Op-Ed) (on.rt.com_76rm)Is Fukushima’s nuclear nightmare over..¿… Don’t count on it (Op-Ed) (on.rt.com_76rm)➤

Estimated 100,000 Japanese citizens evacuated from the Fukushima exclusion zone will be unable to return to their homes until TEPCO can show that the Fukushima plant is in a stable condition, Masuda said…


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http://FukushimaUpdate.yolasite.com «««

https://FukushimaUpdate.wordpress.com «««

http://FukushimaDaiichiUpdate.yolasite.com «««

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Your Radiation This Week No 59

By Bob Nichols on June 4, 2016

War Crimes in Progress May 28 to June 4, 2016

Credit Bob Nichols: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/06/04/your-radiation-this-week-no-59/

(San Francisco) June 4, 2016 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the Top Recorded Radiation Highs that affected people for the last week around the United States.

War Crimes in Progress
There is no way to recover from these kinds of exposures. There is no medicine and there is no cure. Millions now possess a shortened life span due to their radiation exposures. Are you next or already Zapped?

Radiation CPM * City State

Chiricahua Desert in Arizona

Chiricahua Desert in Arizona

Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is one Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.

The Top Reporting Radioactive Cities are listed. The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city reporting is listed last.

Still, all reporting cities are above normal. These are a portion of the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM this week.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]

COUNT TIMES NORMALCITY, STATETYPE OF RADCorrupted?1,649CPM,329.8Times Normal,Colorado Springs, CO.Beta, Gamma.Yes1,343CPM,268.8Times Normal,San Diego, CA.Beta, Gamma.Yes1,281CPM,258.2Times Normal,Raleigh, NC.Beta, Gamma.Yes1,262CPM,252.4Times Normal,Portland, ME.Beta, Gamma.Yes1,261CPM,252.2Times Normal,Little Rock, AR.Beta, Gamma.1,170CPM,234Times Normal,Billings, MT.Beta, Gamma.Yes1,143CPM,228.6Times Normal,Pittsburgh, PA,Beta, Gamma.Yes1,136CPM,227.2Times Normal,Spokane, WA.Beta, Gamma.1,131CPM,226.2Times Normal,Tucson, AZ.Beta, Gamma.1,130CPM,226Times Normal,Navajo Lake, NM.Beta, Gamma.1,126CPM,225.2Times Normal,Denver, CO.Beta, Gamma.1,118CPM,223.8Times Normal,Louisville, KY.Beta, Gamma.1,092CPM,218.4Times Normal,Harrisonburg, VA.Beta, Gamma.Yes1,074CPM,214.8Times Normal,Phoenix, AZ.Beta, Gamma.Yes1,070CPM,214Times Normal,Worcester, MA.Beta, Gamma.1,061CPM,212.2Times Normal,Idaho Falls, ID.Beta, Gamma.Yes1,025CPM,205Times Normal,Grand Junction, CO.Beta, Gamma.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]

Bees, Bugs and Ocean Life are Goners too

What is killing the Bees is pretty simple, really. It’s the Rad that is everywhere on land, sea and air and will be for millions of years. The result is no more Bees, no more insects and no more life in the Ocean. It is happening now, they are going down. Of course, no more humans, either.

The shell of insects is made of “Chitin”. [9] It soaks up the Rad like a sponge then the insects die. If the bugs manage to produce another generation, they are deformed and contaminated till the last insect is gone. The Pro-Nukers have killed us all.

Take Spiders, for example. Spiders are partial to radioactive silver and use it as a part of their webs. There is plenty of killer Rad to go around and 1,946 different varieties of Rad. They won’t run out of Rad; the world will run out of spiders first.

The latest count from Oak Ridge Nuclear Weapons Lab is 1,946 different kinds of Rad. All from the few Rad Isotopes that go into Nuke Weapons and Reactors.

My own thought: As a last resort some remaining contaminated, deranged humans will try to eat rocks and grass and become cannibalistic. It won’t be pretty.

New Measurement is Spooky – All Rad All the Time

Four recorded cities were over 1,000 CPM all week long, One Thousand CPM Plus, 24/7, all week long, 100% of the time. Same as last week; but, the all-week-long-Rad-contagion is spreading. More cities are above 1,000 CPM for more hours each week.

The Rad hit these cities hard: Colorado Springs, CO; Raleigh, NC; Little Rock, AR; and Portland, Maine. All were over 1,000 CPM up to Four (4) weeks straight. Upon review, Colorado Springs had 13 weeks straight of 1,000 CPM and higher Rad.

Raleigh, North Carolina Data Sample

Raleigh, North Carolina Radiation Data Greater than 1,000 CPM – May 05 to 12; May 12 to 19; May 19 to 26 and May 26 to June 2, 2016. Only 144 Readings are from May 5 to May 12, 2016, since May 6, May 7, May 8 and part of May 9 were deleted or never recorded. The day before May 5, 2016, the Rad Spiked then the Unit went off line for four days.

Readings from May 5, 2016 to June 2, 2016 are one of the Microsoft Excel Databases retrieved.

I have the Rad databases from the other cities too. The one thing they all have in common is that the Rad exceeded 1,000 CPM all day and all night long for a week or more.

Major Rad Sources This Week

Heavy duty sources this week in Rad include: nuke product fires in Northern Canada [6] [7] [8]; undeclared nuclear wars in Central Asia; Fukushima in Japan; and, 438 big nuke reactors leaking non-stop, all the time worldwide.

There are approximately 104 operating reactors in the States. The number varies with reloading and repair schedules. The only known new sources are the fires.

See NETc.com for an Animation showing leaking nuclear sources of last night’s Rad leaks. The Animation is on the Free public page. Pretty good first page on the site, it kinda takes your breath away.


The YRTW Table of poisoned American cities has changed by adding a Column on the Right hand side. It is labeled “Corrupted?” The purpose of the column is to provide guidance as to the reliability, consistency and truthfulness of an individual city’s High Rad reading for that given week.

Since a city’s report is subject to many strongly felt opinions that can affect Rad Readings, whether or not the Rad Unit was reporting at least 168 Hours (24 X 7) takes on additional importance. The number of hours the machines work in a week is not an opinion.

It is a documented fact; it is a number, a measure of efficiency. The unit either reported publicly; or it failed to do so 100% of the time. It can’t do both.

All things being equal there should be One Reading per Hour for 168 Rad readings a week. The corruption may originate with a machine error, programming glitch, human intervention or change, intended or not.

The response may be “Yes” for “Yes, it is corrupted.” The entry will be “Left Blank” for “Not Suspected.”

War Crimes in Progress
The subtitle for YRTW is changed to add the phrase: “War Crimes in Progress.” Let’s not pretend this much Rad for this long is not a War Crime punishable by Hanging. It is purposeful and with intent. You are a Target for this campaign of random murder.

The perps do not care who is killed and maimed by their self made poisons. I call for War Crimes trials and prompt Hangings for all of those involved.

Rad Measuring Units Removed from Service
Some 24/7 Rad measuring units are flaking out or are removed from service for various reasons, including political reasons. I encourage the EPA to return them to service. Hundreds have now suffered this fate of oblivion.

New Category – MIA 1YrHigh
“MIA 1YrHigh” is a new category under the column labeled Type of Rad. It means “Missing in Action – 1 Year High.”

I salute the brave scientists, physicists, techs and support personnel who continue to bring us the latest radiation numbers. Your work is valued and appreciated.

Te132 – Something Nuclear in Europe Detonated or Exploded

Zero word on the release of Te132 since the beginning.

The American East Coast from Virginia to Maine was Rad Assaulted on and around May 4, 2016 from Rad originating in Europe; specifically Te132, a fission product. Something in Europe exploded or detonated. EU officials have had no comment.

The 100 Plus point sharp Rad elevation reported in YRTW No 56 was detected by EPA Rad Monitors in the following East Coast cities: NYC, NY; Shirley, NY; Dover, DE; Baltimore, MD; Hartford, CT; Providence, RI; Portland ME, Richmond VA, Philadelphia, PA; on Wed 5-4-2016.

NETc.com – Animation and Subscriptions
You are again encouraged to view daily the NETc.com animation on their free, public site. The above referenced 100 Plus point sharp Rad elevation lit up the subscriber’s page like a Xmas tree.

For those with more serious scientific interest, I highly recommend that you subscribe. The cost is around US$20. It is well worth it.

Rad Contagion in the States
Colorado Springs is back yet again as the Most Radioactive city in the US, “Recorded,” that is. Raleigh, Miami, Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Billings, Montana are the recent victims of truly spectacular Radiation Counts per Minute (CPM) on EPA Geiger counters and radiation measurement systems.

No action has been taken by the US Government, nor is it expected. They are the biggest Cowards of all. The nation destroying strength of Big Time Rads cannot be denied; but, the Rads can be ignored till they kill you. You can run; but, you cannot hide, the Rads always win.

Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.

Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2016. Reproduce and distribute, give full attribution to Bob Nichols at duweapons@gmail.com .

Notes and Sources
1.The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at http://www2.epa.gov/radnet Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder. Don’t skip the “2” in www2.
2.The EPA based reporting of www.NETC.com an LLC.
3.* This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations report Beta Radiation. Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations.
4.Reference: Digilert 100 Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.”http://keison.co.uk/seinternational_digilert100.shtml Copyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights Reserved.
5.CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its
effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has
chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.”
Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/04/03/your-radiation-this-week/
6.Fort McMurray wildfire burning so hot, only weather can stop it, ‘Perfect storm’ of factors makes Alberta wildfire a powerful force, but such fires could be ‘the new normal’, http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/alberta-wildfire-science-background-1.3565932 CBC News, by Lucas Powers.
7.Watch the Fort McMurray fire spread over 18 days in May: ‘Beastly’ blaze just won’t die, growing to 423,000 hectares,
8.Smoke From Canadian Wildfires Drifts Over NYC, Tri-State, 4 NEW YORK,http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Smoke-From-Canadian-Wildfired-Drifts-Over-NYC-Tri-State-NY-380289301.html
9.Radiation destruction of chitin, IAEA, by Ershov, B.G.; Sukhov, N.L.; Nud’ga, L.A.; Baklagina, Yu.G.; Kozhevnikova, L.G.; Petropavlovskii, G.A. (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow (Russian Federation)) https://inis.iaea.org/search/searchsinglerecord.aspx?recordsFor=SingleRecord&RN=26023735

Credit Bob Nichols: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/06/04/your-radiation-this-week-no-59/

[060516] NEW[‼] Red Tide and Domoic Acid vs. Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe … Jeff Rense Update with Yoichi Shimatsu and Dana Durnford

With (abc 10) Hannah Mullins @ San Diego’s Ocean Beach}»
Tuna Crabs cover Local Beaches}⧽≻

(abc 10) Hannah Mullins @ San Diego’s Ocean Beach}» Tuna Crabs cover Local Beaches}⧽≻

New∶ Fukushima vs. Red Tide & Demoic Acid wꟾ Jeff Rense, Yoichi Shimatsu, & Dana Durnford


Published on May 25, 2016 . . . … More 1,863 views

NEW Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe update with Yoichi Shimatsu, Dana Durnford, and Jeff Rense on the Rense show May 23, 2016.
Fukushima & Radiation Update 5.23.16 Free MP3 – Listen http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/s… or here http://tinyurl.com/h34649o (New File Uploaded)
Red Tide and Domoic Acid vs. Fukushima Catastrophe
Fukushima WASTE Even Falling Out of BAGS & More update 6/16/15

Dana Durnford’s YT site: BeautifulGirlByDana http://tinyurl.com/nj9euky
Dana Durnford’s The Nuclear Proctologist dot org site: http://tinyurl.com/oydf4sk

Tokyo’s Handling of Fukushima Aftermath Lacks Responsibility http://tinyurl.com/js4z2uu

Tokyo’s handling of Fukushima aftermath lacks responsibility
Xinhua News Agency | Mon,2016-05-23

In the story of one famous Chinese idiom, a man plugs his ears while trying to steal a bell, foolishly believing that by doing so others won’t hear the sound of the bell when it is moved away.

Of course they do, and he gets caught.

The cautionary tale of burying one’s head in the sand aptly applies to the handling of the Fukushima incident by the Japanese government, which has chosen to turn a deaf ear to the aftermath of the worst nuclear accident in decades triggered by quake-related Tsunami five years ago.

Tokyo’s irresponsible attitudes and acts such as speeding up the return of displaced residents to some nuclear disaster-affected areas of Fukushima Prefecture and reluctance to share relevant information, have sparked doubt and anger domestically and internationally.

A joint opinion poll conducted by The Asahi Shimbun, a national daily, and the Fukushima local press in 2015 showed that over 70 percent of the Fukushima residents were unsatisfied with the government’s response.

In an editorial published on the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear accident, French newspaper “Le Monde” said the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is “eager to turn over the page of Fukushima” and has shown a “willingness to forget.”

On March 11, 2011, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck Japan’s eastern coast and triggered a 15-meter tsunami that crippled the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and sent its nuclear reactors into meltdown. The nuclear disaster was the worst since the Chernobyl incident in 1986.

As a result, up to 120,000 Japanese were relocated as “nuclear refugees” from the region.

A 2015 research found that children living near the Fukushima nuclear facilities are significantly up to 50 times more likely to develop thyroid cancer compared to those children living elsewhere in Japan.

Data on radiation levels collected by Japanese volunteers near the Daiichi nuclear power plant is 8 to 10 times higher than the official number.

At least 300 tons of radiation-contaminated underground water kept pouring into the ocean each day in 2013, but Abe, then vying for Tokyo’s right to host the Olympics, claimed that nuclear contamination was “totally under control.”

Questions over the Fukushima aftermath have never ceased to pop up.

The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, a global organization, sent a message to the Japanese government this January expressing worry over the high incidence of thyroid cancer among children in the Fukushima region and offering as a professional organization to support the investigation on this matter.

The Japanese government, however, gracefully declined the offer.

The lack of transparency and independent investigation has led to limited access to information about the accident, one of the only two level-seven nuclear disasters according to the international nuclear watchdog.
Tokyo’s approach shows a weak sense of responsibility and the intention to avoid political pressure ahead of the G7 summit later this week and the 2020 Olympic Games.

Japan is concerned with its national image, food security, tourism, nuclear policy, medical compensation and possibility of public lawsuits. But not single one of them should be the country’s excuse for preventing the post-disaster situation from being known to the public.

Given the scale and impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, there is no ground for Tokyo to stay secretive and evasive over the handling of the issue.

The international community should urge the Japanese government, if it sticks to the passive attitude, to make public relevant information and its post-disaster management.

The selective amnesia over a disaster out of political or any other purposes is even more terrifying than the disaster itself. Tokyo owes an explanation to the world . . . ….

We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat . . . … !¡!.‼

Your Radiation This Week No. 58

May 21 to May 28, 2016

By Bob Nichols on May 28, 2016

http://May 21 to May 28, 2016/2016/05/28/your-radiation-this-week-no-58

(San Francisco) May 28, 2016 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the Top Recorded Radiation Highs that affected people for the last week around the United States.

War Crimes in Progress
There is no way to recover from these kinds of exposures. There is no medicine and there is no cure. Millions now possess a shortened life span due to their radiation exposures. Are you next or already Zapped?

Radiation CPM * City State

Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.

The Top Reporting Radioactive Cities are listed. The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city reporting is listed last.

Still, all reporting cities are above normal. These are a portion of the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM this week.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]


1,445CPM, 289Times Normal, Colorado Springs, CO. Beta, Gamma. Yes

1,345CPM, 269Times Normal, Portland, ME. Beta, Gamma.

1,329CPM, 265.8Times Normal, Raleigh, NC. Beta, Gamma.Yes

1,290CPM, 258Times Normal, Louisville, KY. Beta, Gamma.

1,198CPM, 239.6Times Normal, Little Rock, AR. Beta, Gamma.

1,160CPM, 232Times Normal, Spokane, WA. Beta, Gamma.

1,148CPM, 229.6Times Normal, Idaho Falls, ID. Beta, Gamma.

1,125CPM, 225Times Normal,Navajo Lake, NM.Beta, Gamma.

1,092CPM, 218.4Times Normal, Pierre, SD. Beta, Gamma.

1,055CPM, 211Times Normal, Worcester, MA. Beta, Gamma.

1,046CPM, 209.2Times Normal, Mason City, IA. Beta, Gamma.

1,032CPM, 206.4Times Normal, Billings, MT. Beta, Gamma.Yes

1,031CPM, 206.2Times Normal, San Diego, CA.Beta, Gamma.Yes

1,022CPM, 204.4Times Normal, Tucson, AZ. Beta, Gamma.

1,021CPM, 204.2Times Normal, Atlanta, GA.Beta, Gamma.

1,009CPM, 201.8Times Normal,Grand Junction, CO.Beta, Gamma.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM [4]

New Measurement is Spooky – [[All Rad… All the Time….]]

What’s this? Four recorded cities were over 1,000 CPM all week long . . . … One Thousand CPM Plus, 24/7, all week long, 100% of the time. Used to be the Rad was released and blown from the source to your home town for an hour or two. Now the Rad is more than 1,000 Plus CPM and it lasts for a week or more – 24/7 . . . ….

The Rad hit these cities hard: Colorado Springs, CO., Raleigh, NC., and Little Rock, AR; all were over 1,000 CPM up to three weeks straight. Portland, Maine was over 1,000 CPM all this week, May 21 to 28, 2016. Work your High Rad Plan! What on Earth is going on?

Raleigh, North Carolina Data Sample

Raleigh, North Carolina Radiation Data Greater than 1,000 CPM – May 05 to 12; May 12 to 19; May 19 to 26. Only 144 Readings are from May 5 to May 12, 2016, since May 6, May 7, May 8 and part of May 9 were deleted or never recorded. The day before May 5, 2016, the Rad Spiked then the Unit went off line for four days.

Readings from May 5, 2016 to May 26, 2016 are one of the Microsoft Excel Databases retrieved. The Database maxed on 400 records retrieved – May 5 to May 26, 2016. It is a Search retrieval limit set on this database by the owner – EPA.

From and including: Thursday, May 5, 2016
To and including: Thursday, May 26, 2016
Result: 22 days

I have the Rad databases from the other cities too. The one thing they all have in common is that the Rad exceeded 1,000 CPM all day and all night long for a week or more.

Major Rad Sources This Week

Heavy duty sources this week in Rad include: nuke product fires in Northern Canada [6] [7] [8]; undeclared nuclear wars in Central Asia; Fukushima in Japan; and, 438 big nuke reactors leaking non-stop, all the time worldwide. There are approximately 104 operating reactors in the States. The number varies with reloading and repair schedules. The only known new sources are the fires.

See NETc.com for an Animation showing leaking nuclear sources of last night’s Rad leaks. The Animation is on the Free public page. Pretty good first page on the site, it kinda takes your breath away.

How Cities Cheat on the Rad Reports

By far the easiest lie to pull off is to omit the higher of the two counts. Now days that is almost always the Beta CPM.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania politicians discovered it is always best to level with the residents about the Rad after the initial Presidential lies and other disastrous experiences when Three Mile Island nuke reactor No 2 blew up on March 28, 1979.

An example of stupendous Cowardice in office is portrayed every day by Los Angeles. They weakly say the Gamma Count is it; as if that is all there is to the Rad.

Regrettably, there are many more cities like Los Angeles. May they all have interesting lives. That is an old Chinese curse.


The YRTW Table of poisoned American cities has changed by adding a Column on the Right hand side. It is labeled “Corrupted?” The purpose of the column is to provide guidance as to the reliability, consistency and truthfulness of an individual city’s High Rad reading for that given week.

Since a city’s report is subject to many strongly felt opinions that can affect Rad Readings, whether or not the Rad Unit was reporting at least 168 Hours (24 X 7) takes on additional importance. The number of hours the machines work in a week is not an opinion.

It is a documented fact; it is a number, a measure of efficiency. The unit either reported publicly; or it failed to do so 100% of the time. It can’t do both.

All things being equal there should be One Reading per Hour for 168 Rad readings a week. The corruption may originate with a machine error, programming glitch, human intervention or change, intended or not.

The response may be “Yes” for “Yes, it is corrupted.” The entry will be “Left Blank” for “Not Suspected.”

War Crimes in Progress

The subtitle for YRTW is changed to add the phrase: “War Crimes in Progress.” Let’s not pretend this much Rad for this long is not a War Crime punishable by Hanging. It is purposeful and with intent. You are a Target for this campaign of random murder.

The perps do not care who is killed and maimed by their self made poisons. I call for War Crimes trials and prompt Hangings for all of those involved.

Rad Measuring Units Removed from Service

Some 24/7 Rad measuring units are flaking out or are removed from service for various reasons, including political reasons. I encourage the EPA to return them to service. Hundreds have now suffered this fate of oblivion.

New Category – MIA 1YrHigh

“MIA 1YrHigh” is a new category under the column labeled Type of Rad. It means “Missing in Action – 1 Year High.”


I salute the brave scientists, physicists, techs and support personnel who continue to bring us the latest radiation numbers. Your work is valued and appreciated.

