Harare: Is It Really the Worst City on Earth?

For a change, I don’t want to discuss politics. I don’t want to debate whether big bad Mugabe is actually an African national hero, as many on this continent believe, or some brutal dictator, as…

John Brennan: Serial Killer Heads CIA

Chalmers Johnson called the CIA the president’s private army. Imperial Rome had its praetorian guard. It served and protected emperors.  CIA rogues work the same way. They do lots more than that. Extrajudicial killing is prioritized….

US Moves Towards OPEN ARMING of the "Syrian Rebels": After Hillary, Kerry IN!

Kerry replaced Clinton at State. He didn’t miss a beat. He continues her imperial arrogance. He prioritizes war. He deplores peace. He supports Israel’s worst crimes. He’s contemptuous of rule of law principles. He supports wrong over right. He’s indifferent to human suffering. US imperial priorities alone matter. His first overseas trip continues. He left Sunday. He’s visiting nine countries in 11 days. After meeting with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, he said: “We all agree that the time has passed for President Assad to heed the voice of his people and the voice of the people in the world who want a peaceful transition and a new opportunity for Syria.” “That’s why we are examining and developing ways to accelerate the political transition that the Syrian people seek and deserve.” Plans are to assure Western-backed death squads more aid. They’re not rebels. They’re invaders. They’re terrorists. Media scoundrels don’t explain.