Foundation of the US Empire: Axes of Evil

Empires are not easy to sustain given the multiple enemies that they provoke: at the international level (imperial rivals and emerging new powers), at the national level (national resistance movements, unreliable clients and untrustworthy ‘Sepoy’…

Cults of Personality: Power, Narcissism and Delusions

We are living through a chronically tense and, in wealthy parts of the world, a desperately self-indulgent era. Advertising teaches that fulfillment comes with compulsive consumption.     News media trivialize history and turn current…

U.S. Imperialism and the Sisyphean Quest for Full-Spectra Dominance and Power

Sisyphus and power complete for publication: FULL SPECTRA—NOT SPECTRUM—DOMINANCE The U.S. Imperium and its Neocon, Neoliberal and bi-partisan theoretician-apologists like to use the term “full-spectrum dominance”. Actually, for what they really mean, they should really refer to “full-spectra dominance” because what they are really referring to and intend is the quest for dominance over all the different types of spectra or ranges of dominance requisite for the continuance and expanded reproduction of U.S. Imperialism globally. They seek dominance—not parity or security—over differing types of dynamic (shifting) spectra or ranges (plural) as suggested by their research funding and deployments of: … The language the theoreticians of the U.S. Imperium use is always the language of authority and dominance. It is the language of grandiosity and hubris embodied in notions of some kind of “Manifest Destiny” as their self-and-summarily-asserted “authority” for forms of hegemony they are determined not to allow any other nation or force to even attempt parity let alone achieve dominance. The first of the immigrants and genocidal maniacs into North America, the Pilgrims, were Calvinists and proto-fascists who spoke of creating a “City-on-the-Hill” example for all other societies to emulate.

We Need to Take Back the Power of Issuing Money!

The Federal Reserve© ‘All rights reserved’ as Ben Bernanke would like to say.  **Read entire article inside Freedom Informant Network!**               First off, The Federal Reserve is not ‘federal’ at all, and THERE ARE NO RESERVES…