Te132 – Something Nuclear in Europe Detonated or Exploded

Zero word on the release of Te132 since the beginning.

The American East Coast from Virginia to Maine was Rad Assaulted on and around May 4, 2016 from Rad originating in Europe; specifically Te132, a fission product. Something in Europe exploded or detonated. EU officials have had no comment.

The 100 Plus point sharp Rad elevation reported last week in YRTW No 56 was detected by EPA Rad Monitors in the following East Coast cities: NYC, NY; Shirley, NY; Dover, DE; Baltimore, MD; Hartford, CT; Providence, RI; Portland ME, Richmond VA, Philadelphia, PA; on Wed 5-4-2016.

NETc.com – Animation and Subscriptions

You are again encouraged to view daily the NETc.com animation on their free, public site. The above referenced 100 Plus point sharp Rad elevation lit up the subscriber’s page like a Xmas tree.

For those with more serious scientific interest, I highly recommend that you subscribe. The cost is around US$20. It is well worth it.

Rad Contagion in the States

Colorado Springs is back yet again as the Most Radioactive city in the US, “Recorded,” that is. Raleigh, Miami, Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Billings, Montana are the recent victims of truly spectacular Radiation Counts per Minute (CPM) on EPA Geiger counters and radiation measurement systems.

No action has been taken by the US Government, nor is it expected. They are the biggest Cowards of all. The nation destroying strength of Big Time Rads cannot be denied; but, the Rads can be ignored till they kill you. You can run; but, you cannot hide, the Rads always win.

Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.

Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2016.

Reproduce and distribute, give full attribution to Bob Nichols at duweapons@gmail.com .

Notes and Sources

•The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at http://www2.epa.gov/radnet Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder. Don’t skip the “2” in www2.

•The EPA based reporting of www.NETC.com an LLC.

•* This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations report Beta Radiation. Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations.

•Reference: Digilert 100 Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.”http://keison.co.uk/seinternational_digilert100.shtml Copyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights Reserved.

•CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its

effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has

chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.”

Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/04/03/your-radiation-this-week/

•Fort McMurray wildfire burning so hot, only weather can stop it, ‘Perfect storm’ of factors makes Alberta wildfire a powerful force, but such fires could be ‘the new normal’, http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/alberta-wildfire-science-background-1.3565932 CBC News, by Lucas Powers.

•Watch the Fort McMurray fire spread over 18 days in May: ‘Beastly’ blaze just won’t die, growing to 423,000 hectares,


•Smoke From Canadian Wildfires Drifts Over NYC, Tri-State, 4 NEW YORK,http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Smoke-From-Canadian-Wildfired-Drifts-Over-NYC-Tri-State-NY-380289301.html

Expert: Billions of pieces Fukushima nuclear fuel have spread pretty much everywhere — “It’s truly frightening… wherever there’s cesium, there’s plutonium” — Atomic bomb had one pound of uranium… Fukushima had hundreds of tons — TV: “Abundant quantities” of plutonium being found…

[=================================] [ENENews.com – Energy News] [=================================]

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May 24th, 2016 — Hospital: Fukushima radiation may be eating holes in people’s brains — Report: Military brought in to hide true radiation levels — Experts: Officials covering up dire consequences of crisis… Worry over high number of cancers being detected — Public suffering radioactive-related diseases (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

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ENE News∶ May 19th, 2016 — Expert: Billions of pieces Fukushima nuclear fuel have spread pretty much everywhere — “It’s truly frightening… wherever there’s cesium, there’s plutonium” — Atomic bomb had one pound of uranium… Fukushima had hundreds of tons — TV: “Abundant quantities” of plutonium are being found (VIDEO)➤ . . . …[⇲]

Fairewinds Japan Speaking Tour Series No. 3, Feb 24, 2016 (emphasis added):

Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education Podcast host: One of the things that you’ve talked about and [environmental scientist Marco Kaltofen, PhD, PE] have talked about is internal radiation exposures and hot particles. What’s the difference between a bomb exploding and a nuclear plant exploding in the hot particles?
•Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer and former nuclear engineer (emphasis added): Most of the bomb exposure was from a direct flash that was over in seconds. There wasn’t a significant amount of contamination on the ground because the bomb went off 1,000 feet in the air. So there was not a lot of radiation residual left on the ground for hot particles to get into people’s lungs… That’s not what we’re seeing at Fukushima Daiichi. Everything I’m finding here is millions and billions of very, very small particles that are spread pretty much everywhere. We’ll know a little bit more about that in the future… There’s no comparison between a bomb and what happened at Fukushima. A bomb obliterated maybe a pound of uranium and it was a thousand feet in the air, so most of it went up almost immediately; whereas each of the nuclear reactors at Fukushima had 100 tons of uranium in them so that the quantity of radiation that’s spread out throughout the countryside is orders of magnitude higher at Fukushima than it was at Nagasaki.

Fairewinds Japan Speaking Tour Series No. 2, Feb 17, 2016:
•Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer and former nuclear engineer (at 2:30 in): We found a parking lot at a supermarket [in Fukushima] that had a large radioactive source right in the middle… that people were walking over and driving over. It was loaded with black radioctive dust just wherever you go – it’s everywhere…
•AG: One of the samples that one of my fellow scientists collected showed plutonium –and significant amounts of plutonium. It was in a square meter… he was getting 19 disintegration per second [becquerels] of plutonium. That stuff is going to be around for a quarter million years…
•Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education Podcast founder: That plutonium was part of the core that came out then in the explosion, correct?
•AG: Yeah, the only source it could ever have come from is inside that nuclear reactor.
•MG: And the plutonium is being redeposited at locations that where unanticipated?
•AG: Yeah, it’s everywhere.… It is everywhere, and we’re very careful, we’re wearing gloves all the time, respirators all the times…
•AG: Wherever the ground is exposed, there is a high level of radiation in the mountains around here… it’s all going to run right off and into the Pacific Ocean…
•MG: You talked about the plutonium — where was that found?…
•AG: The plutonium was found in a farmer’s field about 10 miles from the power plant, it was found because that’s where they looked. If it’s sitting out in that farmer’s field, it’s everywhere. Wherever there’s radiation — cesium — there’s going to be plutonium, and that’s truly frightening… It’s pretty clear that significant amounts of plutonium are scattered throughout the hillsides… plutonium has got a 25,000 year half-life, so it’s a quarter of a million years before it’s gone.

Discovery, Dec 27, 2015: “Although only limited areas of Fukushima are allowing residents to come back, that doesn’t mean these areas are safe. You can still find dangerous radioactive elements such as cesium, strontium, and plutonium in abundant quantities here.”

Fairewinds’ podcasts here: No. 2 | No. 3 — Watch Discovery broadcast here

Related Posts
1.Expert: Plutonium-241 from Fukushima nearly 70,000 times more than atomic bomb fallout in Japan — Gov’t Labs: Large areas of oceans contaminated by plutonium from events such as Fukushima; Build-up in biosphere expected; Considerable hazard to humans — Officials: Molten fuel now ‘particle-like’, contains ‘special’ nuclear materials March 25, 2015
2.Gundersen: Fukushima tanks releasing x-rays in very high quantities offsite — Exposure to people outside plant is very, very high from ‘Bremsstrahlung’ phenomenon — Hundreds of tanks could easily start leaking after quake (VIDEO) July 22, 2013
3.Scientists: Plutonium released from Fukushima “is of radiological concern”; Reactor must be source, not spent fuel pool — Study: Plutonium found 120 km from plant; “Pu and non-natural uranium certainly increased in environment” April 21, 2014
4.“Hemisphere facing generations of radiologic contamination” from Fukushima — TV: It’s a major humanitarian crisis — NYT: “Nobody really knows” if 100s of tons of plutonium & uranium fuel resolidified — Experts: It’s certain reactor cores ‘moved around’; “Flowed to different part of buildings”? (VIDEO) June 19, 2014
5.Experts: Plutonium and uranium flow into ocean from Fukushima — “Heavily contaminated” water is leaking out of plant — Melted fuel releasing hundreds of different radioactive materials — Officials refuse to investigate 90% of these (VIDEO) August 19, 2014

May 19th, 2016 | Category: Fukushima Daiichi, Japan (Fukushima), Nuclear Fuel on the Ground?

Credit: http://enenews.com/nuclear-engineer-billions-plutonium-particles-fukushima-nuke-plant-spread-pretty-everywhere-frightening-cesium-going-be-plutonium-atom-bomb-1-pound-uranium-fukushima-reactors-hundreds-tons-tv

[=================================] [ENENews.com – Energy News] [=================================]

● • ⱷ • ⱷ • ⱷ • ⱷ • ⱷ • ⱷ • ● Fukushima● • ⱷ • ⱷ • ⱷ • ⱷ • ⱷ • ⱷ • ● •

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May 19th, 2016 — Expert: Billions of pieces Fukushima nuclear fuel have spread pretty much everywhere — “It’s truly frightening… wherever there’s cesium, there’s plutonium” — Atomic bomb had one pound of uranium… Fukushima had hundreds of tons — TV: “Abundant quantities” of plutonium are being found (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

May 16th, 2016 — Nuclear Expert: Largest amount of Fukushima radiation fell on US West Coast and Pacific — “Why don’t we hear complaints from US?”… Officials are criminals and trying to cover it up — Public must be aware even more radiation is coming… “People need to realize impact of contamination on them”… . . . …⇲

May 12th, 2016 — Reporter: Many experts now believe Fukushima’s melted fuel burned through the concrete floors and has gone down into the groundwater — “No one yet knows how deeply those 3 cores melted into the ground… No one knows where the cores are” (AUDIO) . . . …⇲

May 11th, 2016 — Cover-up of massive explosion at Fukushima Reactor 3 fueled with plutonium? US government’s “worst case” scenario likely a reality… Entire nuclear core ejected into environment — Experts: It seems blast wasn’t from hydrogen — “Ejection of fuel parts… Exploding vortices suggest a steam explosion” (PHOTO) . . . …⇲

May 7th, 2016 — TV: EPA data reveals “sharp spike in radiation level” around US nuclear site — “It’s been reportedly leaking huge amounts of radioactive materials for more than 2 weeks” — Evacuations enacted… Almost 50 workers have sought medical attention… Symptoms include bleeding ulcers, burned lungs (VIDEOS) . . . …⇲

May 5th, 2016 — Scientists: Over 60,000,000 killed by nuclear fallout… More than 120,000,000 cancers from radioactive releases… Doesn’t include millions more dead babies and fetuses — Professor: “Horrifying… This is a war crime far greater in magnitude than any that has… . . . …⇲

May 2nd, 2016 — Experts: Fukushima ‘ice wall’ could destroy reactor units, turn site into swamp — Risk of fractures, ground movement, building subsidence — Must be frozen for 200 years — Officials: High cliffs just behind plant may become unstable — Gov’t: “Observable heaving” and deformations possible (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

April 28th, 2016 — TV: North America will not be safe from Fukushima radiation if plant keeps leaking — Animals “suddenly died” on west coast right after 2011 disaster… Whole world noticed this strange phenomenon — “Fatally high” levels of radioactive material has entered ocean… serious pollution is ongoing (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

April 25th, 2016 — “Dead animals litter California beaches… Alarming phenomenon” — “Graveyard of washed-up sea life” — “Influx of malnourished sea creatures” — Experts: We’re really starting to worry… The animals are starving to death… Covered in sores… Stunted growth… Weak immune systems (VIDEOS) . . . …⇲

April 22nd, 2016 — Nuclear Expert: We’ve detected a lot of cases “gargantuanism” in Fukushima — Reporter: “Gigantic beet… it’s almost as big as the upper part of man trying to hold it” — “They’re seeing more and more of this… people are reporting more and more of these abnormalities” (PHOTOS & VIDEO) . . . …⇲

April 20th, 2016 — TV: Alarm over “Catastrophic Leak” at US nuclear site — “Emergency response underway” — Surge in radioactive leakage after “essentially blowing a hole” in massive tank containing “deadliest substance on earth” — Former Worker: “I was very shocked to hear it breached that significantly” (VIDEOS) . . . …⇲

April 18th, 2016 — TV: Surge in babies being born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima — “I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many are getting abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — Many people reporting cancers, even far away from Fukushima (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

April 14th, 2016 — “Nuclear reactor fears after huge earthquake strikes Japan” — Plant operator “is further looking into any possible damage” — Quake measured “at highest possible level” on Japan’s intensity scale — Prime Minister: “We intend to do the utmost to grasp situation” — Official: “Extent of damage still unclear” (VIDEOS) . . . …⇲

April 12th, 2016 — Top Official: Over 60 million Japanese irradiated by Fukushima — Nuclear Expert: 50,000 sq. miles of Japan highly contaminated… Many millions need to be evacuated… Gov’t has decided to sacrifice them, it’s a serious crime — TV: More than 70% of country contaminated by radiation (VIDEOS) . . . …⇲

April 11th, 2016 — Nuclear Expert in Fukushima: People’s feet turned black for years because radiation so high — Every time I turned around I saw someone who had radiation damage — Hair falling out, caughing up blood, bodies covered with boils… Officials keeping doctors from telling truth… Public being brainwashed (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

April 9th, 2016 — “EMERGENCY DECLARED” at US nuclear plant — Newspaper: “High radiation triggers alert” — Officials: “Counties surrounding plant alerted of this event” — Gov’t: Unusual Event due to “HIGH HIGH” radiation condition… . . . …⇲

April 7th, 2016 — Nuclear Engineer: “Alarm bells” are going off over Fukushima plume coming to US West Coast — People will be dying from radiation that’s flowing across Pacific — Massive amounts of nuclear waste are flowing into ocean every day, and will for more than a century — “We’ve contaminated the biggest source of water on planet, and there’s no way to stop it” (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

April 5th, 2016 — Nuclear Expert: “I’ve learned there’s a huge spike in death rates in Fukushima for young children”… Officials are covering up data — Gov’t committing inhuman acts on their own people — Doctor’s who treat patients suffering from radiation illness are being put out of business (AUDIO) . . . …⇲

April 4th, 2016 — Scientists: “Unprecedentedly huge mortality events” happening along US West Coast — “Die-offs… are ongoing and severe!… Really a big story” — We had diversity, we had organisms in the water… then all of a sudden we saw nothing, it was really striking (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

March 30th, 2016 — PHOTOS: “Alien fish” caught alive off Pacific coast… Bizarre creature resembles “albino shark” with large distended stomach — Doctor: 3 exceedingly rare albino dolphins captured off Japan in one year… Fukushima must be researched as possible cause… . . . …⇲

March 29th, 2016 — “Mind Blowing”: Die-off in Pacific far worse than anything ever seen before — Expert: Alarm over what’s happening in ocean — Deaths puzzling gov’t scientists, “I’ve never heard of such a thing anywhere in world” — Reports: Beaches full of bodies… Countless carcasses — Official: We want to know if it’s related to Fukushima (VIDEO) . . . …⇲

March 28th, 2016 — Reuters: Bombers “switched target from nuke plant at last minute” — Report: Terror cell plotted to blow up nuclear plant… Threat of “most devastating terror attack in history” — Murder of nuclear worker increasing fear of more attacks — Police worry other cells “poised to unleash further terror” (VIDEOS) . . . …⇲





‘The largest mass die offs of Sea Life ever recorded… now underway on West Coast….






Published on Feb 9, 2015

Fukushima Radiation Pacific Ocean Apocalyptic California sea lions Shellfish Die Off West Coast and Canada…

Sick, abandoned pups have shown up in alarming numbers on beaches in January….














scientific program director of the clinical laboratory at the University of Columbia, Missouri

Fukushima.The Speech That Let The Cat Out Of The Bag!



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVEgTF-KSNU ➧)➤ Audio Playlist ➧)➤





Published on Sep 7, 2013
Steven Starr is a medical laboratory technician [MT ( ASCP) ] , scientific program director of the clinical laboratory at the University of Columbia, Missouri. He obtained his degree at the School of Health Professions in 1985 and has worked in many hospitals for 27 years.

Mr Starr is a member of Physicians for Social reponsibility , and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. His writings are published by several organizations, including the Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, and has worked with several foreign governments and the UN to the elimination of nuclear weapons. He is also an expert in the field of environmental consequences of war and nuclear weapons.

In this video, he exposes us to the deleterious properties of the radioactive materials generated by nuclear accident , especially the infamous cesium 137, which has significantly contaminated Japan after the Fukushima catastrophe . This is the deadly poisons at the atomic or molecular level. Their activity is millions of times greater than that of some natural isotopes in the environment such as potassium 40. As compare a stick of dynamite in an atomic bomb !

The second point is data contamination official of Japan, which do not correspond to some independent scientific studies , and certainly not to the reality of the situation on the ground . It is between 10,000 to 20,000 square kilometers today have a radioactivity greater than the maximum previously authorized 1 millisievert per year dose. It then discusses the dangers induced by multiplying by 20 the permitted level , and the controversial method used to calculate the biological effects of ionizing radiation , expressed in Sieverts .

Steven Starr then cites scientific research of Prof. Bandazhevsky , phenomena of bioaccumulation in ecosystems , increased fragility of children and especially girls to the effects of radioactivity, and overall poor health status of young people in our days in areas contaminated by the Chernobyl accident areas.

Super duper thanks to;









Published on Oct 24, 2014

Every bluefin tuna tested in the waters off California has shown to be contaminated with radiation that originated in Fukushima. Every single one.

Over a year ago, in May of 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported on a Stanford University study. Daniel Madigan, a marine ecologist who led the study, was quoted as saying, “The tuna packaged it up (the radiation) and brought it across the world’s largest ocean. We were definitely surprised to see it at all and even more surprised to see it in every one we measured.”

Another member of the study group, Marine biologist Nicholas Fisher at Stony Brook University in New York State reported, “We found that absolutely every one of them had comparable concentrations of cesium 134 and cesium 137.”

That was over a year ago. The fish that were tested had relatively little exposure to the radioactive waste being dumped into the ocean following the nuclear melt-through that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in March of 2011. Since that time, the flow of radioactive contaminants dumping into the ocean has continued unabated. Fish arriving at this juncture have been swimming in contaminants for all of their lives.

Radioactive cesium doesn’t sink to the sea floor, so fish swim through it and ingest it through their gills or by eating organisms that have already ingested it. It is a compound that does occur naturally in nature, however, the levels of cesium found in the tuna in 2012 had levels 3 percent higher than is usual. Measurements for this year haven’t been made available, or at least none that I have been able to find. I went looking for the effects of ingesting cesium. This is what I found:

When contact with radioactive cesium occurs, which is highly unlikely, a person can experience cell damage due to radiation of the cesium particles. Due to this, effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding may occur. When the exposure lasts a long time, people may even lose consciousness. Coma or even death may then follow. How serious the effects are depends upon the resistance of individual persons and the duration of exposure and the concentration a person is exposed to.






