The Ebola Outbreak: ANOTHER US-sponsored BIOTERROR?

We can now be extraordinarily confident that the U.S. government is lying, in key material respects, about the latest Ebola outbreak—and not just because it lies about nearly everything of political consequence.  This article shows…

Rebirth of Empire & The American Role: The Global Biowarfare and Ebola Serum

All The Queen’s Men Can’t Save The Biowar Ebola Serum Minions of the British Crown pressured the World Health Organization (WHO) to schedule a two-day expert panel on the pros and cons of authorizing the use of untested experimental drugs inside the ebola outbreak zone. Celebrity microbiologists are hailing evangelical missionary Dr. Kent Brantly’s rebound from an ebola infection contracted in Sierra Leone, thanks to a novel wonder drug called ZMapp. With rapt attention, world audiences watched a thrilling televised drama of a chivalrous medical volunteer helping his felled female colleague, followed by a desperate flight out of Africa and then a stake-out of reporters in front of an American hospital. Tales emerged from an isolation chamber of how a chilled vial of “secret” serum dripping into the hero’s veins saved his life within an hour. If the astounding comeback from certain death sounds too good to be true, it probably is. In the media-driven panic over the spreading ebola contagion, any doubts about the antibody-based therapy and inconsistencies in the Brantly story are being trampled under a stampede of foreign medical personnel fleeing West Africa.

U.S. Stages Military Exercises In North and West Africa

While joint military exercises between the Pentagon and South Korea gained tremendous attention over the last week, there have been two major maritime and ground operations carried out under United States leadership with the involvement of…