The old post-cold war order is now forever over. A quarter century after the falloff the Berlin Wall, a new and highly volatile geopolitical landscape is emerging in Europe. Its contours and content are not yet clearly evident, however. But in this tumultuous year of 2014 (marking a hundred years since the start of the “Great War”, and two hundred years after the Congress of Vienna) global events as in the past, are again(and with a vengeance) re-shaping or determining the way the map of Europe might look likein the coming decades. The extremely violent ructions in Ukraine showcase such a trend. This “semi-autonomous”and relatively stable former Soviet republic was once known as the “bread basket” of the USSR. It’s today just an impoverished basket case, left for the IMF to pillage and plunder in the name of “freedom and democracy”.

Military: The Backbone of US Hegemony

Obama: Military to remain backbone of America’s leadership As the United States prepares to remove its combat forces from Afghanistan after almost 13 years, President Barack Obama said Wednesday that the US military remains at the core of America’s ability to influence changes abroad. And while the commander-in-chief added at the Military Academy at West Point’s graduating ceremony Wednesday morning that the Pentagon reserves the power to launch unilateral attacks when America’s interests are directly threatened, Obama urged Congress during his remarks to earmark billions to assist allied nations combating terrorism and other major threats in lieu of relying on American force in those instances, as was done in Afghanistan and Iraq. Instead, Obama said, the US should lead by example within the international arena without creating any precedents that would pave the way for other nations to use established militaries or armed militias to further worsen tensions in the volatile regions where the US is observing from abroad.

The Year of Iran: Tehran’s Challenge to American Hegemony in 2014

This strategy aims to replace American hegemony, regionally and globally, with a more multi-polar distribution of power and influence. The United States is not the first imperial power in decline whose foreign policy debate has…

The Return of Empires: "Larger Spaces" versus Chaos in International Relations?

The recent expeditions of the French in Africa clearly smack less of neoimperialism than they do neocolonialism, and have prompted many to wonder whether the events are the start of a new cycle of world politics in which an outgoing unipolarity is perhaps being replaced by a forthcoming multipolarity not hailed by everyone, or something different, something new or maybe a repeat of history, but in new packaging? Maybe something that would allow, for example, the United States «to leave without actually leaving», to continue implementing their global plans in a more complex system of interstate relations? If so, then the imperial projects and vassal relations of by-gone eras that had seemingly vanished forever will turn out to be much in demand…

From Iran Sanctions to US Anxiety of Influence

In what can be seen as a blatantly overt interference in Iran’s affairs, US President Barack Obama has recently enacted a law “aimed at countering Tehran’s alleged influence in Latin America” through a new diplomatic…