[====================================] [ENENews.com – Energy News] [====================================]

March 23rd, 2016 – Cemetery full of dead babies missing brains next to US nuclear site — Funeral Director: Almost all infants we have died the same way… “that’s pretty much all I see on death certificates” — Few miles from “most contaminated place in hemisphere” — “One of largest documented anencephaly clusters in US history” (VIDEO). . …

March 22nd, 2016 – “BREAKING: Belgian nuclear power plants evacuated” after terror attacks — Multiple reactor sites cleared “amid heightened fears of another attack” — Military and armed police on scene — Capitol on lockdown after dozens killed — “Dismembered bodies everywhere… It’s like the apocalypse” (VIDEO)…

March 22nd, 2016 – 100% death rate of baby seals on California coast — “None have survived” — “Many are starving, suffering from shortage of food in Pacific Ocean” — “Extremely thin… all sorts of illnesses, infections” — “Milkless moms immediately abandoning pups” — TV: “The problem is getting worse” (VIDEOS)…

March 18th, 2016 – Local Official: Alarm over very sick animals washing ashore in Alaska — Fish bleeding from face, bloody entrails coming out of body — “We are very much aware of the possibility of radiation from Fukushima affecting ocean life” (PHOTOS)…

March 16th, 2016 – TV: Radiation in ocean off Fukushima at highest levels in years — Out of control leakage coming from plant — ‘Big spikes’ in radioactivity observed — “Surprising… Concerning… Crisis” — 1,000s of tons of contaminated liquid being released — Scientists: Japan gov’t covering up situation (AUDIO)…

March 15th, 2016 – Reuters: Fukushima fuel melted through containment vessels and is “spewing radiation” — Nuke Expert: Fuel has “scattered all over the place” — Gov’t: Fuel may have burned out into environment — Tepco Official: Fuel could have flowed out “like lava in a volcano” (VIDEOS)…

March 14th, 2016 – “Shocking how many people died in Fukushima” — Cremated bodies of Fukushima radiation workers found near plant — “Such a high rate of cancer” being detected in Fukushima children (VIDEOS)…

March 11th, 2016 – Nuclear Expert: Fukushima “like the worst nightmare becoming reality” — Released as much as 1,000 atomic bombs worth of radioactive material — “Everyone on earth has been exposed… an increase in cancer will be the result”…

March 10th, 2016 – EMERGENCY: Fire breaks out at another US nuclear plant — Blaze ignites in turbine building — “It took so long to put out” — Alert issued to government officials (VIDEO)…

March 8th, 2016 – ALERT: Emergency at US nuclear plant after “massive” fire and multiple explosions — “All of a sudden we heard this loud boom and the whole ground started shaking” — “Intense Flames… Heavy Black Smoke… Chaos” — 100s of fire personnel called in — “We ask that the public stay away from the area” (VIDEOS)…

March 4th, 2016 – New Gov’t Report: Fukushima radiation found in US marine life — Investigators detect radioactive contamination “in a variety of marine products” harvested off West Coast — Effects of exposure need to be studied and understood in coming years…

March 2nd, 2016 – TV: Shocking number of cancers around leaking nuclear plant near NYC… Tens of thousands of cases recently reported… “More than anywhere else in US”… “Why is this story not being covered by everybody?” — Teacher: “I can’t believe the number of teachers who have gotten cancer” (VIDEOS)…

March 1st, 2016 – “Uncontrollable radioactive flow” coming from nuclear plant near NYC — Actual releases are “trillions of times” higher than reported during latest leak — Cracks in multiple spent fuel pools — Intense investigation underway to see if it can be stopped (VIDEO)…

February 29th, 2016 – L.A. Times: “Ongoing fish famine” along US West Coast — “Dearth of food across ocean” — Severe fishery implosion — Supply has been low since 2011 — Gov’t Expert: “Looks very grim… It is hard to watch” …

February 25th, 2016 – TV: “Mysterious and terrifying epidemic” spreads near radioactive site — “People suffer from hallucinations… They cry, howl, even tear their hair out” — Residents in “coma-like state” with swollen brains — Radiation levels almost 20 times normal (VIDEOS)…

February 24th, 2016 – Gov’t: “Alarming” release of radioactivity from US nuclear site — AP: “Uncontrolled spread of contamination” — Official: Contains “high levels of radioactive isotopes” (VIDEO)…

February 23rd, 2016 – Officials: “Historic crisis” along US West Coast… “We’re facing a fishery disaster”… “Very never-seen-before things”… Should be exclamation alarm to public — Extinction threat for salmon runs; Loss of sardines, squid, sea urchins, kelp; Massive sea star deaths; Marine mammal strandings… more…}»»

February 22nd, 2016 – Washington Post: “No one knows what to do with Fukushima” — Scientific American: Plant is in “crisis mode”… fuel has melted through containers — Official: Corium may never be extracted — Gov’t suggests dumping it under Pacific Ocean…

February 19th, 2016 – Nuclear Expert in Japan: Plutonium “is everywhere… it is everywhere” after Fukushima reactors exploded — It’s being redeposited in “unanticipated” locations — “Black radioactive dust just wherever you go” — “It’s running right into Pacific Ocean” (VIDEO)…

February 17th, 2016 – Official Report: West Coast hit with 220,000,000 atoms per liter of Iodine-129 in rain after Fukushima — 15 Million year half-life — Detected in aquifer that supplies drinking water to large number of people — “Transported rapidly” to Canada and US — Elevated levels continued for many months










[FEBRUARY 27 TO MARCH 5, 2016]


Twenty-four (24) cities exceed 1,000 CPM this week…


By Bob Nichols on March 5, 2016

February 27 to March 5, 2016

(San Francisco) March 5, 2016 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States.


Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.

Badlands Winter – South Dakota

Badlands – Winter – South Dakota

The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city reporting is listed last. Still, all reporting cities are above normal. These are the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM this week.



1,803CPM,360.6Times Normal,Miami, FL.Beta, Gamma.

1,508CPM,301.6Times Normal,Little Rock, AR.Beta, Gamma.

1,385CPM,277Times Normal,San Diego, CA.Beta, Gamma.

1,357CPM,271.4Times Normal,Yuma, AZ.Beta, Gamma.

1,356CPM,271.2Times Normal,Colorado Springs, CO.Beta, Gamma.

1,192CPM,238.4Times Normal,Raleigh, NC.Beta, Gamma.

1,148CPM,228.6Times Normal,Idaho Falls, ID.Beta, Gamma.

1,142CPM,228.4Times Normal,Portland, ME.Beta, Gamma.

1,141CPM,228.2Times Normal,Grand Junction, CO.Beta, Gamma.

1,137CPM,227.4Times Normal,Louisville, KY.Beta, Gamma.

1,124CPM,224.8Times Normal,Spokane, WA.Beta, Gamma.

1,102CPM,220.4Times Normal,Memphis, TN.Beta, Gamma.

1,097CPM,219.4Times Normal,Phoenix, AZ.Beta, Gamma.

1,088CPM,217.6Times Normal,El Paso, TX.Beta, Gamma.

1,075CPM,215Times Normal,Riverside, CA.Beta, Gamma.

1,061CPM,212.2Times Normal,Tucson, AZ.Beta, Gamma.

1,056CPM,211.2Times Normal,Worcester, MA.Beta, Gamma.

1,052CPM,210.4Times Normal,Anaheim, CA.Beta, Gamma.

1,043CPM,208.6Times Normal,Billings, MT.Beta, Gamma.

1,026CPM,205.2Times Normal,Oklahoma City, OKBeta, Gamma.

1,019CPM,203.8Times Normal,Atlanta, GA.Beta, Gamma.

1,017CPM,203.4Times Normal,Navajo Lake, NM.Beta, Gamma.

1,014CPM,202.8Times Normal,Augusta, GA.Beta, Gamma.

1,002CPM,200.4Times Normal,Fresno, CA.Beta, Gamma.



Twenty-four (24) cities exceed 1,000 CPM this week. There are Fifteen cities between 900 and 999 CPM.

Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.

Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2016. Reproduce and distribute, give full attribution to Bob Nichols and Veterans Today.


1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at http://www2.epa.gov/radnet Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder. Don’t skip the “2” in www2.

2. The EPA based reporting of www.NETC.com an LLC.

3. * This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations report Beta Radiation. Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations.

4. Reference: Digilert 100 Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.” http://keison.co.uk/seinternational_digilert100.shtmlCopyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights Reserved.]















hd canale documentaires

Published on Jan 3, 2015
Cesium, iodine and tritium in NW Pacific waters — a comparison of the Fukushima impact with global fallout


Impacts of the Fukushima nuclear power plant discharges on the ocean
(MULTIPLE studies found here)
1~ Inverse estimation of source parameters of oceanic radioactivity dispersion models associated with the Fukushima accident
2~ Surface pathway of radioactive plume of TEPCO Fukushima NPP1 released 134Cs and 137Cs
3~ Determination of plutonium isotopes in marine sediments off the Fukushima coast following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
4~ Iodine-129 concentration in seawater near Fukushima before and after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
5~ Short-term dispersal of Fukushima-derived radionuclides off Japan: modeling efforts and model-data intercomparison
6~ Initial Spread of 137Cs over the shelf of Japan: a study using the high-resolution global-coastal nesting ocean model
7~ Direct observation of 134Cs and 137Cs in surface seawater in the western and central North Pacific after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident
8~ 90Sr and 89Sr in seawater off Japan as a consequence of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident
9~ Fukushima-derived radiocesium in western North Pacific sediment traps
10~ Natural and Fukushima-derived radioactivity in macroalgae and mussels along the Japanese shoreline
11~ Export of 134Cs and 137Cs in the Fukushima river systems at heavy rains by Typhoon Roke in September 2011
12~ Continuing 137Cs release to the sea from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant through 2012
13~ The impact of oceanic circulation and phase transfer on the dispersion of radionuclides released from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant
14~ Does the Fukushima NPP disaster affect the caesium activity of North Atlantic Ocean fish?
15~ Spatiotemporal distributions of Fukushima-derived radionuclides in surface sediments in the waters off Miyagi, Fukushima, and Ibaraki Prefectures, Japan
16~ Distribution of the Fukushima-derived radionuclides in seawater in the Pacific off the coast of Miyagi, Fukushima, and Ibaraki Prefectures, Japan
17~ Cesium-134 and 137 activities in the central North Pacific Ocean after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident
18~ Horizontal distribution of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in zooplankton in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
19~ One-year, regional-scale simulation of 137Cs radioactivity in the ocean following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
20~ Cesium, iodine and tritium in NW Pacific waters — a comparison of the Fukushima impact with global fallout

WSJ: Soaring radioactivity levels on coast of Fukushima plant — Nuclear material may have leeched from melted fuel cores and into environment:

Wall Street Journal, July 8, 2013: Fukushima Watch: Tritium Levels Soar on Coast at Fukushima Plant […] More than two years after the devastating accident at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, operator [Tepco] is seeing levels soar of a radioactive element called tritium. The problem spot is on the coastal side of the plant’s heavily damaged No. 2 reactor, one of the areas where Tepco regularly monitors groundwater to check for radioactive elements that may have leeched from the plant’s partly melted fuel cores and into the environment. […]

Jiji Press, July 8, 2013: Tokyo Electric Power Co. says 2,300 becquerels per liter of tritium was found in seawater sampled off its crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station Wednesday, the highest level recorded since the March 2011 accident. […] It is feared that groundwater containing high levels of tritium may be leaking into the sea from the plant’s No. 2 reactor building.

Officials report “troubling discovery” at Fukushima nuclear plant: Cesium levels rocket 9,000% over 3 days in groundwater — TEPCO “can’t explain it”

NHK World

Asahi Shimbun:

AFP: Toxic radioactive substances in groundwater at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plan have rocketed over the past three days,

Wall Street Journal: Cesium tends to bind with dirt, so it’s less likely it would seep distances along with groundwater. […]

Uncovering Plume-Gate: http://plumegate.wordpress.com/

hatrickpenryunbound: http://hatrickpenryunbound.com/

Plume-Gate PROOF Cover-up of Fukushima via the NRC Documents Playlist (35 videos 26 hours)

original upload here: (thank you HatrickPenry) Good Job!









Just How Bad Has Fukushima Become,,,?~¿~?…



Published on Mar 11, 2013



‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

“Everyone is worried about the radiation,” says the mother of seven-year-old Chie. Children from the surrounding areas are not allowed to play outside, and cattle have developed a new disease. In one of the most contaminated places on earth, the continued fears over health risks mix with a sense of a betrayal by the government. “Japanese government policy is very strange. We have been deceived.” Despite voluntary efforts to revitalise the area, it seems there is little hope of reversing the fate of this radioactive wasteland.
Fukushima Now: A look at the ongoing clean-up operations at Fukushima, the site of Japan’s worst nuclear disaster

For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=65039&bid=2

As the authorities work out how to deal with the nuclear nightmare at Fukushima, the clean-up drags on. Fearing radioactive contamination, the consequences of the disaster continue to define residents’ lives.

“After the accident the situation in the plant got worse and worse, the radiation levels rose higher. To be honest, we didn’t know if we could control it”, admits one of the Fukushima plant workers. Outside the plant walls, the town remains deserted. “Everyone is worried about the radiation”, says the mother of seven-year-old Chie. Children from the surrounding areas are not allowed to play outside and cattle have developed a new disease. The traffic lights are still working, but just about nothing else is in the ghost town. The continued fears over health risks mix with a sense of a betrayal by the government. “Japanese government policy is very strange. We have been deceived by the government and the electric company.” Despite voluntary efforts to revitalise the area, it seems there is little hope of reversing the fate of this radioactive wasteland. “There has been no progress. Things have not changed.”

SBS – Ref. 5737

Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
Understanding the accident of Fukushima Daiichi NPS – Source IRSN


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A starving sea lion rescued…

In a photo provided by SeaWorld, an 8-month-old female sea lion pup is shown where it was found sleeping in a booth of the Marine Room, an upscale restaurant in the La Jolla neighborhood of San Diego, Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016. Experts were called from nearby SeaWorld, who said the pup was severely underweight and dehydrated. The pup was taken to SeaWorld’s Animal Rescue Center and experts are cautiously optimistic about her recovery. There’s been a surge in sea lion mortality over the past year because, scientists say, the animals’ food supply has been affected by higher-than-normal ocean temperatures linked to El Nino.(Mike Aguilera/SeaWorld via AP)

A starving sea lion rescued after finding its way into a fancy San Diego restaurant.

In a photo provided by SeaWorld, an 8-month-old female sea lion pup is shown where it was found sleeping in a booth of the Marine Room, an upscale restaurant in the La Jolla neighborhood of San Diego, Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016. Experts were called from nearby SeaWorld, who said the pup was severely underweight and dehydrated. The pup was taken to SeaWorld’s Animal Rescue Center and experts are cautiously optimistic about her recovery. There’s been a surge in sea lion mortality over the past year because, scientists say, the animals’ food supply has been affected by higher-than-normal ocean temperatures linked to El Nino.(Mike Aguilera/SeaWorld via AP)

Experts at SeaWorld were called Thursday morning to The Marine Room, an oceanfront restaurant in La Jolla.

Rescuers found an 8-month-old female pup asleep in a dining booth. The pup was severely underweight and dehydrated.

The pup was taken to SeaWorld’s Animal Rescue Center, and experts are cautiously optimistic about her recovery.

There’s been a surge in sea lion mortality over the past year, with marine biologists collecting thousands of sick, starving, stranded or dead pups. So far this year, SeaWorld has rescued 47 sea lions and other marine mammals.

Scientists say the animals’ food supply has been affected by higher-than-normal ocean temperatures linked to El Nino.


February 12th, 2016 – CBS: Radiation leak “getting worse” at nuclear plant near NYC — Levels increase over 120,000%, almost 15 million pCi/L — Governor: “Extremely disconcerting” — Expert: I don’t think they know where it’s coming from — Radioactive Antimony now being detected (VIDEO)➧}➤ http://enenews.com/cbs-radioactive-leak-getting-worse-nuclear-plant-nyc-levels-increase-120000-governor-extremely-disconcerting-gundersen-dont-comng-radioactive-antimony-being-detected-5000-picocuries-liter

February 10th, 2016 – “Mass death” of species found around Fukushima nuclear plant — Gov’t: They “seem to have disappeared… Little or no reproductive success… It is evident biota around the power plant has been affected since the nuclear accident” ➧}➤ http://enenews.com/mass-death-species-found-around-fukushima-nuclear-plant-govt-disappeared-little-reproductive-success-evident-biota-around-power-plant-affected-nuclear-accident

February 9th, 2016 – Officials: Fire/Explosion Reported at US Nuclear Plant — Emergency Alert Declared — Fire/Explosion occurred after “unexpected power decrease” in reactor — “Emergency response facilities staffed” — “Abnormal event with potential to impact plant equipment or public health and safety” (VIDEO) ➧}➤ http://enenews.com/officials-emergency-alert-declared-nuclear-plant-fireexplosion-reported-after-unexpected-power-decrease-reactor-emergency-response-facilities-staffed-abnormal-event-potential-impact-public-he

February 8th, 2016 – Experts: Formaldehyde is spewing from massive LA gas leak — “Very dangerous for public”… methane turning into embalming fluid — Can make your body “start digesting itself” — Company knows this is happening and should warn us… Obviously they don’t want you to know about it (VIDEO) ➧}➤ http://enenews.com/experts-formaldehyde-spewing-massive-la-gas-blowout-body-start-digesting-very-dangerous-methane-basically-turning-embalming-fluid-officials-be-warning-theyre-dont-about-video

February 7th, 2016 – TV: Radiation leak reported at US nuclear plant — “Alarming levels of radioactivity” — 65,000% above normal — Governor: “I am deeply concerned… Significant failure” — Officials worried about health of public — Extent and duration of release ‘unclear’ — Radiation experts being sent in (VIDEOS) ➧}➤ http://enenews.com/govt-radiation-leak-nuclear-plant-major-city-alarming-levels-radioactivity-65000-spike-detected-official-deeply-concerned-significant-failure-expert-radiation-protection-being-sent-site-video

February 4th, 2016 – Scientists: West Coast bird die-off “is biggest ever recorded” — Stomachs completely empty — “Staggering… Alarming… Unheard of… Never seen anything like it” — “Unprecedented in size, scope, duration” — “Deaths could reach many hundreds of thousands” — “A host of other freakish phenomena” (VIDEO) ➧}➤ http://enenews.com/scientists-west-coast-bird-die-biggest-recorded-staggering-unheard-never-anything-like-unprecedented-size-scope-duration-worst-case-scenario-deaths-could-reach-many-hundreds-thousands-host

January 29th, 2016 – Report: Wildlife “disappearing” around massive LA gas disaster — Residents: “It’s completely quiet”… birds, butterflies, rabbits, coyotes are missing… all fish in pond found dead — “All of this is gone… Makes me wonder how bad it really is” — Animal with “worst blood” ever seen by doctor (VIDEO) ➧}➤ http://enenews.com/wildlife-disappearing-around-massive-la-gas-disaster-residents-completely-quiet-birds-rabbits-coyotes-butterflies-missing-all-fish-pond-dead-all-gone-quiet-makes-bad-really-animals-worst-b

January 28th, 2016 – Breaking: They may have “lost control entirely of entire field” involved in LA gas disaster, and it’s coming up everywhere… We learned there’s many other leaks -Attorney — Officials: Loud sound of gas escaping heard half mile away; A “mini-Chernobyl” — AP: Leak “out of control”… amount released “seriously underestimated” (VIDEO) ➧}➤ http://enenews.com/breaking-company-entirely-lost-control-entire-gas-field-involved-la-methane-disaster-leaking-everywhere-learned-many-other-wells-leaking-attorney-official-mini-chernobyl-ap-leak-control

January 25th, 2016 – Experts: Magnitude of LA gas leak “way beyond what any of us have ever been told” — “It’s a worst case emission” — “I’ve never seen a release of this magnitude” — It’s flowing directly into towns with “very little dilution… a worst case scenario” — “Very dangerous condition… be very, very concerned” (VIDEO) ➧}➤ http://enenews.com/experts-la-gas-leak-worst-case-emission-beyond-told-ive-never-release-magnitude-before-toxic-plume-flowing-directly-communities-very-little-dilution-video

January 22nd, 2016 – TV: “Worst wildlife die-off ever recorded” anywhere on Earth underway on West Coast — Expert: “And we’re not just talking marine die-offs… yeah, it’s a really big deal” — “There are many more species that are getting sick” — “Facing possibility of extinction” — Scientist: “Is it some sort of a toxin that’s there?” (VIDEO) ➧}➤ http://enenews.com/tv-worst-wildlife-die-recorded-underway-west-coast-experts-talking-marine-die-offs-yeah-really-big-deal-many-species-getting-sick-facing-possibility-extinction-scientist-sort-toxin-video



Your Radiation This Week No 43



By Bob Nichols on February 13, 2016

February 6, 2016 to February 13, 2016

(San Francisco) February 13, 2016 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States.


Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.

The Mojave Desert

The Mojave Desert

The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city reporting is listed last. Still, all reporting cities are above normal. These are the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM this week.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [4] [www.veteranstoday.com]





1,652 CPM, 330.4 Times Normal, Bakersfield, CA. Beta, Gamma.

1,562 CPM, 312.4 Times Normal, Miami, FL. Beta, Gamma.

1,399 CPM, 279.8 Times Normal, Spokane, WA. Beta, Gamma.

1,293 CPM, 258.6 Times Normal, Grand Junction, CO. Beta, Gamma.

1,277 CPM, 255.4 Times Normal, Little Rock, AR. Beta, Gamma.

1,232 CPM, 246.4 Times Normal, Raleigh, NC. Beta, Gamma.

1,179 CPM, 235.8 Times Normal, Colorado Springs, CO. Beta, Gamma.

1,175 CPM, 235 Times Normal, El Paso, TX. Beta, Gamma.

1,163 CPM, 232.6 Times Normal, Yuma, AZ. Beta, Gamma.

1,152 CPM, 230.4 Times Normal, San Diego, CA. Beta, Gamma.

1,136 CPM, 227.2 Times Normal, Tucson, AZ. Beta, Gamma.

1,120 CPM, 224 Times Normal, Louisville, KY. Beta, Gamma.

1,089 CPM, 217.8 Times Normal, Portland, ME. Beta, Gamma.

1,053 CPM, 210.6 Times Normal, St George, UT. Beta, Gamma.

1,050 CPM, 210 Times Normal, Phoenix, AZ. Beta, Gamma.

1,034 CPM, 206.8 Times Normal, Billings, MT. Beta, Gamma.

1,034 CPM, 206.8 Times Normal, Reno, NV. Beta, Gamma.

1,021 CPM, 204.2 Times Normal, Idaho Falls, ID. Beta, Gamma.

1,021 CPM, 204.2 Times Normal, Riverside, CA. Beta, Gamma.

1,019 CPM, 203.8 Times Normal, Fresno, CA. Beta, Gamma.

1,018 CPM, 203.6 Times Normal, Champaign, IL Beta, Gamma.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [4]

The Count

Twenty-one (21) cities exceed 1,000 CPM. There are Thirteen (13) cities between 900 and 999 CPM.

Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.

Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2016. Reproduce and distribute, give full attribution to Bob Nichols and Veterans Today.




