The Stranglers: Zionist Strategies of Conquest

for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land—Joshua 1:6 Imagine Imagine that you are rich. Imagine that you form part of an international corporation which is not listed in any country…

WHITE Racism APARTHEID Revives in Israel: They Run Palestinian-only Buses

I apologize to my American readers for this short introduction; yet, most Israelis have no ideawhom Rosa Parks was. On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, she refused to obey bus driver James Blake’s order to give up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger after the white section was filled. She was arrested for civil disobedience in violating Alabama segregation laws. This small act triggered civil rights protests across America and earned Rosa Parks the title “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement;” she became an international symbol of resistance to racial segregation, achieving prominence in the civil rights movement together with civil rights leaders, including National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Netanyhau's Deep Pockets: The Price of Silence

God is the friend of silence.—Mother Teresa American police officers buy greasy doughnuts, add an over-sweet cup of stale coffee, and then go out to hunt-down Latinos. Stereotypes are wrong and ugly; “You were born…