Posted on January 22, 2016 by fukushimaupdate

8,000 Dead Birds Wash Up on Alaskan Coast [WSJ]Published on Jan 12, 2016
An estimated 8,000 common murre birds have washed ashore on Alaska’s Whittier beach after apparently starving to death. Murre die-offs have occurred in previous winters but not in the numbers witnessed in Alaska.



AP, Jan 12, 2016 (emphasis added): “It was pretty horrifying,” [Seabird biologist David Irons] said… An estimated 8,000 of the black and white birds were found dead on the Whittier beach, said [USGS’s] John Piatt… “That’s unprecedented, that sheer number in one location is off the charts,” he said… “The length of time we’ve been seeing dead birds, and the geographic scope, is much greater than before in other die-off events,” said Kathy Kuletz, a biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “We’re looking at many times that. So possibly a good chunk of the population.”… Many females in 2015, however, weretoo weak to breed, Kuletz said.

KTVA, Jan 6, 2016: “It’s a major event and it’s difficult to see,” said Kathy Kuletz, the seabird coordinator for Fish and Wildlife. On Wednesday afternoon, Justin Siemens [said] “It’s super crazy. I’ve always seen a little bit of die off… but nothing like this,” [Kuletz] said this has thepotential to be the biggest mortality event in the state’s history— numbers could reachmore than 100,000.

Alaska Journal of Commerce, Jan 7, 2016: Anyone who has walked Homer’s beaches the past few weeks has seen a horrid event. Every few yards… dead birds… In the summer of 2015, the murres also suffered a complete colony collapse and failed to breed… “We hadcomplete reproductive failure, which is really rare for murres,” said Heather Renner, a bird biologist… 8,000 dead murres on a 1-mile stretch of beach in Whittier. “That number is totally off the charts,” Renner said. “This whole region is having through-the-roof numbers in the last couple of days.”… In an interview in July, [Julia Parrish, a fisheries professor at the University of Washington] said a big die off would be like one seen at Kayak Island near Prince William Sound, with 1,000 dead birds per kilometer. “That’s knee deep in birds,” she said then… other species like auklets and guillemots have been found dead… Murres also have been dying in above-average numbers in areas of the Washington and Oregon coast… “These are scrappy birds. They’re used to it.Something else is going on… They’re telling ussomething is going on in the marine ecosystem,” she said.

Alaska Dispatch News, Jan 5, 2016: Thousands of dead common murres are washing up on the beaches of Whittier, an unprecedented die-off that has scientists wondering how many more thousands remain uncounted… The scale of the die-off is unprecedentedalong the Sound, longtime residents say. “It’s just mind-boggling,” said David Janka, a Cordova charter owner… [It’s] the worst Piatt has seen in 40 years of research in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. “It’s a regular part of their life history, but I would say this is the most extreme I have ever seen or heard of,” he said… It’s possible that… there’s adisease or some other medical condition that’s causing them to starve… “It’s turning out to be something that does have the potential for population-level effects,” she said. “It is just off the chart as far as what we typically see with these events.”

KTVA, Jan 7, 2016: Carcasses littered beaches for miles outside Whittier… “Scientists tend to get blasé about this but this is bigger than I’ve ever seen,” [Irons] said. They know the birds are starving to death, they just don’t know why. “Seabird biologists say seabirds are indicators of the health of the ecosystem. Now they’re dying and that is telling us something.”

Alaska Dispatch News, Dec 30, 2015: Normally found skimming the North Pacific, seabirds known as common murres are appearing inland… starving and unable to fly… [Biologists] say the seabirds may already be pushing away from the ocean in a desperate quest to find food… [It’s] part of a widespread seabird die-off up and down the Pacific coast, possibly due to shortages of squid, krill and little fish the birds usually eat.

KTOO, Dec 26, 2015: Seabird die-offs have been recorded all along the West Coast of the U.S. in Washington, Oregon and California this year… “Based on the duration of the time that we’ve had carcasses being reported to us, I would say, it’s into the thousands, certainly, throughout Kachemak Bay,” [??] Slater said… They’ve also had reports of dead tufted puffins, horned puffins and an ancient murrelet…

Seward City News, Dec 30, 2015: It’s hard to miss the bloody bird carcasses strewn about town… None of this is normal… Alarming numbers of seabird die-offs are also occurring this year from California up the coast to the Gulf of Alaska.

Homer Tribune, Jan 2016: Dead murres litter Homer’s Mud Bay beach… and [continue to]baffle scientists…. This most recent wave of murre strandings is part… of awidespread seabird die-off up and down the Pacific coast.

Seward City News, Nov 16, 2015: It’s hard to miss the many seabird carcasses scattered along the beach, and in town… [Many] paddle lethargically as if in a daze… Murres are also acting strange in other ways, paddling towards people and other birds, not recognizing danger.

Related Posts
1.“Horrific environmental mystery… Everyone’s freaked out”: 1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast — Gov’t declares unprecedented Unusual Mortality Event — Scientists alarmed, ‘no idea’ what’s happening — Expert: “It’s all going to cascade up to us” — Other die-offs being reported (VIDEOS) August 24, 2015
2.Skyrocketing deaths on West Coast — Experts: “Extreme Mortality Event… dying in such high numbers… such great numbers… very concerned” — “It’s so mysterious… What is going on here?!” — “Possibilities like fallout from Fukushima” — Only 2 full necropsies on 700 deaths (VIDEOS) September 2, 2015
3.AP: Unprecedented deaths along U.S. Pacific coast — Scientists: Mass die-offs of mammals, birds, fish… “No one’s sure what happened” — Gov’t wants Unusual Mortality Event declared — Samples “being tested for radionuclides from Fukushima” (PHOTOS & AUDIO) July 28, 2015
4.Unprecedented: ‘Cataclysmic’ die-off of birds on entire West Coast — Beaches covered with dead bodies — Professor: It’s tragic… never seen anything like this… We ignore it at our peril… Canary in the coalmine for us… Scrambling to figure out what’s going on with ecosystem (VIDEOS) January 8, 2015
5.Scientists reveal details of unprecedented mass mortality on West Coast that began summer 2011 — “Many millions” of deaths before sea star wasting syndrome — Multiple species wiped out in days — Mortality rate of 99.99% over large region — “No documented event has been so severe” June 4, 2015


=============== ================ RAD REPORT ================= =============

Your Radiation This Week No 39[veteranstoday.com]Bob Nichols

Your Radiation This Week No 39

January 9 to January 16, 2016

(San Francisco) January 16, 2016 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States.

*Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.

Aliso Canyon near Los Angeles in the States

All Radiation Counts reported are partial Counts. Uncounted types of radiation include Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. Uncounted radiation, if added, makes the actual Count higher and more dangerous.

The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city reporting is listed last. Still, all reporting cities are above normal. These are the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM this week.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]

1,696CPM,339.2Times Normal,Little Rock, ARBeta, Gamma.1,591CPM,318.2Times Normal,Miami, FL.Beta, Gamma.1,584CPM,316.8Times Normal,Colorado Springs, CO.Beta, Gamma.1,480CPM,296Times Normal,Pierre, SDBeta, Gamma.1,478CPM,295.6Times Normal,Billings, MTBeta, Gamma.1,382CPM,276.4Times Normal,Memphis, TNBeta, Gamma.1,380CPM,276Times Normal,Grand Junction, COBeta, Gamma.1,352CPM,270.4Times Normal,Yuma, AZ.Beta, Gamma.1,316CPM,263.2Times Normal,Louisville, KYBeta, Gamma.1,303CPM,260.6Times Normal,Spokane, WA.Beta, Gamma.1,278CPM,255.6Times Normal,Lubbock TX.MIA, 5 Yr High1,223CPM,244.6Times Normal,Pittsburgh, PA,Beta, Gamma.1,193CPM,238.6Times Normal,Raleigh, NC.Beta, Gamma.1,193CPM,238.6Times Normal,Rapid City, SD.Beta, Gamma.1,191CPM,238.2Times Normal,Portland, MEBeta, Gamma.1,159CPM,231.8Times Normal,Navajo Lake, NMBeta, Gamma.1,141CPM,228.2Times Normal,Laredo, TX.Beta, Gamma.1,119CPM,223.8Times Normal,Omaha, NE.Beta, Gamma.1,091CPM,218.2Times Normal,Tulsa, OKBeta, Gamma.1,085CPM,217Times Normal,Kearney, NE.Beta, Gamma.1,084CPM,216.8Times Normal,Oklahoma City, OK.Beta, Gamma.1,078CPM,215.6Times Normal,Worcester, MA.Beta, Gamma.1,068CPM,213.6Times Normal,Boise, ID.Beta, Gamma.1,059CPM,211.8Times Normal,Idaho Falls, IDBeta, Gamma.1,051CPM,210.2Times Normal,Lexington, KYBeta, Gamma.1,049CPM,209.8Times Normal,Bismark, ND.Beta, Gamma.1,040CPM,208Times Normal,Hartford, CTBeta, Gamma.1,025CPM,205Times Normal,St George, UT.Beta, Gamma.1,019CPM,203.8Times Normal,Riverside, CA.Beta, Gamma.1,008CPM,201.6Times Normal,El Paso, TX.Beta, Gamma.383CPM,76.6Times Normal,Washington, DC. HighTampered with.73CPM,14.6Times Normal,Washington, DC. LowTampered with.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]


Little Rock, Arkansas wins and is the most radioactive City in the nation this week. There is no prize.

Thirty (30) American cities topped 1,000 CPM this week. There were Thirty-five (35) Cities last week. There are Fifteen (15) American cities between 900 and 999 CPM. Stay Alert and take all appropriate precautions.The most prevalent isotope, Cesium 137, takes a daunting 600 years to decay to infinitesimal levels and it is not even particularly long-lived radiation. The Cesium will remain for 600 years.

That’s not as good as it sounds, though. The Lethality goes up as the Radiation drops slightly after a nuclear disaster.

Fresno, California stopped reporting for the time being or permanently in December 2015; it is not clear which. We’ll see what happens. In the meantime as a reminder, Fresno’s Five year Radioactive High is 2,504 CPM.

I just could not overlook Washington, DC, at 383 CPM, subtotal Gamma and Beta, for a High Rad reading. This is not even a low for the District. The low Gamma only reading was only 73 CPM. Maybe they have some kind of fix for the Rad in DC?

The benefits of living in Washington, DC are never ending and far surpass those of Normal men and women living in other cities and towns – even New York. NY City recorded a 774 CPM Radioactive High this week.

Your Radiation This Week No 39

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By Bob Nichols on April 3, 2015

These are the recorded Radiation Highs affecting people this week around the US

Radiation Island[veteranstoday.com]


(San Francisco) April 3, 2015 – This is “Your Radiation, This Week.” United States. Let’s get right to it.


(In Counts per Minute, 50 CPM is an Alert Level)

291 CPM Boston, MA,

271 CPM New York City, NY
230 CPM Atlanta, GA
465 CPM Miami, FL
205 CPM Chicago, IL
252 CPM Des Moines, IA
371 CPM Aberdeen SD
339 CPM Kansas City, KA
347 CPM Tulsa, OK
474 CPM Little Rock, AR
423 CPM Dallas TX
316 CPM Lubbock, TX
366 CPM South Valley, NM
658 CPM Albuquerque, NM* Highest
429 CPM Grand Junction, CO
647 CPM Billings, MT
560 CPM Phoenix, AZ*
143 CPM Las Vegas, NV
514 CPM San Diego, CA
324 CPM Los Angeles, CA
228 CPM San Francisco, CA
459 CPM Spokane, WA

Across the United States from East to West and North to South, this is Your Radiation, This Week.


It’s raining dead blackbirds…why?

The radiation measurements are much higher today than years ago. The radiation from nuclear bomb detonations and reactors has been falling to the ground for these past 70 years. The radioactive products last millions and in many cases billions of years. For us, the Rad lasts effectively, forever.

Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.

A radioactive decay occurs when a radioactive isotope annihilates itself in a radioactive explosion. This happens on a regular and methodical basis. It is worse when the explosion happens inside of you. People working for governments have devised ways to make use of this property of radioactive isotopes in nuclear bombs and reactors.

For example, 50 CPM is 50 Counts Per Minute [CPM] or 50 radioactive decays per minute. A related measure is Counts per Second [CPS.] 50 CPM is the same as 0.833 CPS, it is a per minute value divided by 60 seconds.

Fifty CPM is an alert level and has been for years for people around radiation. The alert means that the radiation level is higher than it should to be.

The Radiation Levels recorded by the EPA in the American cities listed above this past week are well beyond the old days and an alert level of 50 CPM. This radiation is not the kind of pollution than can be diluted or disappears by itself in a few days or years. The “longed lived” radiation lives much longer than this Planet will be around, according to astronomers and physicists.

How to Fix the radiation?

That question has been pursued by many people for over 70 years without an answer except for abysmal failures and constantly rising radiation levels. There is no solution in my opinion. The only thing that can be done is to store radioactive material in progressively larger boxes. The radiation destroys the boxes from the inside out. There likely will never be a solution except to stop mining Uranium.

The US government, politicians and functionaries alike cling to the destructive power of the Nuclear Bombs to maintain Control over the rest of the non-nuclear world. The US works grudgingly with the other nuclear nations on matters of governance of the Empire.

It is not likely the Nuclear Powers will change their nuclear policies on their own. I don’t know what to do there; but, there are precious few choices. This stuff gets real serious real fast.

People in Nuclear Countries Don’t Breed Well

Nuclear isotopes are drawn to human germ cells, men’s and women’s alike. This diminishes the Total Fertility Rate [TFR] of the nuclear countries and the world’s population. The nuclear countries nuke their population’s germ cells first. The TFR is something that countries can and do measure. The results are readily available. Lies show up pretty quickly.

South Korea recently cancelled a US$6 Billion dollar military equipment purchase in part because of demographics. Their abysmal TFR is 1.25 children born/woman (2014 est) according to the American CIA. The World Bank and the UN keep similar statistics. A country with a growing population is one with a TFR of more than 2.1 children born/woman. The difference is apalling.

A country that kills its children – soon doesn’t have enough personnel to adequately run a standing Army or other industries and services. It’s either nukes for a few years with dead kids and missing adults in the labor force and Army; or, a prospering growing economy, Army and country. It’s an either/or choice; a country can’t do both.



=========================== UPDATED ON 01/23/2016 ==========================







01/21/16 – TV: “Worst wildlife die-off ever recorded” anywhere on Earth underway on West Coast — Expert: “And we’re not just talking marine die-offs… yeah, it’s a really big deal” — “There are many more species that are getting sick” — “Facing possibility of extinction” — Scientist: “Is it some sort of a toxin that’s there?” (VIDEO) http://enenews.com/tv-worst-wildlife-die-recorded-underway-west-coast-experts-talking-marine-die-offs-yeah-really-big-deal-many-species-getting-sick-facing-possibility-extinction-scientist-sort-toxin-video

———————————————————- . . . …
Published: January 22nd, 2016 at 5:38 pm ET By ENENews.com – Energy News:

CBC News, Jan 22, 2016: Sea star wasting disease among worst wildlife die-offs say scientists; The mysterious wasting disease is still killing sea stars from Mexico to Alaska — The sea star wasting disease [is] hitting a bigger range of species over a larger area than originally thought. Scientists investigating the disease in the U.S. and Canada met in Seattle [and] agreed on the scale of the problem, said Dr. Martin Haulena, the veterinarian for the Vancouver Aquarium… “This is, if not the, certainly one of the biggest wildlife die-offs that have ever been recorded, and we’re not just talking marine die-offs.”… [It] has decimated the creatures from Alaska to Mexico… losing their limbs and turning to mush… “Recovery is not happening the way it should be, so I think it is still really bad.”… “It could be a disease that’s been in the system a long time, and something sparked an outbreak recently.”… Any die-off of this magnitude is a major concern, said [the experts]… And there are many more species… that are getting sick, said Haulena, as well as possible signs of disease in sea urchins and sea cucumbers… “to put it in context — yeah, it’s a really big deal.”

KING 5 News, Jan 20, 2016: Biologists are calling the mass death of west coast sea stars the worst wildlife die-off ever recorded… [Scientists are] calling it the largest wildlife die-off ever recorded… The virus causes the sea star reproductive system to swell. They believe environmental factors are aggravating the issue… Experts are also discussing whether it’s time to list the species as endangered… “They’ve gone from being one of the most common species in the Puget Sound to 2-3 years later, being incredibly hard to find,” Lesanna Lahner said… Now, experts are talking about whether sea stars should be listed as endangered.

Ian Hewson, biological oceanographer, Jan 20, 2016: “No pathogen has ever wiped out its host population without being pushed significantly by some other environmental factor… This is the single largest, most-geographically widespread marine disease that’s ever been recorded.”

ABC 10, Jan 20, 2016: West Coast starfish disease biggest wildlife die-off ever recorded; Biologists are calling the mass death of west coast sea stars the worst wildlife die-off ever recorded… [Scientists are] calling it the largest wildlife die-off ever recorded.

Alaska Journal of Commerce, Jan 7, 2106: Lani Raymond, a Homer [Alaska] birder… saw hundreds of dead sea stars. “It’s really bad,” Raymond said. “It’s really depressing… all those [dead birds and] star fish, I was really upset.”

KING 5 News transcript, Jan 20, 2016: Biologists are calling the mass death of West Coast sea stars the worst wildlife die-off ever recorded… [Scientists are trying] to save sea stars from extinction… the disease has eerily wiped out sea stars up the entire West Coast… [Unidentified scientist:] “Is it some sort of a toxin that’s there?”… it doesn’t affect sea sars the same way, that means it probably has environmental causes… One major observation [is] infected sea star reproductive systems are inflamed… It’s already started to change the ecosystem… Some species already face the possibility of extinction… The next step in research is biologists are focusing the efforts on what exactly may have changed in the environment to trigger the sea star die-off…

»» «« … . . . {[***** … . . . Update Continues . . . … ***** ]} . . . … »» ««

01/20/16 – Alert: LA gas well has ‘destabilized’, large crater develops in area — Officials: “Could be catastrophic” — TV: Risk of massive fire, possible explosion — Expert: “If wellhead fails, the thing is just going to be full blast… a horrible, horrible problem” — Company refuses to provide photos or media access (VIDEO) http://enenews.com/la-gas-destabilized-officials-could-be-catastrophic-tv-experts-highly-flammable-gas-creating-risk-massive-fire-explosion-professor-wellhead-fails-going-be-full-blast-itll-be-horrible-horrible-pr

01/19/16 – Bizarre mutated animal found near US nuclear site — CNN: It can only be described as monstrous — Fully-formed teeth and extra jaw growing out of head — Scientists “mystified… stunned… puzzled” by extremely rare deformity — Official: “We haven’t seen anything like this” (PHOTOS & VIDEOS)http://enenews.com/bizarre-mutated-animal-found-nuclear-site-fully-formed-teeth-growing-head-mountain-lion-scientists-mystified-puzzled-official-anything-like-photos-videos

01/14/16 – Experts: Multiple types of radioactive material constantly being emitted from LA gas blowout — “I’d be running like hell” — “We are getting higher and higher levels…it’s accumulating” — “Poisons spreading through entire San Fernando Valley” home to 2 million people — “Thousands getting sick… it really is a major, major disaster” (AUDIO) http://enenews.com/experts-multiple-types-radioactive-material-being-continuously-emitted-la-gas-blowout-accumulating-getting-higher-higher-levels-poisons-all-moving-down-spreading-entire-san-fernando-valley-th

01/13/16 – TV: “Carcasses littering beaches for miles” on Pacific coast of Alaska — “Complete reproductive failure” — “Horrifying… Horrid… Mind-boggling… Off the charts” — Unprecedented die-off “has potential to be biggest mortality event in state history” — “The most extreme I’ve ever seen” (VIDEOS) http://enenews.com/tv-carcasses-littering-beaches-miles-pacific-coast-alaska-horrifying-mind-boggling-charts-unprecedented-die-could-be-biggest-mortality-event-states-history-extreme-ive-videos

01/09/16 – TV: Radioactive material reportedly now being released from massive gas blowout in LA — Byproduct of Uranium — Expert: “A lot” has been detected in area… Very dangerous… May be coming up from ground into people’s homes — Official: Levels can cause “significant long-term health effects” (VIDEO) http://enenews.com/tv-reports-radioactive-material-being-released-massive-gas-blowout-la-byproduct-uranium-expert-lot-being-measured-area-very-dangerous-be-coming-ground-peoples-living-rooms-bedrooms-nurseries

01/08/16 – State of Emergency now underway for L.A. gas blowout — Oil begins raining down on homes — Official: “It’s on the brink of pandemonium” — Many worry plume will ignite, cause explosion — Concern over geysers, sinkholes being created — Company: Experts have “never seen anything like this” (VIDEO) http://enenews.com/state-emergency-issued-la-gas-blowout-oil-begins-raining-down-homes-concern-sinkholes-geysers-being-created-official-brink-pandemonium

01/07/16 – Sickened animals “unlike anything doctors have ever seen” on West Coast — “They’re eating themselves from the inside” — Cancers… liver, pancreas, intestines shut down… infested with parasites and immune to antibiotics — Unprecedented catastrophe to cause loss of 200,000 sea lions (VIDEO) http://enenews.com/sickened-animals-anything-doctors-along-west-coast-theyre-eating-inside-cancers-liver-pancreas-intestines-basically-shut-down-infested-parasites-immune-antibiotics-unprecedented-catastrophe-p

»» «« … . . . {[***** … . . . Update Continues . . . … ***** ]} . . . … »» ««

Baby whales dying along West Coast from unknown cause — Gov’t experts request rush on tissue testing — Scientist: “May have been born weak” — Carcasses washing up on beaches in US, Canada, Mexico — Highly endangered whale “died from abnormal blood clot formations in heart and lungs” (VIDEO)

Canadian Press, Dec 30, 2015 (emphasis added): A female orca calf has been found deadon the west coast of Vancouver Island. Paul Cottrell of Fisheries and Oceans Canada said a surfer spotted the dead whale washed up on Mussel Beach near Ucluelet on Dec. 23… a necropsy was conducted on Christmas Day. Scientists are still awaiting results of tissue-sample testing and a cause of death is not yet known… “All our populations of killer whales are at risk, so it’s a shame regardless of which population it’s from,” he said. “You hate to lose a calf out of these populations.” Scientists have requested a rush on the tissue testing… He said it’s believed the calf was about two months old… Cottrell noted it was especially unfortunate that the calf was female because of their value in contributing to the population.

The Argonaut, Dec 23, 2015: Heavy Seas Beach Dead Whale in Santa Monica… The remains of a 10-foot, 1,200- to 1,400-poundnewborn gray whale washed ashore Tuesday afternoon on Santa Monica Beach… Lifeguard Capt. Kenichi Haskett said… officials believe the whale died a day or two after its birth.

Weekly Alibi (New Mexico), Dec 23, 2015: I rented a blue Dodge Neon in Chula Vista and decided to drive as far down the Pacific coast as a week would permit… I stopped in Ensenda and got a stamp for my passport… That night I stayed at a little ranch by the sea… The beaches were empty. I found a small dead whale on the shore one day.

NBC San Diego, Dec 11, 2015: Lifeguards closed off beach access to Del Mar Shores Friday morning after a dead, newborn gray whale washed ashore, officials confirmed… According to Jim Gilpatrick with the NOAA Fisheries, the calf is about three to four weeks old… Biologists are not sure why the whale died. There was no sign of foul play or fishing lines, and Gilpatrick speculated the animal may have been born weak. They took samples to try to determine the cause death.

KHON, Dec 18, 2015: Rodney Kuahiwinui sighted a dead whale at South Point… marine mammal experts were able to identify the animal as a highly endangered false killer whale… Scientists were able to determine [it] died from abnormal blood clot formations in the heart and lungs… Only three Hawaiian false killer whales have been reported stranded in the past 18 years. “With less than 200 individuals alive today, every piece of information is critical,” says [Dr. Kristi West, head of Hawaii Pacific University’s stranding program].

01/05/16 – Doctors: “Very unusual” infections being reported around massive gas blowout in LA… “If you’re able to leave do it now, I’m telling you it’s really critical” — Official: Toxic plume is spreading far away, it’s a national disaster — TV: “We’re a living science experiment” (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/doctors-very-unusual-infections-being-reported-around-massive-gas-blowout-los-angeles-youre-able-leave-im-telling-really-critical-official-plume-spreading-away-national-disaster-tv-living-scienc]

01/04/16 – TV: Unprecendented catastrophe underway near Los Angeles; Largest gas leak ever recorded — “Equivalent to strength of a volcanic eruption” — “Thousands suffer nose bleeds, vomiting” — “Potentially devastating on planetary scale” — Expert: “It’s so far above and beyond what I’ve ever seen” (VIDEOS) [http://enenews.com/tv-unprecendented-catastrophe-underway-los-angeles-largest-gas-leak-recorded-report-thousands-suffer-nose-bleeds-vomiting-potentially-devastating-planetary-scale-videos]

12/30/15 – Baby whales dying along West Coast from unknown cause — Gov’t experts request rush on tissue testing — Scientist: “May have been born weak” — Carcasses washing up on beaches in US, Canada, Mexico — Highly endangered whale “died from abnormal blood clot formations in heart and lungs” (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/dead-baby-whales-washing-along-west-coast-carcasses-being-found-beaches-canada-mexico-highly-endangered-whale-died-abnormal-blood-clot-formations-heart-lungs-video]

12/29/15 – Emergency center activated at U.S. nuclear site — “Dead body found at facility”… “Officials confirm one death” — “Sheriff’s office is actively investigating the incident” [http://enenews.com/emergency-center-activated-nuclear-waste-plant-officials-confirm-one-death-facility-sheriffs-office-actively-investigating-incident]

12/28/15 – Gov’t Report: Plutonium detected in recent California air samples — “Fallout from Fukushima nuclear accident” may be to blame [http://enenews.com/govt-report-plutonium-detected-california-air-samples-fallout-fukushima-nuclear-accident-be-blame]

12/23/15 – Major Japan Newspaper: Mutations in nearly every fir tree by Fukushima plant — Insects with missing legs or crooked — Abnormalities also found in monkeys, fish and frogs [http://enenews.com/major-japan-newspaper-mutations-every-fir-tree-fukushima-plant-insects-missing-crooked-legs-abnormalities-found-monkeys-carp-frogs]

12/22/15 –Mass panic as radioactive cloud pours from nuclear plant — Radiation levels reportedly spike near reactor after emergency shutdown — Traffic jams as people evacuate area — “Everyone got very worried and rushed to get iodine” (PHOTOS) [http://enenews.com/mass-panic-radioactive-steam-pours-nuclear-plant-radiation-levels-spiked-area-plant-traffic-jams-people-evacuate-area-everyone-very-worried-rushed-iodine-photos]

12/21/15 – “Nuclear Nightmare”: Children with mutations “on almost every street” — Deformed heads, lopsided bodies, “toad skin”, eyelids turned inside out — School built using radioactive waste “part of community outreach project” — Nuclear Expert: “Exceptionally worrying, no one should’ve been living anywhere near” (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/nuclear-nightmare-village-birth-defects-deformed-heads-lopsided-bodies-toad-skin-eyelids-turned-inside-school-built-radioactive-waste-children-mutations-almost-every-street-video]

12/18/15 – Officials now say Fukushima reactor with MOX fuel “leaked directly from containment” — TV: Contamination of environment was due to “failure of vessel” — Experts: This has caused additional worries because MOX is more “radioactively aggressive” due to plutonium content (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/officials-fukushima-reactor-mox-fuel-leaked-directly-containment-vessel-tv-radioactive-contamination-environment-caused-failure-vessel-experts-caused-additional-worries-tepco-govt-because-mox-ra]

12/17/15 – Former Official: Fukushima is “unstoppable”… Huge amounts of radiation are pouring out, “very serious” for Pacific Ocean — Journalists withholding shocking information — Plant Chief: “This is something that has never been experienced”… We must invent new science for unprecedented catastrophe (AUDIO) [http://enenews.com/former-japan-official-fukushima-unstoppable-situation-pacific-ocean-very-serious-huge-amounts-radiation-pouring-everyday-japan-harming-global-environment-plant-chief-never-experienced-new-science-b]

12/16/15 – Mother from Fukushima: It was very weird… plants with huge, huge flowers and gigantic stems — I brought deformed vegetables for radiation measurement, but officials didn’t test any and yelled “Don’t you understand? We say it’s safe!” — “All the beetles were disfigured and died” [http://enenews.com/mother-fukushima-very-weird-plants-huge-huge-flowers-gigantic-stems-brought-disfigured-vegetables-radiation-measurement-officials-didnt-test-yelled-safe-all-beetles-disfigured-died]

12/14/15 – Journalist: “Nobody even talks about Fukushima anymore… there’s almost no more fish… the ocean is dying, it’s terrifying” — Gov’t warns public to expect alarming increase in deaths on West Coast — “Fish… are just too hard to find” — “Chaos below the surface” — Official: “We are preparing for worst” (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/journalist-talks-about-fukushima-anymore-almost-fish-ocean-dying-terrifying-govt-warns-public-expect-alarming-increase-deaths-along-west-coast-fish-hard-find-sign-chaos-below-surface-offic]

12/10/15 – Report: “Red Alert! Sharp increase in radiation… at Fukushima” — Levels spike 400,000% under plant — Almost 1,000,000,000 becquerels per cubic meter — TV: Officials investigating cause [http://enenews.com/report-red-alert-sharp-increase-radiation-fukushima-levels-spike-400000-plant-tv-officials-investigating]

12/08/15 – Official data shows U.S. hit with huge spike of ‘most dangerous’ radiation from Fukushima — Levels far exceeded federal regulatory limits — Alpha particles nearly 1,000 times normal; Includes plutonium — Gov’t workers in “fear of radiation” [http://enenews.com/official-data-shows-hit-huge-spike-dangerous-radiation-fukushima-alpha-particles-detected-1000-times-normal-levels-greatly-exceeded-federal-regulatory-limits-govt-workers-fear-radiation]

12/07/15 – Gov’t: Shutdown at U.S. nuclear plant after 10 control rods accidentally fall into reactor core — Caused by ‘smoldering’ event, Fire Brigade on scene — Incident of this type could lead to overheating, potentially resulting in ‘supercriticality’ — Official: No ‘immediate’ concern (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/govt-shutdown-nuclear-plant-after-rods-accidentally-fall-reactor-core-caused-smoldering-event-fire-brigade-scene-incident-could-lead-overheating-potentially-resulting-supercriticality-officia]

12/03/15 – Record levels of Fukushima radiation detected off West Coast — Massive plume stretches for more than 1,000 miles — Reuters: Contamination is spreading off U.S. shores — Radioactive cesium reaches 11 Bq/m3 at multiple locations (MAP) [http://enenews.com/record-levels-fukushima-radiation-detected-west-coast-massive-plume-stretches-1000-miles-cesium-reaches-11-bqm3-multiple-locations-map]

12/02/15 – Former Japan Official: “Unstoppable contamination of Pacific Ocean… is seriously menacing US West Coast” — “Fukushima now undeniably a global security issue… can’t be brought under control by single state” — Experts: Wave of radiation will be 10 times more than entire world’s nuclear tests combined [http://enenews.com/former-japan-official-fukushimas-unstoppable-contamination-pacific-ocean-seriously-menacing-west-coast-disaster-be-brought-control-single-state-limitless-steam-coming-reactors-evokes-possibility]

12/01/15 – “Very significant” explosion at dam next to U.S. nuclear site — ‘Plasma’ created due to tremendous amount of heat — Same type of phenomenon as lightning — Nuclear site’s fire department responds to blast (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/very-significant-explosion-dam-next-nuclear-site-plasma-created-due-tremendous-amount-heat-same-type-phenomenon-lightning-nuclear-sites-fire-department-responds-blast-video]

11/25/15 – TV: Underground wall around Fukushima reactors started “leaning” — Cracks developing due to rising water levels — Problems seen along almost entire length of sea wall — Trying to make repairs to keep groundwater from surging (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/nhk-underground-wall-around-fukushima-reactors-started-lean-rising-water-levels-causing-cracks-develop-problems-occuring-along-almost-entire-length-sea-wall-tepco-trying-make-repairs-keep-gro]

11/24/15 – AP: “Alarming signs of oceanic distress” on West Coast — Record number of stranded seal pups, nearly 2,000% of normal levels — “Bags of skin and bones” — “In our 40 year history we’ve never seen this many animals” (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/ap-alarming-signs-oceanic-distress-west-coast-record-number-stranded-seal-pups-2000-normal-levels-bags-skin-bones-latest-string-alarming-marine-events]

11/22/15 – urge in deadly ‘flesh-eating’ disease in Japan — “Shatters annual record” — Health experts issue advisories — Official: “Researchers are not sure why… There is so much we still don’t know” — Number of cases began rising in 2011 (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/outbreak-deadly-flesh-eating-disease-japan-shatters-annual-record-health-experts-issue-advisories-official-researchers-sure-dont-number-cases-began-rising-2011-video]

11/20/15 – Giant whales found piled up dead on west coast beach — Second largest animals on planet — Official: “It’s never happened… Extremely unusual… Very rare and odd… We want to know why” — Gov’t scientists testing for Fukushima radiation — Backlog at lab due to so many recent deaths (PHOTOS) [http://enenews.com/disturbing-giant-whales-found-piled-dead-west-coast-beach-official-never-happened-before-extremely-unusual-very-rare-odd-govt-scientists-testing-fukushima-radiation-photos]

11/18/15 – “Worst Ever”: Alarm over shocking crash of salmon population in Pacific Northwest — “Very frightening… Pathetic… Grave… Disastrous… Non-existent” — Official calls for immediate government action — “Something majorly wrong is happening in our oceans” (VIDEOS) [http://enenews.com/worst-alarm-shocking-collapse-salmon-population-pacific-northwest-existent-pathetic-grim-disturbing-grave-danger-official-calls-immediate-government-action-majorly-wrong-happening-oceans-vide]

11/16/15 – Official Report: Fukushima affecting radiation levels in U.S. — Recent elevated measurements “a direct result” of 2011 nuclear disaster — “Florida is experiencing Cesium-137 deposition” — “Not unusual” to detect Fukushima fallout in citrus fruit [http://enenews.com/official-report-fukushima-fallout-affecting-radiation-levels-orlando-fl-experiencing-cesium-137-deposition-years-after-disaster-began-unusual-detect-fukushima-fallout-citrus-fruit]

11/12/15 – “Unprecedented”: Largest animal on earth found dead on West Coast, “very sick… very emaciated” — TV: Food supply is being “killed off… many sea creatures affected” — Expert: Most whales we’ve been tracking for past two years are not doing well… “I think we’re going to see more of this” (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/unprecedented-largest-animal-earth-found-dead-west-coast-very-emaciated-very-sick-first-blue-whale-wash-oregon-tv-food-supply-being-killed-many-sea-creatures-affected-expert-whales-weve-track]

11/11/15 – Dana Durnford [www.thenuclearproctologist.org] arrested over Fukushima-related YouTube videos — Charged with criminal harassment of university scientists — Professor: Dr. Cullen said he frequently hears from people that his science simply can’t be right because the Pacific Ocean is dying… Dr. Cullen said he understands that people are afraid of radiation, that they distrust governments and are wary of scientists… “I feel that the education system has failed these individuals in certain respects,” he said… (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/man-arrested-fukushima-related-youtube-videos-charged-criminal-harassment-university-scientists-professor-dont-jeopardize-prosecution-video]

11/07/15 – Nuclear Experts: Million cancers could result from Fukushima — Already hundreds of times more thyroid cancers… “Just the tip of the iceberg… worst is yet to come” — “Enormous spikes in cancer… devastating health effects” (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/nuclear-experts-1000000-cancers-could-result-fukushima-already-hundreds-times-thyroid-cancers-tip-iceberg-worst-enormous-spikes-cancer-devastating-health-effects-video]

11/05/15 – Former Japan Ambassador: Uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions could be underway at Fukushima — “Troubling indications of recurring criticality” as Tellurium-132 detected over 100 miles from plant — ‘Recriticality’ discussed by Japan’s top nuclear official [http://enenews.com/former-japan-ambassador-uncontrolled-nuclear-chain-reactions-suspected-fukushima-troubling-indications-recurring-criticality-tellurium-132-detected-100-miles-plant-recriticality-issue-discussed]

11/04/15 – Headline: “Millions of salmon mysteriously just disappear” off West Coast — Expert: “Literally within 2 days it disappeared, it just crashed… I have never ever seen, nor can I explain” that — “One of the worst seasons ever” — “Disturbing… Serious trouble… Very dramatic” [http://enenews.com/headline-millions-salmon-mysteriously-disappear-west-coast-literally-2-days-disappeared-crashed-never-explain-one-worst-seasons-disturbing-serious-trouble-very-dramatic]

11/03/15 – TV: “Researchers say massive decline of fish is throwing off ecosystem” along California coast — Expert: “Population has truly collapsed”… They’re gone virtually everywhere — Whale numbers dropping significantly, squid disappearing, other major die-offs seen (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/tv-massive-decline-fish-throwing-ecosystem-along-california-coast-expert-population-collapsed-theyre-gone-virtually-everywhere-whale-numbers-dropped-significantly-squid-disappearing-video]

11/02/15 – Fukushima nuclear waste now being found off all U.S. states on West Coast — Detected near shorelines of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska this summer — Highest radiation just miles from San Francisco (MAP) [http://enenews.com/fukushima-nuclear-waste-being-found-all-states-west-coast-detected-shorelines-california-oregon-washington-alaska-summer-highest-radiation-levels-miles-san-francisco-map]

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: In the aftermath of the 2011 tsunami off Japan, the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant released cesium-134 and other radioactive elements into the ocean at unprecedented levels. Since then, the radioactive plume has traveled west across the Pacific… any cesium-134 detected in the ocean today must have come from Fukushima… We expect samples from the surface waters of the western Pacific that have not been contaminated by the Fukushima source to have 137Cs activity of between 1 and 2 Bq/m3 and for 134Cs to be “below detection.”

California Coast, Aug 17, 2015: Cesium-134 @ 0.3 Bq/m3 (becquerels/cubic meter), Cesium-137 @ 4.4 Bq/m3, Total Cesium @ 4.7 Bq/m3

Oregon Coast, Aug 19, 2015: Cesium-134 @ 0.5 Bq/m3, Cesium-137 @ 2.9 Bq/m3, Total Cesium @ 3.4 Bq/m3

Washington Coast, Jun 27, 2015: Cesium-134 @ 0.5 Bq/m3, Cesium-137 @ 3.4 Bq/m3, Total Cesium @ 3.9 Bq/m3

Alaska Coast (near Canada), Jun 23, 2015: Cesium-134 @ 0.24 Bq/m3, Cesium-137 @ 1.9 Bq/m3, Total Cesium @ 2.14 Bq/m3

10/30/15 –Japan Times: “Deadly” radiation levels detected outside Fukushima containment vessel — “Details behind situation are unknown” — Officials unable to grasp location of melted nuclear fuel — “Impossible” to plan for decommissioning [http://enenews.com/japan-times-deadly-94-sieverts-detected-fukushima-containment-vessel-details-behind-situation-unknown-officials-unable-grasp-location-melted-nuclear-fuel-impossible-plan-decommissioning]

10/28/15 – CBS: Fire erupts at another U.S. nuclear site near major city — Witness: Flames within feet of radioactive waste — TV: “You can see the smoke for miles… A big-time scare” — EPA emergency response specialists deployed (PHOTO & VIDEOS) [http://enenews.com/fire-another-nuclear-site-major-city-witness-flames-feet-radioactive-waste-tv-smoke-could-be-miles-epa-emergency-response-specialists-deployed-photo-videos]

10/27/15 – Former WHO Official: Fukushima plant is dumping nuclear waste into ocean on a daily basis; “There’s no foreseeable end to it… and nobody has any good ideas on how to stop it” — Japan gov’t worried that attempts to reduce leakage will cause even more radioactivity to flow into sea (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/former-official-fukushima-plant-dumping-radioactivity-ocean-daily-basis-foreseeable-good-ideas-stop-japan-govt-worried-attempts-stop-going-nuclear-waste-flow-sea-video]

10/25/15 – EPA data shows radiation spike in major US city soon after explosions at nuclear waste facility nearby — AP: Drums of buried waste were blasted over site’s fence; Large crater reported — Emergency Official: US gov’t brought in “resources I’ve never even seen before, it was amazing” (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/epa-data-shows-radiation-spike-major-city-after-explosions-nuclear-waste-facility-ap-drums-buried-waste-blasted-sites-fence-large-crater-reported-emergency-official-govt-brought-resources-ive-ne]

10/23/15 – “Nuclear fire” erupts at radioactive facility near major US city — Footage shows underground explosions, massive smoke plumes — AP: “Unknown amount of radioactive waste burned” — EPA sends emergency radiological team — Residents: “We were flat out lied to… Why didn’t they evacuate the town?” (VIDEO) – http://enenews.com/nuclear-fire-erupts-radioactive-dump-100-miles-major-city-footage-shows-underground-explosions-massive-smoke-plumes-ap-unknown-amount-radioactive-waste-burned-epa-sends-radiological-emergency

10/23/15 – “Mystery as scores of dead rare sea animals wash up” in Gulf of California — AP: Dozens of carcasses found on beaches and floating in water — Gov’t experts ‘baffled’ over mass death of dolphins, sea lions, turtles — “Long stretch of coastline closed off to public” (PHOTOS) – http://enenews.com/mystery-scores-dead-rare-sea-animals-wash-gulf-california-ap-dozens-carcasses-found-beaches-floating-water-govt-experts-baffled-mass-death-dolphins-sea-lions-turtles-long-stretch-coastline-cl

10/20/15 – Former US Gov’t Official: “The elephant in the room is Fukushima radiation” when it comes to Pacific Ocean animal die-offs… Gov’t has totally failed to inform public about full extent of fallout… Media’s silence is deafening — Mentions coverage by ENENews – http://enenews.com/former-govt-official-elephant-room-fukushima-radiation-when-comes-pacific-ocean-die-offs-govt-totally-failed-inform-public-about-full-extent-fallout-mentions-coverage-enenews

10/19/15 – TV: ‘Scary’ mystery illness killing off animals “at such a rapid rate” on West Coast — Hundreds of marine mammals found dead in small area — Gov’t Expert: “Something is likely affecting the entire ecosystem… Something is hitting them harder and faster… Something else seems to be involved” (VIDEO) – http://enenews.com/tv-hundreds-marine-mammals-found-dead-along-west-coast

10/15/15 – “Mind-blowing” die off of seabirds underway from California to Alaska — Experts: “This is unprecedented… Worst I’ve ever seen… Why they’re dying, I’m still baffled” — “Every bird we’re seeing is starving to death… Basically withering away” — “Catastrophic molting” due to unknown cause (VIDEO) – http://enenews.com/mind-blowing-die-seabirds-underway-california-alaska-experts-unprecedented-theyre-dying-im-baffled-every-bird-starving-death-basically-withering-away-catastrophic-molting-observed-due-unknown

10/13/15 – Unpublished gov’t map shows massive plume of Fukushima radioactive material just off West Coast of North America — Radiation levels quadrupled in recent months — Scientist: “We are starting to see the penetration of cesium from offshore… to the coast” (VIDEO & MAP) – http://enenews.com/unpublished-govt-map-shows-massive-plume-fukushima-radioactive-material-west-coast-north-america-radiation-levels-quadrupled-recent-months-scientist-starting-penetration-cesium-offshore-coast-video

10/12/15 – AP: Catastrophic event could release radioactive fallout over major U.S. metropolitan area — Gov’t issues emergency plan as fire burns near nuclear site — Report: “World is on brink of nuclear disaster” — Senator: “What we have… could end up as Chernobyl” (VIDEO) – http://enenews.com/ap-catastrophic-event-could-release-radioactive-fallout-major-metropolitan-area-govt-issues-emergency-plan-fire-burns-nuclear-site-report-world-brink-nuclear-disaster-senator-could-chernobyl

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Source: [http://sputniknews.com/photo/20151010/1028308482/fukushima-4-years-after-photos.html]

Polish photographer and filmmaker Arkadiusz Podniesinski visited the exclusion zone around the Fukushima power plant to see the aftermath of the disaster with his own eyes . . .

“My goal was to present the actual state of the exclusion zone. Futaba, Namie and Tomioka are ghost towns whose emptiness is terrifying and show a tragedy that affected hundreds of thousands of people,” Podniesinski was quoted as saying by Daily Mail.

Four years after the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP, which led to 160,000 people being evacuated from their homes, 120,000 have still not been able to return and some areas are still too dangerous to enter.

The Fukushima nuclear disaster was caused by a powerful tsunami after a major earthquake on March 11, 2011.

It is the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 and the second disaster (after Chernobyl) to be given the Level 7 event classification of the International Nuclear Event Scale.

After the tsunami, three of Fukushima’s reactors were disabled. In the subsequent days, all the three cores melted. A total of four reactors were written off.

The 12.5-mile exclusion zone around the NPP resembles the set of a zombie apocalypse movie after it was abandoned following the disaster.

As people fled the area after warnings of dangerous levels of radiation, everything was left behind. People abandoned their houses and cars, supermarkets still have products on shelves.

Now cars and houses left after the evacuation are engulfed by the overgrown wilderness.

Now, 20,000 workers clean towns and villages house by house, in an effort to allow residents to return home.

Many towns of the exclusion zone are closed to visitors. As the level of radioactivity is high in many towns, protective clothing and appropriate equipment is necessary.

Farmer Masami Yoshizawa returned to his farm after the disaster and breeds cattle. The cracks in the ground were caused by the earthquake in 2011.


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10/11/15 – Professor: “It’s really a dead zone” in areas of Fukushima — “Huge impacts… there are no butterflies, no birds… many dramatically fewer species” — “Why does it matter to you (in the U.S.)? The reason is, it’s coming, it is coming” (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/professor-really-dead-zone-areas-fukushima-huge-impacts-butterflies-birds-many-dramatically-fewer-species-matter-reason-coming-coming-video] 10/08/15 – UPI: ‘Skyrocketing’ cancer cases in Fukushima — AP: ‘Alarming’ cancer rates after nuclear disaster — Times: Child cancers up 5,000% — Radiation doses may be “considerably higher” than estimated — Expert: Cancer outbreak shows officials must now prepare for onset of leukemia, other diseases (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/times-child-cancers-5000-after-fukushima-disaster]

10/06/15 – Spike in animal deformities on West Coast soon after Fukushima — Hundreds of baby cows with distorted legs or other malformations — Expert: “We know there’s more than that out there”… Problem may be more widespread than reported… [http://enenews.com/spike-animal-deformities-west-coast-after-fukushima-hundreds-baby-cows-distorted-legs-other-malformations-expert-problem-be-widespread-reported]

10/05/15 – Time: Bizarre die-off along West Coast “an animal emergency” — Reuters: Record number of deaths declared Unusual Mortality Event by gov’t — Babies being found severely emaciated, sickened by parasites — Experts: “A big warning sign… this is just the tip of the iceberg” (VIDEO) [http://enenews.com/time-bizarre-strandings-along-west-coast-alarm-bells-ringing-reuters-species-dying-record-breaking-numbers-officials-declare-emergency-animals-washing-severely-emaciated-sickened-parasites-ex]

10/01/15 – Expert: Parasites ‘never seen before’ are washing up on West Coast; Finding unidentifiable creatures ‘new to science’… “We’re worried” — Scientist anticipates Fukushima radiation will cause marine bacteria in U.S. to mutate… [http://enenews.com/expert-worried-parasites-never-before-washing-west-coast-finding-unidentifiable-creatures-new-science-scientist-anticipates-fukushima-will-marine-bacteria-mutate]

9/30/15 – Interviews near US nuclear sites: “Piles of dead lambs, with 2 heads, or no legs… just piles of dead baby lambs” — “Lambs born without eyes or mouths… legs grotesquely grown together, others had no legs” — “Farmers couldn’t understand why all the animals were dying… all the dogs and cats too” (VIDEOS) [http://enenews.com/interviews-nuclear-sites-normal-piles-dead-lambs-heads-legs-piles-dead-baby-lambs-lambs-born-eyes-mouths-legs-grotesquely-grown-together-others-legs-all-farmers-couldnt-understand-all-animals-dy]

See FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI MAJOR CONCERNS for September ENENews Updates . . ….

============================== Updated on 10/01/2015 =============================

Significant decline of oceanic phytoplankton detected across the Northern Hemisphere

Posted by Seneca on September 25, 2015 in categories Featured articles, Research



NASA’s scientists have conducted a first study to observe the global, long-term phytoplankton community trend based on a model driven by the satellite data. A significant decline in certain types of phytoplankton has been discovered and the results of this 15 year long research were published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, on September 23, 2015.

A new study showed the largest known type of phytoplankton algae, diatoms, have globally declined more than 1% between 1998 and 2012. Significant losses in the population have occurred across the North Pacific, North Indian and Equatorial Indian oceans.

Because the phytoplankton algae use carbon dioxide in the photosynthesis process, the important question is whether the loss in population will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as it will be transferred to the deep ocean for long-term storage.

Significant decline of oceanic phytoplankton detected across the Northern Hemisphere…

NASA – Earth’s Oceans Shows a Significant Decline in Microscopic Plant Life

Oceanic Phytoplankton detected across the Northern Hemisphere…

Video credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center


Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere dissolves in cold ocean water. When the phytoplankton bloom, the tiny organisms take up the disolved carbon dioxide and convert it to organic carbon. The organic carbon is an essential base of the marine food web, as animals use it to grow. When the phytoplankton die, the cells sink to the bottom of the ocean along with the carbon absorbed by its body.

Because of its size, diatoms sink faster than the rest of the phytoplankton. The ocean currents will circulate part of it back to the surface where it will fuel another phytoplankton bloom, just like a fertilizer. The rest of the diatoms will settle on the bottom of the ocean and accumulate in sediment where it will be stored for thousands or millions of years. In this process the carbon removed from the atmosphere is stored in the ocean over a long-term period of time.

phytoplanktonPhytoplankton blooms in the Barents Sea off the coast of Norway and Russia, shown in natural color from NASA’s Aqua satellite on July 10, 2014. The past analysis suggests the green bloom is diatoms and the white bloom is coccolithophores.

Image credit: NASA’s Earth Observatory.


Phytoplankton blooms in the Barents Sea off the coast of Norway and Russia, shown in natural color from NASA’s Aqua satellite on July 10, 2014. The past analysis suggests the green bloom is diatoms and the white bloom is coccolithophores. Image credit: NASA’s Earth Observatory.

The study has lasted for 15 years, and the decline in diatoms algae population is one of several regional shifts observed in four types of phytoplankton.

For the purpose of the study, the research team has taken ocean color measurements of chlorophyll from NASA’s Sea-viewing Wide Field of View Sensor (SeaWiFS) that flew aboard the Geo Eye OrbView-2 satellite from 1997 to 2010, and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite from 2002 to the present. The data show the total chlorophyll in the ocean of all the phytoplankton types combined together.

By using the satellite data and field observations, NASA’s Ocean Biogeochemical Model recreates the conditions in the ocean, such as its currents, the amount of sunlights and nutrients in different ocean basins. Different phytoplantkons feed at a different rate and use different amounts of nutrients. By combining the data, the model is able to distinguish between the phytoplankton types such as diatoms, coccolithophores, chlorophytes and cyanobacteria.

“Inclusion of satellite data into this kind of biogeochemical modeling is really exciting. This kind of tool allows you to start exploring that problem in a way we’re not able to do by using just a satellite alone, or just a model alone. By combining satellite data, models, and additional environmental information, you can start telling a more holistic story,” explained Jeremy Werdell, an oceanographer at NASA Goddard who was not involved in this study.

Modeling results show the diatoms declines because the uppermost layer of ocean water, the so-called mixed layer is becoming shallower. Over the course of the 15 year study, the mixed layer has become shallower by 1.8 meters (5.9 feet).

The growth of phytoplankton is well conditioned in this particular ocean layer, as its a place where waves and currents continually mix, and draw nutrients from deeper layers of the water. A shallower mixed layer has the capacity of holding less nutrients.

The phytoplanktons have most likely run out off nutrients, although it still remains uncertain why the mixed layer became shallower

Although the observed decline of diatom is statistically significant, it is not severe. However, it needs to be monitored in the future as the conditions is the ocean are expected to change, whether by natural variation or due to climate change.

Source: NASA, The Abstract of the paper – Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Reference: “Recent decadal trends in global phytoplankton composition”- Cecile S. Rousseaux, Watson W – Global Biogeochemical Cycles (2015) – doi:10.1002/2015GB005139

Featured image: Phytoplankton blooms in the Barents Sea off the coast of Norway and Russia, shown in natural color from NASA’s Aqua satellite on July 10, 2014. The green bloom is most likely diatoms and the white bloom coccolithophores. Image credit: NASA’s Earth Observatory.


============================== Updated on 09/17/2015 =============================

NY Daily News, Sep 17, 2015 (emphasis added): A Japanese fisherman was stunned when he hauled in this monster catch from the depths of the ocean… The fish was caught around 400 miles from the site of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, which has raised questions about the ecological impact…

Telegraph, Sep 17, 2015: Massive fish reeled in off Japanese coast; Hirasaka Hiroshi catches huge wolffish while fishing at Hokkaido island — A monstrous prehistoric-looking wolffish has been caught off the Japanese coast… Normally the wolffish is about three feet long, but the monster caught by Mr Hirosihi was about six feet in length… No explanation has been given for the size of the fish which was caught around 400 miles away from Fukushima, the site of a nuclear accident in 2011.

The Australian, Sep 17, 2015: A ginormous wolffish has shocked the Japanese fisherman who reeled in the unwieldy beast off the island of Hokkaido… Wolffish typically only grow up to 112cm [3.7 ft] and weigh 15kg [33 lbs], according to the Daily Star, but the one pictured in the recent catch is thought to be over two metres [6.6 ft] long as the fisherman struggles to hold it up. The huge catch has prompted questions over the effects of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster on marine life in the area.

Yahoo News, Sep 17, 2015: Is This Giant Mutant Wolffish A Result Of The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster? — A Japanese fisherman has reeled in a HUGE wolffish – and it has raised concerns about the effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster… TWICE the usual size – and its gaping mouth is large enough to fit a small child inside… there are now concerns that the mutant wolffish is a result of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Fukushima Daiichi Breaking News… [E.L.E]… Now Means The End Of Life On Earth…

BREAKING; Dead Seals Test Positive For Radiation/Lukemia

[Published on Aug 27, 2015 by BPEarthWatch]

BPEarthWatch [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxz5R9YQMRW5QqElbAlMqRw]

The Young Children are in the Most Danger…



http://www.EneNews.Com https://youtu.be/m0kw_qx_k4Q

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Why are Researchers Predicting an [E.L.E.] Extinction Level Event for the Entire Western Pacific Ocean…???

============================= Updated on 09/17/2015 ============================


By Dennis Cimino

In the aftermath of the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, it’s hard to fathom or describe the environmental damage to the Earth, because it eclipses all prior nuclear accidents by such a huge margin. In the four years now since the earthquake caused the breakage of critical reactor cooling apparatus and plumbing to the point where the plants were not able to sustain or maintain the nearly one million gallons per reactor per minute, needed to cool them, the continued exposure to the entire world has continued unabated, unchecked. Adequate cooling flow to prevent what is truly a “China Syndrome” (see the film starring Jane Fonda), was not possible even had the cooling system at Daichi survived the earthquake event.

Photographing the Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima… [VICE Picture Perfect]

Photographing the Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima…

[VICE Picture Perfect]… [vice.com/picture-perfect]…

Photographing the Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima…

VICE accompanies photographer Donald Weber to the buffer zone at Fukushima, Japan, where the eerie silence mirrors that at Chernobyl, and follow him as he attempts to document the unfolding nuclear crisis…

At Daichi, where a reactor meltdown of no less than ‘3’ operational reactors–which incidentally were fueled up with MOX fuel, a highly unstable form of nuclear fuel that not only mandates total cooling control, but ensures disastrous results if such cooling ‘fails’ as was the case in March of 2011 in Japan–we had a situation whereupon these ‘3’ reactors were overheated beyond cooling within minutes. By the time the tsunami hit the plants, these reactors were in very dire condition and the fuel had already overheated and breaching their containment vessels, to the point of no return. I have studied literally hundreds of photos of the aftermath damage to the facility, and come to the conclusion that indeed, Unit #3 detonated in a ‘prompt uncontrolled criticality’ (nuclear explosion) and effectively destroyed the spent fuel pool at Unit #4 when it did so.

Nuclear Expert Arnie Gunderson, in his very sobering video (see below) had stated that it is very clear that statements and reports about the wholesomeness of Unit #4’s SFP (pool) are out and out ‘lies’ and ‘fabrications’ as it would be tantamount to expecting a spaghetti collander to hold boiling water within it, post explosion damage. Close up photographs show massive wreckage from overhead refueling cranes and other equipment and, in some photographs, it is crystal clear that the pool was so destroyed that it was impossible to keep enough water in it to cool the fuel within that pool. Add to that the fact that the unwise use of seawater really accelerated the corrosion and breach of the zircalloy cladding of the fuel assemblies in their racks, ensuring that within hours, the fuel reached temperatures that, in effect, guaranteed the breach of the fuel rods within these racks and absolutely positively ensured that, in effect, the fuel in this pool was in fact an open air reactor without any control capability of any kind.

This is, in effect, what we have ongoing today, as well as millions of gallons of highly radioactive seawater being dumped by TEPCO into the ocean from a large number of inadequate for the task, storage tanks which are not only leaking, but being pumped into the sea on purpose, because they lack the capacity to contain all of the seawater that has been pumped into the breached reactor containments since 2011. Now, many now have surmised that as the Japanese have restricted reporting about this incident, that CIA teams that were flown into Japan in hours after the incident, must have instructed the Japanese to obfuscate the truth about the gravity of the situation in Fukushima prefecture–and that is reinforced by the total lockdown of the Japanese press in factual reporting about what has transpired in the aftermath. Instead of transparency and meaningful honest assessments, we have in the past four years, been fed incessant BS stories about valiant struggles to keep the Unit #4 spent-fuel pool intact and the cooling water flowing there.

Gunderson has all but confirmed that this is, at best, wishful thinking, and in fact, clearly is a total deception about the grave situation that the world now faces due to the lack of meaningful technical assessment and swift action to locate and arrest the travel of ‘3’ reactor coriums which now are in the ground beneath the facility, having flowed thru breached reactor containments like hot fudge would flow thru a damp cheesecloth. We are now confronted with obvious signs of massive animal “die offs” in the Pacific rim area, from Alaska all the way down to Peru and some of the South and the Central American nations, who have the misfortune of being exposed to the radiation that outflows from Japan unabated, which has continued to kill nearly every living species that exists in these waters. Just recently it was stated that sea lions rescued in San Francisco were afflicted with a form of leukemia from their exposure to the huge amount of radiation in the ocean from this massive, unchecked disaster.


Specifically, dolphins and whales have borne the brunt of the relentless onslaught of radiation flowing freely from Daichi across the Pacific to the west coast of the United States. In some cases, entire species of fish have been totally wiped out and, as many have guessed, the many mammals which depend on these species of fish to survive have paid a terrible price for being in the wrong place at the right time. Recently, many herds of sea lions and mammals that rely on these now decimated fish to eat have been found on the California Coast, so desperate that they are literally found gnawing on rocks and eating sand on the beach to fill their emaciated and nutrition depleted bodies. A number of species of whales have beached themselves between Alaska and Southern California, with no signs of predation, they too emaciated and their bodies normal storage of blubber, depleted.

Why? It’s been speculated by alleged ‘scientists’ that a ‘warm blob’ has caused the massive die-off’s of these fish species and mammals, yet in case after case, nary one word in any of their disclosures mentions the testing for radionuclides and daughter products from the destroyed reactors at Daichi. With all of these scientists scratching their collective noggins about the root cause of these deaths, not one has remotely suggested that testing for radiation in these carcasses be done. That is not only criminal, that is absurd.

In one case, an alleged scientist named Torah Kachur has said that it cannot really be blamed on ‘radiation’ because ‘potato chips’ contain more radiation than the seawater flowing from Japan to the West Coast of the United States. Makes one wonder where she buys her potato chips at, or who sponsors her to make such outrageous statements as this. Ken Buesseler from Woods Hole, California, is of the same ilk, downplaying the effects of the radiation while allegedly parroting obtuse statements that would lead everyone to believe that this radiation, no matter how much or for how long, poses ‘no threat’ to anyone or anything. This is, at the very least, incredible chutzpah to the point of absurdity.


Maybe Torah Kachur is right. I sure know that all of the potato chips I have consumed in my life certainly caused major illness and symptoms of radiation poisoning, and certainly breached reactors thousands of miles away in Japan pose no threat to anyone. Or, as some flight crews are finding, they are losing their hair and developing symptoms of immune system breakdowns that are traditionally very symptomatic of long term high altitude exposure to radionuclides in the cabins of airliners they work in. One airline had the audacity to blame the uniforms for this nuance, but some passengers have taken expensive geiger counters with them on trans-Pacific flights and found the radiation levels aloft are unusually ‘high’, notwithstanding what you would normally expect from cosmic radiation up there.

Though many people are not trained radiologists, they do in fact have the ability to read their geiger counters correctly, even if they cannot themselves isolate which isotope or radionuclide is causing the readings. In the cases of people in California, who own many HEPA air filters in their homes, they merely take the aggregate dirt off the filters and then read this with their meters. Many, many videos of these experiments by ordinary people with expensive meters shows that, beyond any reasonable doubt, the radiation not only is here, but it’s here in inexplicable abundance. Arguably one could make a case that in a post nuclear era, radiation is abundant; but since 2011, the global background radiation measurements made by many of us, including myself, are so alarming that they fall into a category known as ‘breathtaking’, to say the least.

So what was the EPA and the government’s answer to this very plausible threat from Japan? Well, for starters, they began to petition to raise the allowable limits in our environment by a magnitude of at least ‘ten’ if not more, in drinking water and food. One has to ask one’s self that if there was no ‘threat’ from this problem in Japan, ‘why’ would a sudden fast track approach to raising these limits really need to be? Why would the government need to change anything if Fukushima was not really a problem at all? Well, certainly the limits imposed on food and water put all of our food and water we ingest today into a near ‘hazardous waste’ category of contaminated material. Unfortunately it’s our ‘food’ and ‘water’ supply here, not something we can choose not to ingest or bathe in or drink. Part of the answer lies in results normal everyday shoppers have gotten from taking their GM meters to the grocery store.

It’s very ‘sobering’ to have your meter indicate a significant ‘rise’ in radiation in everything from dairy products to produce, and indeed, any number of types of seafood that has been harvested from Pacific Ocean waters. I have, as a truck driver, personally seen where a load of 38,000 pounds of ‘Pacific salmon’ suddenly became less than 8,000 pounds of ‘heavily reworked’ salmon that had to be chopped up to remove lesions and sores on it before repackaging for a major food supplier in So. California. Why? Especially if there was no threat? Had a geiger meter been taken into that 53 foot trailer I hauled it in, there is no doubt in my mind that in fact that ‘salmon’ they reworked probably met the category of amount of radiation to mandate labelling the truck with HAZMAT placards. This is food we’re talking about here. In the past four years, background radiation in many many U.S. localities has risen dramatically:

As we do have data from pre-Fukushima times, where background gamma levels in major metropolitan area’s were certainly quite ‘low’ then, without any linkage to other possible sources, one has to at least consider the fact that the manifold increases in background gamma radiation in America must be from somewhere else perhaps, as the feasibility of such widespread increases across the continent seem to defy single or even multiple ‘local’ sources of it. We know that WIPP in Carlsbad, New Mexico is one source, as are many nuclear power plants, but here again, these rises across the board say that the United States is being lambasted with radiation from at the very least, a very high altitude source that keeps on coming and increasing. What source would that be?

In the aftermath of Chernobyl, the population of much of Europe has been exposed to the fallout from that disaster. It began to appear in mother’s milk and the bones of infants, within a short span of time. Dramatic increases in various radiation related illnesses began to appear in countries thousands of miles from the ‘exclusion zone’ in the Ukraine. Now more than 25 years later, we still see a wide region in this area that many organisms that would cause rapid decomposition of dead wood to be so absent that ‘wormwood’ seems to remain intact when many species of insect life are ‘gone’ in the area. So, without going to this exclusion zone, we have some photos of what the area in the region around this disaster look like today, taken by a young Russian woman who braved the levels on her motorcycle.Clearly, decades later, Chernobyl did not recover, and the large and vast area that was made into a ‘forever’ exclusion zone in human lifetimes, will never ever be the same ever again. Some species of wild Deer and Boars seem to thrive there, and some humans have moved back in at their own risk, but this area is not as some ‘nut job’ miscreants declare the area to be; “A BOOMING WILDLIFE REFUGE AND VACATION AREA”

If Chernobyl’s single reactor failure could do this, how is it that no less than ‘3’ reactors that were breached in Japan would be somehow lesser than this, especially with one of them having detonated and blown fissile fuel rod material as far away from these reactors as NORWAY? Any reasonable person would at least deduce that given the fact we can compare the amount of reactor fuel involved at Chernobyl and at Fukushima’s three destroyed reactors, that an approximate total tonnage of ejected fuel from the reactor at Unit #3 there in Fukushima means that for the foreseeable future, we’ll have circling the globe, a massive amount of upper atmosphere ‘poison’ from this one plant, and untold amounts of sea-borne radiation constantly finding it’s way into the world’s oceans, from the Pacific.

Is it any wonder that rosy suppositions about the ‘harmlessness’ of this disaster are at the very least, very banal and pathetically criminal intentional attempts to shield the public to the overall grave consequences of having done absolutely ‘nothing’ to stop or ameliorate the continued flow of radiation out of Japan, globally? I know of one person so in ‘denial’ that her daily swim fest in the Pacific goes on every chance she gets, as she believes that this threat is merely a ‘PsyOp’ the government is running and nothing is amiss. How sadly far from the truth is her denial.


It has been affirmed that the magnitude of the disaster we have in Japan poses such a grave threat that, over time, the loss of the food chain–and in fact, the very plankton that generates the bulk of the breathable oxygen we depend on, and the long term destruction to mitochondrial DNA in many living species, over a few decades–poses such a grave threat to all living things that not only humans but much of the animal kingdom face ‘extinction’ due to these changes. When asked by a fellow co-worked about the gravity of the Fukushima radiation problem, I told her, “Many of us believe this will in time bear itself out to be an ELE or ‘extinction level event’ and that as the destruction of the Pacific spreads, magnification of the effects will make it very apparent that something is horribly wrong.” She asked, “So how much time?”, to which I answered, “Perhaps twenty years–maybe a bit longer, given the rapidity of the death of the Pacific and many species in it.”

I don’t think I have to tell you her reaction–and it wasn’t disbelief. It was sadness. In any case, whether you agree to disagree, or think this is a ‘PsyOp’ as one friend believes (and blaming it all on the Navy’s ‘sonar’ systems and other intentional poisonings), what is clear to me is that the dearth of sea birds and other life in the area where I live off the coast of Washington State is so dramatic to me that at some point all of the government obfuscation and lying won’t cover this up. No cat can hurl that much litter over this turd that keeps stinking. Every day of every year, we are ingesting food and water that is now tainted with Fukushima radiation. How much cellular destruction our bodies can withstand without gross mutation is unclear, but those who have watched “RADIO BIKINI” and seen first hand what exposure to radiation does to humans, cannot be glib or silent about their concerns. We have a very very serious problem.

Nobody apparently believes it to be so, but my guess is that the folks at the highest levels of our world governments are preparing for the societal breakdown once this ‘cat’ gets out of the proverbial bag. 20 years? Who knows? But one thing is clear: As the Pacific Ocean dies, so do the rest of the world’s oceans in time. The onslaught of the radiation is never ending in human lifespans. Pooh pooing the threat or guffawing it away won’t fix it.

It’s like a roaring fire in your living room, only you realize you don’t have a fireplace. Then it gets rather sticky, if not downright soberingly dire. Our inaction is the foreword to our very epitaph if we shrug our shoulders and decide it’s not our problem, or too big for us to worry about. If this is the best humankind can do in such a circumstance as this, maybe it is best we just went to our demise, oblivious, ignorant in most cases, and woefully incomprehending of the probability that it all ends here all too soon, for our children and their children, if we do nothing. And there may be nothing we can do.

Dennis Cimino was the Navy’s top electronics trouble-shooter. He has published on 9/11, including the Pentagon, and the use of nukes to destroy the Twin Towers in New York.

Archived from source: [http://www.veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/component/k2/item/386-fukushima-the-end-of-mankind] Courtesy of James Fetzer… one of the few sources of truth left on the planet…

Marine Mammals of the Western Hemisphere [Whale Protection Fund] [E.L.E.] Extinction Level Event Puzzle…

Marine Mammals of the Western Hemisphere [Whale Protection Fund] [E.L.E.] Extinction Level Event Puzzle… the one… all those baffled, befuddled, mystified and amazed, confused and shocked ‘Oceanographers’… and ‘Scientists’… calling themselves “Experts”…. are still piecing together… after all these years…

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still piecing it together… after all these years… with all this evidence… and in your face facts… as sent to the EPA… NOAA… the USDA… CDFW… soo… many months ago…

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without so much… as a single reply… not even a thank you… for the info…

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In Memory of those we never knew…

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and those we have lost forever…

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those whom roamed the oceans…

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just half a decade ago…

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Now remembered on t-shirts

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August 23, 2015 – Why Have 30 Whales Washed Up Dead in the Western Gulf of Alaska Since May 2015…???… [Earthfiles.com]

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Dead fin whale in the Kodiak Archipelago on Whale Island, one of 30 large whale deaths in the western Gulf of Alaska since May 2015. NOAA scientists are “very concerned” about what is causing this “unusual mortality event (UME).” Image by Bree Witteveen, Univ. of Alaska-Fairbanks, provided by Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program.

NOAA Fisheries has declared this an “Unusual Mortality Event (UME)” and no one knows why it is happening. NOAA is asking for the public to report any sightings of live whales in distress or stranded and dead whales to: Alaska Marine Mammal Stranding Hotline at 877-925-7773. Also see: NOAA Fisheries.

Also since April 2015, in the Pacifica region of northern California, there has also been an unusual number of dead whales. See: ENENews.

Another 32-foot-long female humpback whale dead on the beach in Pacifica, Ca…

After all these years… it would seem Linda has now… at least put up (one) article… about this most serious of Planetary Environmental [E.L.E.] End of the Pacific Ocean life issues…

this worsening… Pacific Ocean Marine Environmental Ecosystem Collapse…

[http://fukushimadaiichiupdate.yolasite.com] [http://fukushimaupdate.yolasite.com]

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Whales have been dropping like flies in the Gulf of Alaska…

Whales have been dropping like flies in the Gulf of Alaska…

Whales have been dropping like flies in the Gulf of Alaska. Approximately nine whale carcasses were sited in late May and early June. Now, fisherman have spotted five more decomposing whales, a fin whale and four humpbacks, to add to the death toll…

The first two whale deaths reported in May sparked a flurry of attention from government agencies, including the Marine Mammal Stranding Network, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, NOAA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game…

No one knows what caused the death of the whales; however, scientists are narrowing in on the kernel of truth as they weed out possibilities. What scientists do know is that all the whales appear to have died around the same time…

Warmth-induced algae blooms theory debunked…

The Gulf of Alaska waters have been warm lately. A working hypothesis was that the whales were dying from domoic acid, which is a toxin produced by warmth-induced algae blooms. This did not seem entirely implausible, since the whales share similar eating habits. Nevertheless, this hypothesis was ruled out after test results taken from a partially decomposing whale fin carcass came back negative…

Samples have only been taken from one whale carcass so far. Researchers are still awaiting the results on two others tests for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) and cesium-137…

“We do not have conclusive evidence to link their mortality to algal blooms but continue to sample water/plankton/shellfish with a network of folks statewide,” Kate Wynne, a marine mammal specialist investigating the whale deaths, told sources in an email.“Hopefully, by monitoring current conditions and tracking/recording carcasses, we will be quicker to note and respond to a future event if it happens…”

The mainstream media has cited a rise in ocean temperatures and acidity as possible causes of the whale deaths while ignoring the presence of cesium-137, a radioactive isotope with a 30 year half-life released from Fukushima…

Fukushima radiation may be responsible for whale deaths…

One possible explanation that has been downplayed by the mainstream media is that the radiation leaking from the Fukushima power plant, including the radioactive isotope cesium-137, has contaminated and warmed the ocean. Scientists predicted that radiation leaking from the power plant should hit North American coasts by early 2014. The rise in whale deaths just so happens to coincide with the Fukushima radiation making landfall on the West Coast…

Some scientists have tried to annul these worries by claiming that the radiation from the Fukushima power plant has become so diluted in the Pacific Ocean that it does not pose a serious health threat to the coast…

Yet the recent rise in whale deaths shows otherwise. In addition, exposure to even small traces of radiation can have an accumulative effect over time. Furthermore, the radiation from the Fukushima power plant has not stopped leaking into the Pacific Ocean. As long as hundred of tons of radiation leak into the ocean everyday, the West Coast will continue to be bombarded with radiation…

Scientist are bamboozled by the mysterious whale deaths. The researchers are still waiting to see whether the results from the whale carcass tests positive for cesium-137. The whale death toll may continue to rise as people discover more of the dead sea creatures…




FUKUSHIMA = PACIFIC GENOCIDE: 25 Giant Whales Found Dead Up & Down Pacific NW Coast, Scientists ‘Baffled’ Over Surge…

Four B.C. whale deaths in a week baffle scientists…

Four B.C. whale deaths in a week baffle scientists…

Necropsies hope to provide answers as carcasses continue to pop up along coast…


[http://sgtreport.com/2015/08/fukushima-pacific-genocide-25-giant-whales-found-dead-up-down-pacific-nw-coast-scientists-baffled-over-surge]… from ENENews… and from the Vancouver Sun, Aug 13, 2015…

Vancouver Sun, Aug 13, 2015 (Bethany Lindsay) Four B.C. whale deaths in a week baffle scientists; Necropsies hope to provide answers as carcasses continue to pop up… four dead humpback whales in B.C. waters in a single week, just as Alaska is experiencing a surge of whale deaths, has scientists searching for a possible connection… 21 humpback and fin whales have been found dead in southeast Alaska during the past month, according to Paul Cottrell, Pacific marine mammal coordinator for Fisheries and Oceans Canada. “It’s definitely a pulse of deaths and something that we’re going to keep our eye on,” Cottrell said. No cause has been pinpointed for any of the deaths… “These samples are very important… to see if there’s any relationship — whether there’s a pathogen that may be causing this,” Cottrell said… Media reports have suggested [one] died after becoming entangled in fishing gear, but Cottrell said it is far too early to come to that conclusion… The scientists also noticed wounds on the whale’s body… “if there’s anthropogenic or human-caused things affecting the recovery, those are things that we want to know about…”

CTV, Aug 12, 2015: … Cottrell said the number of recent discoveries is troubling. “It’s definitely a pulse and it’s something we are concerned about… We’rehoping we don’t get any more…”

Globe & Mail, Aug 12, 2015: A humpback whale that washed up dead on the shore of British Columbia’s northern coast last week was the fourth to die in a week in the province’s coastal waters… a smaller humpback [was found] near Haida Gwaii on Tuesday, and at least two more were reported to be seen floating lifeless in the water within the last seven days… The uptick in reported whale deaths [coincides with] 21 deaths of fin whales and humpback whales in the past two months in [Alaska]… Max Bakken, a field technician for Pacific Wild [is] alarmed at the spike in humpback deaths…

CBC News, Aug 12, 2015: Last Friday Spirit Bear Adventures wildlife guide Philip Charles got a call that a humpback whale was drifting… He set off with a team from Pacific Wild Conservation to Nowish Bay where they found the massive animal washed up dead… “It is exceptionally rare to see a dead humpback whale, especially in this relatively intact state,” said Charles…



Four B.C. whale deaths in a week baffle scientists…

Four B.C. whale deaths in a week baffle scientists…

A dead humpback washed ashore near Klemtu in northern B.C. this week. (Aug 13, 2015)

Photo courtesy of Philip Charles. Photograph by: Picasa

The discovery of four dead humpback whales in B.C. waters in a single week, just as Alaska is experiencing a surge of whale deaths, has scientists searching for a possible connection.

In the last few days, Canadian marine mammal experts have travelled north to Klemtu and Haida Gwaii to perform necropsies on two humpback carcasses, while another two dead whales have been spotted floating in Hecate Strait and off the west coast of Vancouver Island.

Meanwhile, 21 humpback and fin whales have been found dead in southeast Alaska during the past month, according to Paul Cottrell, Pacific marine mammal coordinator for Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

“It’s definitely a pulse of deaths and something that we’re going to keep our eye on,” Cottrell said.

No cause has been pinpointed for any of the deaths so far, and results from this week’s two necropsies in B.C. will take weeks to come back. Once they arrive, officials will share what they’ve learned with their counterparts in the U.S.

“These samples are very important to look at what may have caused the death of these animals, to see if there’s any relationship — whether there’s a pathogen that may be causing this,” Cottrell said.

The dead whale near Klemtu was first reported a few days ago when the carcass was still bobbing out in the water. A group of First Nations guardians tracked down the floating animal and towed it to shore so a necropsy could be performed.

Cottrell and veterinary pathologist Stephen Raverty have both examined the female whale, estimated to be more than nine metres in length.

Media reports have suggested it died after becoming entangled in fishing gear, but Cottrell said it is far too early to come to that conclusion.

“It’s an interesting one because there are scars on the tail stock that indicate there was at one time an entanglement, but the tissue’s fairly necrotized. The indications are that it may have been a prior entanglement,” he said.

The scientists also noticed wounds on the whale’s body. Samples of its organs, tissues and fluids have been sent for analysis to help narrow down the cause of death.

The whale that washed ashore in Haida Gwaii was a smaller female, measuring 7.5 metres long. Cottrell said there was no obvious cause of death.

In both cases, the carcasses were quite fresh, making it much easier to obtain accurate results from the necropsies. Cottrell said it’s absolutely crucial for members of the public to call the B.C. Marine Mammal Response Network at 1-800-465-4336 as soon as they see a dead or injured whale.

“The general public, they’re our eyes and ears out there,” he said. “The quicker we get these calls, the better.”

He’s hopeful that fisheries officials will be able to track down the two carcasses that are still floating out at sea so necropsies can be performed on those as well. Most, if not all, of the dead whales in Alaska have been spotted in the open ocean, so scientists there have a limited number of tissue samples to work with.

B.C.’s humpback whales have enjoyed a remarkable turnaround in recent decades, but Cottrell said if the current deaths signal a serious threat to their recovery, scientists need to be aware.



Whales have been dropping like flies in the Gulf of Alaska…

Whales Continue to Die Off in Pacific Ocean: Scientists Suspect Fukushima Radiation at Fault…



Whales have been dropping like flies in the Gulf of Alaska. Approximately nine whale carcasses were sighted in late May and early June. Now, fisherman have spotted five more decomposing whales, a fin whale and four humpbacks to add to the death toll…

The first two whale deaths reported in May sparked a flurry of attention from government agencies, including the Marine Mammal Stranding Network, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, NOAA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game…

No one knows what caused the death of the whales; however, scientists are narrowing in on the kernel of truth as they weed out possibilities. What scientists do know is that all the whales appear to have died around the same time…

Warmth-induced algae blooms theory debunked…

The Gulf of Alaska waters have been warm lately. A working hypothesis was that the whales were dying from domoic acid, which is a toxin produced by warmth-induced algae blooms. This did not seem entirely implausible, since the whales share similar eating habits. Nevertheless, this hypothesis was ruled out after test results taken from a partially decomposing fin whale carcass came back negative.

Samples have only been taken from one whale carcass so far. Researchers are still awaiting the results on two others tests for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) and cesium-137…

“We do not have conclusive evidence to link their mortality to algal blooms but continue to sample water/plankton/shellfish with a network of folks statewide,” Kate Wynne, a marine mammal specialist investigating the whale deaths, told sources in an email. “Hopefully, by monitoring current conditions and tracking/recording carcasses, we will be quicker to note and respond to a future event if it happens.”

The mainstream media has cited a rise in ocean temperatures and acidity as possible causes of the whale deaths while ignoring the presence of cesium-137, a radioactive isotope with a 30-year half-life released from Fukushima. To learn more about how radiation from the Fukushima nuclear power plant could be affecting the Pacific Ocean, continue reading at FukushimaWatch.com.


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Giant whales found dead up & down Pacific NW coast…

Giant whales found dead up & down Pacific NW coast…

scientists ‘baffled’ over surge…

Giant whales found dead up & down Pacific NW coast, scientists ‘baffled’ again…

Giant fin whale found dead on beach in the Netherlands – Global Times Giant fin whale found dead on beach of s Gravenzande, The Netherlands, on September 16, 2013 Viewers surround the carcass of a dead fin whale on the beach of s Gravenzande, The Netherlands, on September 16, 2013. The six metre long whale was already dead when it stranded and was found on 15 September…


Why are so many whales dying on California’s shores in Pacifica… [www.theguardian.com-Environment]

… a beached humpback whale in Pacifica, California… May 16, 2015


Sei whales found dead in Chile and cause of death is unknown… [www.dailymail.co.uk] A group of scientists discovered at least 20 dead sei whales on Chile’s southern coast…

Giant whales found dead up & down Pacific NW coast…

Scientists ‘baffled’ over surge — 25+ carcasses reported in past month — Gov’t: “Troubling… Definitely a pulse of deaths” — Experts: “Alarming spike… Exceptionally rare to see a dead humpback” — Concerns about unidentified pathogen…


10,000 Dead Baby Sea Lions in California…

10,000 Dead Baby Sea Lions in California…

Will Fukushima Be Worth it THEN?…

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5rBddUjhhI] [Published on Mar 16, 2015]

by MsMilkytheclown1 [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQHopfPwfFjn37JgO1l-axg]

10,000 baby sea lions dead on one California island — Experts: “It’s getting crazy… This is a crisis… Never seen anything like it… Very difficult to see so much death” — TV: “Numbers skyrocketing at alarming rates” — “Woman is burying the rotting mammals” after digging graves at beach (VIDEOS) [http://enenews.com/experts-10000-baby-sea-lions-dead-one-california-island-getting-crazy-very-difficult-death-crisis-tv-numbers-skyrocketing-alarming-rates-woman-digging-graves-beach-bury-dead-bodies-videos]

NBC L.A., Mar 12, 2015 (emphasis added): “The sea lion emergency is back all along the California shore“… [Pups] are washing ashore at a rate so alarming, rescuers said Thursday, this year is the worst yet… more than 1,600 marine mammals [have been picked up].http://preview.tinyurl.com/mm6vgqr

KTLA, Mar 10, 2015: Stranding numbers for the months of January and February were more than 20 times the average [said NOAA]. http://preview.tinyurl.com/kenkppn

ABC 10 News, Mar 14, 2015: Friday, Konnie Martinkis was burying her third sea lion… There were at least five within just more than a football field’s length that were dead… she contacted the city… but it just decomposed as more showed up… she will continue building those graves. http://preview.tinyurl.com/lyuonh2

10000 Dead Baby Sea Lions on one California Island…

ABC10 10,000 Dead Baby Sea Lions in California…

Hannah Mullins [10News.com]KGTV ABC10 San Diego

Coast News, Mar 12, 2015: [NOAA] said not to feed it [that] will only prolong the animals suffering. http://preview.tinyurl.com/kjodmnt

KABC: Numbers are skyrocketing at alarming rates…Sunday, six sea lions were found deadhttp://preview.tinyurl.com/k8gvy46

NY Times, Mar 12, 2015: “It’s getting crazy,” [Wendy Leeds, animal-care expert at the Pacific Marine Mammal Center] said… Sharon Melin, a wildlife biologist with [NOAA said] “We do expect the population to take a drop… probably a really good hit”… Michele Hunter, the center’s director of animal care, said, “It’s very difficult to see so much death.”http://preview.tinyurl.com/kwrg9vf

Sacramento Bee, Mar 7, 2015: Tens of thousands of pups birthed last summer are believed to be dying on the islands… some [are] desperately trying to climb onto small boats or kayaks… Scientists noted a worrisome anomaly in 2013, when 1,171 famished pups were stranded… scientists blamed the phenomenon on unseasonably cold waters… On San Miguel… Melin said researchers believe “probably close to 10,000 are dead, and we expect more to die over coming months”… the mortality rate is similar on San Nicolas.http://preview.tinyurl.com/lyuonh2

Time: Experts at NOAA say that the culprit is rising ocean temperatures [note “unseasonably cold” ocean temps were the culprit during the record strandings in 2013]… a NOAA climate expert said that they do not believe the stranding increase is tied to climate change.http://preview.tinyurl.com/kzg9tqw

Marine Mammal Center, Mar 5, 2015: It’s clear these sea lions are trying to tell us something. Their very presence here in such great numbers at this time of year is sounding an alarm up and down the coast… it signals something complex happening in our ocean… sea lions are very sensitive to their environment… alerting us to major changes in the ocean… The scene on the Channel Islands this year is grave, worse even than what researchers saw in 2012, before the Unusual Mortality Event in 2013… “What’s scary is that we don’t know when this will end,” says Dr. Shawn Johnson, Director of Veterinary Science at The Marine Mammal Center. “This could be the new normal—a changed environment that we’re dealing with now.” http://preview.tinyurl.com/mm6vgqr

LA Daily News, Mar 13, 2015: “By the end of January, we had as many as we did in (all of) 2013,” [Marine Mammal Care Center’s David Bard] said… “We’ve never seen anything like this with back-to-back events that are affecting the same part of the population,” Melin said.http://preview.tinyurl.com/kenkppn

Dr. Melin: “Based on what we are seeing… we should be bracing for a lot more animals”http://preview.tinyurl.com/mtml789

CBS Los Angeles, Mar 9, 2015: [California Wildlife Center’s Jeff Hall] says the event has escalated into a crisis. “I would personally consider this a crisis,” Hall said… The epidemic has prompted a number of volunteers to step forward, including… television personality Kat Von D [who said] “I think there’s a lack of awareness of what’s going on in the environment.”http://preview.tinyurl.com/mtq5upd

Fukushima Nuclear Warning: Worth it Then https://youtu.be/aDzsVDzRFf0 A compilation of videos in FF using a song I found by Benjamin Orth called Worth it Then available athttp://dig.ccmixter.org/dig?dig-query…

I really liked his song. I hope you do too. (Great Lyrics).

Feel free to reupload to your channel and give credit to Benjamin Orth and his song called Worth it Then (creative commons license).



Perhaps you haven’t heard that they are calling Fukushima the “Cauldrons from Hell” … or that things have gotten Ohh… Soo… much worse … in just the last couple days … and the last spike of radiation was 7000% times greater than any recorded previous … and don’t take it from me … it’s coming from Dr. Bill Deagle and Jeff Rense on the weekly Fukushima Update [Rense Radio] [6/4/15] Interview w/ Bill Deagle – Subject Fukushima Update. You might wanna look into it … and if you need to hear the interview yourself … and you’re too busy to research it … or pay for the subscription … just let me know … and I’ll give it to you for free … and even walk you through the facts … just in case you’re unfamiliar with the issue … as all the news media seem to be …!


5/31/15 – Officials: ‘Nuclear fuel material’ leak at Fukushima – Japan TV: Record levels of radioactivity detected in seawater – Spiked “more than 200 times” at sampling location – Highest concentrations ever measured in 11 different areas [Tepco: Spike 7000% higher than ever recorded]…[Ref:May 29, 2015 Tepco Fukushima Port Center collection data – Tepco handouts/Images – Pg. #3 – Graph #4 – Record high value – spike in activity – massive spikes of energy and release of radiological toxins – since Jan.2015 amount of the spikes have actually been up to 7000% higher than previous spikes in radiation release from Fukushima] [6/4/15 – Dr. Bill Deagle & Jeff Rense – Fukushima Update] [http://www.nutrimedical.com][http://renseradioarchives.com/Nutrimedical] [http://enenews.com/radiation-levels-spike-7000-nuclear-site-ap-workers-shelter-inside-buildings-officials-actually-anticipated-contaminated-sample]

Because this so called “toxin” killing all the marine life along the West Coast I heard about just today … leaving the ocean floor covered with dead fish … and this so called “algae bloom” in the Monterey Bay … baffling all the marine biologists … well it’s pretty clear to the rest of the world what’s going on off our shore … and you guys are once again behind the curve … how do you say it … dropped the ball … leaving us … the American public … in the dark … and embarrassing the American Media in the process … leaving the rest of the world thinking we are in generally clueless and inept to even what’s taking place right off our own shore…! … and for us to have to find out from the U.K. Press what’s going on right off our own coast is truly pathetic…!!

6/02/15 – TV: Scientists warning of mass die-off along California coast — Official: Seafloor littered with dead fish, washing up “as far as I could see” — Toxin has spread all up and down West Coast — Experts: “Very, very unusual… Really extraordinary”… [http://enenews.com/tv-scientists-warning-mass-die-ocean-california-official-seafloor-littered-dead-fish] [http://www.globalresearch.ca/very-toxic-algal-bloom-in-monterey-bay-usa-seafloor-littered-with-dead-fish/5453240] [http://www.thebigwobble.org/2015/05/more-marine-life-misery-for-west-coast.html] << [TBW News: https://youtu.be/-PCRUT4E5uk%5D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_I_B6U0GtI

[ENENews] Scientists are warning of mass die-off along the California coast … said Officials: “the sea floor is littered with dead fish. They’re washing up as far as I could see” … “the toxin has spread all up and down the West Coast” … [Experts:] Very, very unusual say the experts … “Really extraordinary” …

[Jeff Rense:] Who the hell are these Idiots…?… a toxin …?… it’s not an algae bloom … it’s not a virus … it’s not a toxin … it’s radiation …… I don’t get angry much … but I’m really getting angry at these liars … they have no right to call themselves scientists … they’re grant driven … they’re told what to do, and they do it … it’s just got to stop … and what is the price … human life …

[Jeff Rense:] And here is another one … “We are beginning with continuing coverage of that algae bloom in the Monterey Bay” … the algae bloom … give me a break … … these people are talking about the toxin has spread … they need to taken out in public and horse whipped …

[Dr. Bill Deagle] Well … we need to have a new crime … certify a new crime … I call it a form of a science type of fraud … in that your misconclusions are so obvious to a court of law … that you need to be jailed, or fined, or imprisoned.

[Rense:] Now remember … what I said about the West Coast Pacific Ocean, please, because you’re going to be hearing more of this eventually … you’ll see it on Fox and CNN … where did all the animals go … where are all the fish …???

Published on Jun 10, 2015 “Massive Cesium-137 Wave to hit West Coast”……

Credit to: RaisingKundalini2 [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq_cU6T2ZV615tFHRIAEPCQ]

Yoichi Shimatsu and Dana Fulford with Jeff Rense, June 8, 2015. “Gov’t Expert: West Coast will soon be hit by 800 Trillion Bq of Fukushima Cesium-137” [http://enenews.com/govt-expert-west-coast-will-be-hit-800-trillion-bq-fukushima-cesium-137-equal-amount-fallout-deposited-japan-levels-pacific-higher-expected-main-body-surface-plume-reached-coast-never-slow]

“‘Unprecedented’ Number Of Dying Sea Lions In CA” [http://sorendreier.com/unprecedented-number-of-starving-sea-lions-in-california]

Japan Govt – Fukushima Should Be Declared Uninhabitable” [http://enenews.com/govt-officials-fukushima-be-declared-uninhabitable-wait-around-conditions-getting-worse-move-people-away-like-evacuation-children-during-world-war-ii-japan-newspaper-fukushima-youths-ready]

Reference: … [http://www.rense.com] … & … [http://www.renseradio.com] ….



IN JUST THE LAST FEW monthS…!!!!….

============================== As Posted 7/07/2015 ===========================


Top 10 Reasons why you should be concerned … about Fukushima Daiichi … all moved down the list to #4 …. in just the last few weeks…!!!!… Care to know Why …???… so many don’t seem to be aware or even care at all…!!!… especially the E.P.A. … and NOAA … the USDA … the News Media … the Print Media … ever wondered Why …???

#1 – Gov’t Expert: West Coast will soon be hit by 800 Trillion Bq of Fukushima Cesium-137 — Nearly equal to amount of fallout deposited on Japan — Levels in Pacific “higher than expected” — “Main body of surface plume has reached off coast of US” — Never slowed down while crossing ocean, contrary to prediction … [http://enenews.com/govt-expert-west-coast-will-be-hit-800-trillion-bq-fukushima-cesium-137] Researcher Yoichi Shimatsu suggests this statement by Fukushima University is too conservative … a gross underestimate, a very low estimate, off by a factor of [100 – 1000x]… [http://enenews.com/govt-expert-west-coast-will-be-hit-800-trillion-bq-fukushima-cesium-137-equal-amount-fallout-deposited-japan-levels-pacific-higher-expected] [6/8/15 – Yoichi Shimatsu & Jeff Rense] Fukushima Update [www.renseradio.com]

#2 – Scientists: “… very, very unusual … toxins from the algae bloom”… “spreading up and down the West Coast” and “washing up on the beach … as far as I could see … the seafloor littered with anchoves … We think this is a very large event … Don’t eat shellfish or forage fish from Monterey Bay … right now!!!” [http://enenews.com/tv-scientists-warning-mass-die-ocean-california-official-seafloor-littered-dead-fish]

#3 – Mysterious deadly black fungus being found on fish in Pacific Northwest — Gov’t: There was some concern Fukushima radiation could be involved — Biologists investigating how this land-based mold is now appearing in ocean — Many reports of unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer … The Nome office of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game received several reports of tomcod with black lesions this year… ADF&G fishery biologists speculate that the lesions are a fungus… Specifically, black mold, commonly found in houses… What the pathology lab finds interesting is that this fungus is land-based and yet it is appearing on fish… Until further notice, ADF&G recommends that fish with lesions should not be eaten due to possible human health concerns (CAPTION: DON’T EAT THIS— ADF&G biologists are investigating …) [http://enenews.com/mysterious-black-mold-being-found-fish-pacific-northwest-govt-concern-fukushima-radiation-could-be-involved]

3/30/15 – Partial transcription of audio interview … courtesy of … Jeff Rense and Researcher Yoichi Shimatsu – Fukushima Update [www.renseradio.com]


#12 – Tepco officials are admitting the technology does not exist to decommission the (3) meltdown/melt-thru nuclear reactors … maybe in 200 years the technology will be discovered Tepco’s scientists speculate. “Tokyo has a very great aquarium at Rinkai, but Rinkai Park is at the mouth of the Edogawa river which is where they dredge up the river sludge to burn to remove the radiation from the waterway … but that plant is owned by Tepco … Tepco secretly owns a lot of the sludge plants … Tepco is a huge monster … 300 companies … thousands of assets … they’re not broke by any means … they have tons of money making operations. They dredge the river because the radiation is so high they’re getting about 4000 Becquerels/Kg of sludge … it’s pretty high. Edogawa river feeds right into Tokyo Bay where all the Olympic Islands are … and the huge aquarium is right there at Rinkai Park … that beautiful park …unfortunately is highly radioactive now … and there they have one of the biggest aquariums in the world. They had a school of tuna swimming around … 65 huge Blue-fin tuna, hundreds of other tuna species, albacore and so on. A week ago Japan Times AFP broke the story … there’s only one tuna left … all the rest died mysteriously. I’m afraid this 200 year business ….what’s coming over is not just Cesium and Strontium … those were the light weight things … they will kill you slowly … what’s coming over is Tritium … that’s the knock out punch. Obviously Tritium killed these Tuna … and Plutonium. They’re finding out that nano sized particles of Plutonium float on water … it’s on the surface of the Pacific … it won’t sink. When this stuff hits it’s over … with the Tritium … I just don’t see any survival rate along the Pacific coast if that hits. It may well be over in 20 years … not 200 years … I mean the stuff will keep coming … but it will be coming to a wasteland where every form of life and every person who stays there will be dead. It’s the death of a Nation … Nuclear power … Nuclear energy has killed the country … and the more we find out … In Franfurt I gave the first presentation on discovering three nuclear weapons sites at Fukushima … these were vast underground chambers … and the trail from these facilities led to the ocean. So basically they piled that high level Plutonium-241 … highest level Plutonium for weapons you can have … hundreds of tons of war-grade Plutonium … piled it on barges and sank the barges in the Pacific. So that’s why I’m saying … this ain’t just a bunch of Uranium with a little bit of Plutonium … we’re talking about probably as much as the Russian stockpile of Plutonium has been dumped in the ocean, it’s breaking open, and there’s no real attempt to contain it in any way. We’re in for it … we’re really in for it ..! This is why all the engineers at Fukushima are starting to breakdown, they’re starting to talk, this stuff is serious. Yoichi Shimatsu [www.4thmedia.org] Jeff Rense: This is the most shocking revelation in print that I’ve seen yet … ‘No technology exists on the planet’ … ‘We have no idea’ … ‘This is insurmountable’ … ‘200 years at least’ … We’ve haven’t seen this before. They waited 4 years to tell us what Yoichi was telling us 4 years ago on this program. Yoichi: Yeah … we were telling you the first week … I think … The worst is yet to come. Everyone thinks the worst was right after Fukushima. No, Folks, the worst is still coming across … still bubbling up in the Pacific… Rense: You know … you said something earlier … and you’re right … I was thinking back … what we talked about in the first week or two after the event, when you came on. Every bit of it has proven to be exactly correct, every bit, you haven’t been wrong on anything. Yoichi: Yeah … we were exact about what we predicted … but we were wrong in that it has been far worse than we predicted … Ok … the volume of the meltdown … which they’re hunting for now with this Muon dectector … they can’t find anything in the upper regions of these reactors … It used to be there would be broken rods … they can’t find broken rods left ..! Now the engineers of the plant are saying all the corium in the (3) reactors has melted down … and we don’t know … we assume it’s at the bottom of the reactor … but we’re not sure. This kind of talk coming out … this is far worse than we were talking about back then … but we were right … we were right the meltdowns were very serious … and they were lying … they did not admit to the meltdowns for months … for months … and it was happening within (2) hours of the earthquake … (2) hours of the tsunami.Rense:Okay, there it is … No, it’s not on the MSN … you’re not gonna see it on CNN … but it’s true … we tell you the truth here. Ref: 3/30/15 – Jeff Rense and Researcher Yoichi Shimatsu – Fukushima Update [www.renseradio.com]

Fukushima Update — [http://www.FukushimaDaiichiUpdate.yolasite.com]

[http://www.FukushimaUpdate.yolasite.com] [https://fukushimaupdate.wordpress.com] … Concerned yet…???

Get involved … [http://www.meetup.com/SOSFRSC] … [Save Our Surfers Fukushima Response Santa Cruz]…

See also … [http://www.4thmedia.org/2015/06/fukushima-daiichi-marine-ecosystem-collapse-2] … June 10, 2015]

06/15/2015 Update to be added shortly … more to follow….

{[Additional information on request …. regarding “notification” to the EPA, NOAA, USDA, California Dept. of Fish and Game, County of Santa Cruz, etc… etc…. etc….. Environmental Lawyers and Pending Legal Actions …

.. See also http://earthjustice.org/advocacy-campaigns/oceans

Fukushima Update


Geoengineering linked to Fukushima


Top 10 Reasons why you should be concerned … about Fukushima Daiichi … all moved down the list to #4 …. in just the last few months…!!! [http://www.meetup.com/SOSFRSC/messages/boards/thread/49076802]




Youtube credit to: Ysalys (Kate) [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCpwsNyCm7YFBHTw8eR6qCA] Thanks…


[Reference: [ENENews.com] for most stories … like …

Scientists reveal details of unprecedented mass mortality on West Coast that began summer 2011 — “Many millions” of deaths before sea star wasting syndrome — Multiple species wiped out in days — Mortality rate of 99.99% over large region — “No documented event has been so severe”


Dear News Team … if you want verification of this … or any other info … simply request it … or go to my web site … you’ve got a day’s lead on the papers till Monday afternoon …


[Additional References:]


Fukushima Dummy Ken Buesseler Radiation is Like Banana’s So Shut Up



Dana Durnford Fukushima Updates Oct 17th 2014 Pacific Ocean



Fukushima Disaster Update, April 2015



Published on May 12, 2015

Dialogue between Yoichi Shimatsu & Jeff Rense May 11th 2015

Fukushima…An Undeniable Extinction Level Operation of Mass Murder…



Jeff Rense & Yoichi Shimatsu – Fukushima…Irreparable Devastation

Published on Nov 5, 2014

Clip from November 03, 2014 – guest Yoichi Shimatsu on the Jeff Rense Program. Full program available in Archives at http://www.renseradio.com/signup.htm


Links referenced from: (if partial … go to …)


Published on Oct 17, 2014

No revolution has ever been won by walking in the streets , you have to get in their faces the nuclear scientist and academics have no moral high ground . There is no science to support nuclear scientist and medias assertions that man made ionized radiation is harmless like bananas potatoes walking in sunshine chest xrays bla blaso bla . Why do nuclear scientist say that because that is why we are in this predicament in the first place .

Chat room & info by and for the Fukushima Hounds. [http://fukushimahounds.freeforums.net]

Fukushima Reactors #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6l2YxxQZz4]

“Plutopia: Nuclear Families, American Plutonium Disasters” Kate Brown [http://www.booktv.org/Watch/15010/Plutopia+Nuclear+Families+Atomic+Cities+and+the+Great+Soviet+and+American+Plutonium+Disasters.aspx]

Battle for humanity nearly lost: global food supply deliberately engineered to end life, not nourish it [http://www.naturalnews.com/043995_human_civilization_processed_food_stealth_war.html]

Radchick: [http://climateviewer.com/category/radchick]

Fukushima triggers jump in airline pilot/passenger heart attacks, cancers, rad symptoms [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOtxx7zpyz0]

Are Ken Buesseler & Dr Jay Cullen Really Scientist Pt 1 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saGr-PjiVuE] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_N2Slmj_ei0]

Leuren Moret: Fukushima radiation has made Hawaii and Pacific islands unsafe for humans [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PST3HysmSPk]

Is Thunderf00t Fukushima Fallout Illiterate or a Shithead [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4QmwkCHS40] ——-

Philippines Carnage Direct Result of Fukushima Radiation [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sabVRft-Q4Y] Rad Chick

Nuke Radio – Coverup Of Radiation Exposure Of US Servicemen Near Fukushima And Operation Tomodachi [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qcwl0NyvspQ]

Download 2000 plus pictures [http://photo.tepco.co.jp/en/date/2013/201302-e/130201-01e.html]

Leuren Moret Fukushima Much worse than we have been told [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkZ7v_6nsl0]

Saltwater makes little nuclear engines like buckyballs ,not absorbed into water , able to travel long istances ,last billions of years, very bad news . Uranyl peroxide enhanced nuclear fuel corrosion in seawater [http://www.pnas.org/content/109/6/1874.full ]

Canada Busted Covering Up Spikes In Fukushima Radiation [http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2013/12/canada-busted-lying-fukushima-radiation.html]

Model simulations dispersal of 137Cs released into the Pacific Oceanhttp://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/7/3/034004/article The death-streams recorded by Canadian Govt depositing death plumes 9 days later around entire coast BC Canada and it has continued for over 1100 days [http://web.sca.uqam.ca/~wgne/CMOS/PRESENTATIONS/5648_damours.pdf]

FOIAs Related to Japan’s Emergency [http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/foia/japan-foia-info.html]

DCA University of Alberta Doctors Discover A Cure For Cancer – [http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/06/26/dichloroacetate-university-of-alberta-doctors-discover-a-cure-for-cancer]

Nuked Pacific with Lauren? Moret & Rad Chick watch [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50C7UmMiJzw]

Excellent ! Chernobyl 3828 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfDa8tR25dk]

Excellent Reference … See ENENews … is a great site http://enenews.com]



© Copyright 2015 | Fueled by that “R” word from that far away “F” place … Fukushima Daiichi …. and the negligence and ineptitude of the E.P.A. … and NOAA …. the News and Print Media ….. and all those other baffled, befuddled, mystified and amazed, confused and shocked Oceanographers and Scientists calling themselves ‘Experts’ . . . ….


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